I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 877: I can understand!

This savior called Ning Tao called Zhang Jiantong, and his family is doing leather shoes. His dad is known as the leather shoes of Jiyuan Province, and Zhang Jiantong's mother is also working in Jiyuan Provincial Committee, so there is still a bit background.

Zhang Jiantong said that in Jiyuan Province, the general people had to give him a face. This sentence is not bragging. After all, Zhang Jia wants money to have money, and it is necessary to have a person. The average person does not dare to take him.

However, Qian Xiaoliang has a great relationship with Qianping.

Zhang Jiantong turned his head and looked at the money, and then said: "It turned out to be you, money Xiao Liang!"

"Yes, it is me, your friends gave me people ..."

Qian Xiaoliang said.

In fact, Zhang Jiantong is not afraid of Qian Xiaoliang, but he is afraid of Qianping, after all, Qianping is still in the province of Jiyuan, even if Zhang Jia people don't dare to enroll Qianping so black and white. Big brother.

"Qian Xiaoliang, is you a girlfriend of my friend? I told you that Ning Tao is my good buddy, you don't worry too crazy, it's almost ..."

Zhang Jiantong frowned and shouted with money.

Who did Qian Xiaoliang? Zhang Jiantong is very clear, plus Tang Ying, although wearing sunglasses, but whether it is a body or temperament, it is definitely a very beautiful big beauty, and Li Linger's pair of repairs Slim legs can also be considered the best in the best, even when normal people see these two women should be heartbeat, let alone money Xiaoliang?

Therefore, Zhang Jiantong felt that it was one of the money, Tang Ying, so the two talents will beat.

Such small things Zhang Jiantong feels that you should not be able to persuade a good persuade.

After Zhang Jiantong hesitated, he walked directly to Xiaoliang, and then smiled and said: "Qian Xiaoliang, these people are my friends, today, you will be Give me a face, let them ... "

"You Zhang Jianchang calculates something, why should I give you this face?"

Qian Xiaoliang turned his head and looked at Zhang Jiantong. He shouted with his face.


Zhang Jiantong did not think that Qian Xiaoliang would be such an attitude, and the eyes flashed a different, then wrinkled with brows: "Then what do you mean is not going to give me this face?"

To know that Zhang Jianchong still has some background, although I don't dare to provoke the kind of people, the money is nothing to do in his eyes. I have just given money to the face, but I didn't expect money to be bright. So speaking.

"Zhang Jiantong, I advise you now, I have no mood to take care of you ..."

Qian Xiaoyun is very impatient in Zhang Jiantong.

At this time, so many people were watching. After Zhang Jiantong, Zhang Jiantong went to Xiao Liang, and the face was naturally unable to hung, shouted: "Qian Xiaoliang, is my mother point to you?"

After that, Zhang Jiantong has to rush to the position of Qian Xiaoliang.

Those people brought by Zhang Jiantong have to rush.

" ..."

The bodyguards brought by Qian Xiaoliang have blocked the money in front of the money, although they didn't dare to move their hands, but they didn't mean they would be afraid of Zhang Jiantong.

Ning Tao saw that these people had to play, and they quickly stopped Zhang Jiantong, but whispered: "Zhang Ge, the other person is very much, or don't do it ..."

"Qian Xiaoliang, what do you mean? Today you have to tell me this!"

Zhang Jiantong took a deep breath, then smashed the beads and asked the money.

Qian Xiaoliang smiled and smiled. "Zhang Jiantong, you know who I don't know if these people are sin? I advise you not to manage the hour is for you, if you don't have it, there is no way ... "

"Who is they sin?"

Zhang Jiantong stunned, and the tone seems to be a little unfolbened and asked.

"It seems that you really don't know what is going on here. Then I will tell you, the woman is my cousin, let me invite me, I have Li Yulong, Li Yicu, and these people Blocking me, don't take this woman away, you are now helping these people, there is also a good relationship with me, understand what I mean? "

"How do you have a brother? Lee?"

After listening to these words of Qian Xiaoliang, Zhang Jiantong has changed in an instant, and the stunned station does not know how it should be good.

And Qian Xiaoliang is a proud of a face, and smiled at Zhang Jiantong.

"Do you have to sin, Qian Ping and Li Yulong?"

Zhang Jiantong turned his head and looked at Ning Tao and asked very unbelievable.

"We don't know who his brother is ..."

Ning Tao lost his low.


Zhang Jiantong looked at Ning Tao as a speechless. If today is money Xiao Liang a person, Zhang Jiantong is sinned, after all, Qian Xiao Liang is not a big person.

But if it is Qianping Li Yulong's big people, it is different. These two people will come out, they are all insensual. If they are really because Ning Tao, these people, the big troubles like Qianping Li Yulong. It is a bit too much not to pay.

"Ning Tao, are you not a pit? Do you say that you have to sin, not a criminal money?"

Zhang Jiantong frowned very helplessly shouted.

"Who is that money?"

Ning Tao stunned, and the tone seems to be a little disqualified from Zhang Jiantong.

"Don't know, what people don't need, anyway, you can't afford it, I can't afford it ..."

Zhang Jiantong whispered.

After hearing this sentence of Zhang Jiantong, Ning Tao was in the moment, and the stunned standing in the same place. I don't know how it should be good.

Who can think that even Zhang Jiantong has no way, the original Ning Tao also intends to point to Zhang Jiantong to get this thing. At this time, the last life of Ning Tao is also like this.

"Ning Tao, I am not a brother, I don't mean. I really can't help you. If I help you, I may have trouble, Qianping is really not so good ... "

Zhang Jiantong whispered in Ning Tao.

"Nothing Zhang Ge, I can understand ..."

Ning Tao finally realized the seriousness of this matter, and the tone collapsed back.

Lin Fei Dingwen and others looked at Ning Tao's position, desperate, I don't know what I can do.

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