I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 869: Have something to say!

At this time, this woman standing in Tang Ying is almost about 30 years old, but the body is very good with skin care, and it is very fashionable, and it is the very professional manager.

Moreover, Chen Mo's tone of this woman with Tang Ying felt that this woman should be Tang Ying's agent.

"Sun sister, what is going on?"

Tang Ying wrinkled his brow whisper asked Sun Jie.

"The other party is not so good, you will have the past."

After Sun Jie hesitated, he looked at Tang Ying.

"I said, I don't know my boss, why should I have to pass?"

Tang Ying wrinkled with his brows, and the tone shouted.

"Miss Tang, your broker has already found it, you still have to have us in the past, if you really want our boss, etc., you can trouble ..."

The male youth tangle shouted very impatiently, after all, in his eyes, Tang Ying is just an actress, an actress is still very rare.

"I don't know your boss ..."

Tang Ying seems to still don't want to pass.

"Guntie, you don't have trouble to find me, Li Yulong Li Boss is coming, now you are waiting for you in the hotel ..."

Tang Ying's broker Sun Jie frowned very helplessly shouted.

"Li always came over?"

Tang Ying was in the original place after listening to the broker, and his face was very incredible.

In this place, others can provoke, but Li Yulong's kind of person can be provoked, when a male star is blinded by Li Yulong, he was directly fanned directly in the face of many fans, and later this male actor It is also an apology and compensation. In the end, I am lucky. Otherwise, Li Yulong cannot easily let this male star.

So Tang Ying is also very afraid of Li Yulong.

"My grandmother, their boss is a big singer, worth hundreds of millions of years, background very horror, this time I heard that you came over, I deliberately shouted my friends together, just want to see you with you ..."

The broker Sun Jie looked at Tang Ying to continue.

"Sun Jie, I am really ..."

The expression on Tang Ying seems to be a little hesitant.

"What is true and false? The other party is really not able to provoke, if you really put my other side, don't say Li Yulong, the other person is easy to let you, this kind of person is not us. Ability to get crime ... "

Sun Jie said with anxious shouting.

"Sun Jie, who is their boss?"

Tang Ying has also been shaken at this time, and the brow is asked with Sun Jie.

"Their boss is ..."

Sun Jie Zhang said to talk.

"Hey? What do you do? Just now Tang's sister has said that she doesn't want to pass, do you have a little too much?"

Li Linger itself was born in the police family.


After listening to Li Linger, I watched Li Linger in my eyes, and then shouted: "Little girl, some things are not you can manage, I advise you not to get more free ..."

"How can I get a lot of things, Tang sister is my friend, since she doesn't want to leave, then you don't want to take her today ..."

When Li Linger came to Tang Ying, Li Linger shouted with the water of Water's big eyes.

Ning Tao Linfei and others have also walked behind Li Linger.

Tang Ying turned his head and looked at these people in front of himself, and the beauty flashed a different, because she did not think that these people would actually stand out to save themselves.

The youth of the headband talked about Li Linger, and then faintly said: "You have a few more now, before we are in the hotel, we don't want to make things big, so don't have a few to you, but if you are now If you have a lot of idle, then I can only be free ... "

"Can you still have you?"

Li Linger shouted very disdain.


Young people can't help but smile after hearing this sentence, then shouted: "Then I will let you see what I can do today!"

"Stepping ..."

A rush of a hurricane.

The seventy-eight strong men rushed over Li Linger and others, and these strong people are high, and they are as evil spirits, and they are not good.

Lin Fei and Ning Tao were seeing these strongmen, and the moment was stupid. The expression on the face began to become nervous.

Anyway, Lin Fei Ningtao and others are ordinary college students, and there has been no such scenes at all.

Ning Tao also reacted, why you will be so confident at this time. At this time, youth is a helper. At the beginning, there are not many people in the hotel, and I am worried that I will suffer, so I will let go of Tang Ying. But now it is different. So many strong men are around Li Linger, etc., once if you really play, then Li Linger must suffer.

"Ning Tao ..."

Li Linger seems to be some fear, so I can't help but look at Ning Tao's position.


Ning Tao took a deep breath, and he rushed to the youth before: "Brothers, I know you Zhang Shao, you can see you can give a face? What is going on?"

"Zhang Shao?"

The youth heard the phrase of Ning Tao, I can't help but stunned, and my eyes flashed a different.

"Yes, we know Zhang Shao!"

Li Linger saw a little change in his face, and he also shouted.

"What Zhang Shao?"

Youth tone is very unexpectedly asked in Ningtao.

Zhang Jiantong Zhang Shao! "

Ning Tao did not hesitate to be shouted directly.

At this time, this Zhang Shao in Ning Tao is a very famous rich second generation in Ning Tao school. It is also possible to have the relationship between Ning Tao. Ning Tao is also recommended by Zhang Jiantong this time, and also tell Ning Tao if If you have trouble, then just mention his name.

"Rely, what is Zhang Jiantong? Do you know Zhang Jiantong?"

But no one thought that the youth did not hear the disdain after this name, and twisted the people behind him shouted.


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