"This is the long way of Chen Gongzi ..."

Li Yafai hesitated after the words of Yang Manqi, then smiled and said: "I have said that you may not believe that this Chen Gongzi should be almost like we have, maybe a little bit more than me ..."


Everyone looked at the beads and looked at the position of Li, the expression on his face was very incredible.

Because everyone in the venue feels that the boss of Li Jicheng Du Tianhao, the least age is more than forty or five years old, but it is called Chen Gongzi because of the question of the name.

But no one thought of this so-called Chen Gongzi ago almost like them.

One time everyone actually skepts if there is any problem with her ear.

"You don't have to surprise, I knew that Chen Gongzi was also very incredible when Li Jincheng boss, but Chen Gongzi's age is indeed very small!"

Li Yifan slowly said.

"Then Chen Gongzi is long and handsome?"

Yang Manqi quickly asked.

"Chen Gongzi's identity background can completely ignore his long phase, but Chen Gongzi is really handsome, and Chen Gongzi is also very good, but it is a little low, if you put it in ordinary people, you should have no It is said that the man is Chen Gongzi! "

Li Yifan slowly said.

"Long handsome and money and still very low, it is a perfect man!"

Yang Manqi shouted.

"Chen Gongzi is old, but it can become the boss of Li Juncheng Du Tianhao and others. Is he is a son from a big family?"

Wei Chen frowned.

"It is said that Chen Gongzi should inherit a heritage, and people who left Chen Gongzi's legacy should be the last boss of Li Jincheng, as for Chen Gongzi, what is the relationship between Chen Gongzi and this person. I don't know ..."

Li Yifan replied.

"I didn't expect Li Juncheng and Du Tianhao actually a company. I really didn't think it!"

Su Bai drank a beer and whispered.

"Yeah, but what is the most shocked or this old age is almost like us, I didn't expect such a big thing, this is too incredible ..."

"This is not the most horrible place. If Chen Gongzi is now similar to our age, then he will be horrible to have a horror, this is simply not thinking!"

Wei Chen heard a sigh of relief, then whisper: "If this Chen Gongzi is really almost, it is really very powerful, after all, we have just started college, and people have already had this A big company, even those of our four major provinces have respectful to Chen Gongzi, this gap is a bit too horrible ... "

Qi Ya looked at everyone couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Even if the Wei Chen's lobby, he heard the words of Li Yifan, it also flashed a different, although two of them were able to count in the same age, but if they were really The words compared to this legendary Chen Gongzi, then they still have a very big gap.

And this gap may be that there is no way to make up for anything.

But they just have a little lost, after all, this gap is no matter how they work hard, so they will not override this person, they will only have a better than their own conditions. .

Lin Fei Li Linger Ding Wen and others have never heard of Chen Mo's things, but they can see this so-called Chen Gongzi in these people, it is absolutely not ordinary people, or everyone's reaction will not Oversess.

Lin Fei really realized how much gap between himself with the so-called upper class.

Even when they sat on the same table, sometimes people said that they may not understand what they may understand, and such ordinary people are simply impossible to integrate into the circles of these people.

In fact, Qi Ya is in this feeling, sometimes, in front of these people, they seem to be so humble!

Even if it is a capital background that people who have a white peony, Jiang Feifei, Yang Manqi, and the capital background, and don't have anything other than a face.

Sometimes, the gap between people and people may be destined from a birth.

"If I can meet the characters like Chen Gongzi, it can be fine ..."

Qi and elegant couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

She felt that if she can find a boyfriend like Chen Mo, after all, the Chen Gongzi is very famous in the four provinces. I will be envied in the future, I will be envied, I don't know if I want to be Ning Tao. How many times the breed is strong, even if Daihao has no way to compare with Chen Gongzi.

"Don't think that Chen Gongzi is just a rich second generation, the success of the success is very powerful. When the day of the competition, he defeated a lot of masters. Nowadays, there are many big bigiers in the four provinces, they don't dare to go easily. Enroll Chen Gongzi, even my father is Chen Gongzi's hand ... "

At this time, Li Yifan added again.

"Your father is still Chen Gongzi's hand?"

Dai Hao stunned, the expression is incredible.

"Not only my father, the big people in the four provinces have chosen to return to Chen Gongzi, and our home needs to take a percent of ten percent profit filial piety Chen Gongzi ..."

Li Yifan does not seem to think that this is shameful, and said directly.

"One percent?"

Everyone was so stupid after hearing this sentence, and the expression on a face was very incredible.

"Chen Gongzi's ability is not you can imagine, we will take out 100% that is voluntary, Wang Bo knows?"

Li Yifan asked faint.

"Wang Suchan is sure heard!"

Wei Chen nodded.

"Wang Bo has sinned Chen Gongzi in the competition, Chen Gongzi directly wants to leave 70% of their houses, Wang Bo even does not dare to say ..."

Li Yifan said that there is no expression.

And everyone in the field was once again dumbful after hearing this sentence, and looked at Li's extraordinary. I didn't know how to describe myself.

"So, our family takes out 10%, that all ..."

Li Yifan Zhang said that he suddenly saw the box door was pushed away. Chen Mo walked into the box with Ning Tao.

When Li Yifan saw Chen Mo, he stunned.

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