After hearing Chen Mo's words said to Li Linger, the eyes flashed a strangeness, although Chen Mo said these words did be very touched.

But everyone knows that Chen Mo is just because it is arrogant to say these words, but all people will not say this, after all, Chen Mo in their eyes is just an ordinary student, even Good skill, but not so you can be so arrogant.

Ning Tao Lin Fei and others looked at Chen Mo's position, and the eyes flashed a lot of excitement. In fact, Chen Mo said that this sentence is just what they want, but two people don't have this courage.

Qian Xiaoliang looked at Chen Mo's position and smiled, then said that there was no expression: "Kid, don't use you now, wait for me to watch my brother, I see you still dare to speak!"

"What is your cousin? What did you count in my eyes? I let him kneel, he doesn't dare to stand ..."

Chen Mo looked up at the position of Xiaoliang, and said without expression.

"You let me have a brother, don't you stop?"

Qian Xiao Liang was heard in this sentence, and the expression on his face seems to be more angry.

"Kid, do you think you are? Do you know what people don't know? Do you think you are governor? You will pay for your ignorance ..."

Zhang Jiantong looked at Chen Mo's cold, and he felt that Chen Mo is a bit too ridiculous. The whole Jiyuan Province has no a few people dare to work with Qianping, even if they don't have this courage, Chen Mo Such ordinary students dare to say this, how can Zhang Jiantong may not be angry?

"The real ignorant man is you, Qianping is not as good as the dog in front of me, he even gave me the dog's qualifications ..."

Chen Mo looked at Zhang Jiantong, and the expression on his face was still very calm.

After heard that Chen Mo's sentence was heard, all of them were in the original place, and the expression on one face was very shocked.

"You actually say that I have a brother's lunch dog. The kid you die today, I tell you!"

Qian Xiaoliang glared at the bead expression very excited.

The bodyguards after Qian Xiaoliang also took their guys, and the expression was angry and looked at Chen Mo's position. If it is not because of how horror, these people may have already rushed up.

Ning Tao Linfei and others looked at Chen Mo, and the eyes were full of worry, they didn't understand why Chen Mo said that.

Li Linger stands on the side of Chen Mo, the expression is shocked.

Even Tang Ying can't help but frown, because she feels that Mo said that these words are really ignorant, this is clear that Chen Mili is a little-oriented, when Chen Mo wants to apologize if it is necessary to apologize. .

Sun Sister looked smile, then he said: "Miss Tang, you understand now? This Chen Mo is a problem with the brain. Fortunately, you did not call Li, but they did saved you, but they also It's just that you want to be able to do it in front of you this big star. If you talk about it, you can help them now, can you help them now? "

Tang Ying heard the phrase of Sun Jie, couldn't help but recall the picture before Li Linger, and then sighed.

Although Tang Ying knows that Mo's several people are also good, it is just that this method is really no way to understand.

"Miss Tang, now there is this look, we can't even manage it. If you want to say, let's don't worry, let them come to die ..."

Sun Jie looked at Tang Ying to continue.

Tang Ying took a breath, and his eyes flashed a short disappointment.

She is originally intended to let Chen Mo people apologize, then they are helping Chen Mile to seek love, but now things have become this look, even if they are estimated that Qianping will not let Mo, then she is There is no need to continue to participate in these things.

At this time, Chen Mo is still sitting in the same place.

At this time, there was a buzz in the outside.

After everyone heard the voice, he turned his head to look at the position of the hot spring entrance.

I saw a large group of people came in, and I was not in the forefront, I was Li Yulong and Qianping.

Qian Xiao Liang glanced over the eyes after seeing Qianping, and then shouted: "Table brother, you can come over ..."

"You are dead, the money is coming over ..."

After Zhang Jiantong hesitated, he whispered in Ning Tao and others shouted.

Ning Tao was heard of Zhang Jiantong's sentence, and his eyes flashed a tense.

And Chen Mo is still calm, and even if you don't see money, you will see people.

"Who is so big, even my people dare to fight, is it a boring?"

There is no expression in money.

Qian Xiaoliang stunned, and then quickly reached out to Chen Mo's position, then shouted: "Table brother, this is a small child ..."

Qian Ping heard the words of Qian Xiaoliang, and the eyes flashed, and immediately walked to Chen Mo, and asked Chen Mail: "Is your boy playing me?"

"it's me!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Then you know who I don't know who I am?"

Qianping looked at Chen Mile asked.

"A dog?"

Chen Miman is free to return.

At the scene, everyone heard Chen Mo's sentence again, and everyone was like a spell that was already appointed. It was stupid on the spot.

No one thought, even if Qian Ping came over, Chen Mo didn't speak such a coupon.

Tang Ying looked at Chen Mo's position, the expression on his face was abnormally collapsed, because she really didn't understand how Chen Mo thought it was, actually in the face of such a multiplayer is a dog!

"Do you dare to marry me?"

After the reaction came over, the expression was extremely angry, and then he had to go to his waist.

You know, when Qian Ping is usually going out, it is a gun.

Just now, Qianping saw Chen Mo, found that Chen Mo is just an ordinary student, so it is not really intended to shoot Chen Mo, he doesn't want to waste time on Chen Mo.

But he did not think that Chen Mo would be so arrogant, and it is a dog in the face of so many people.

Qianping must not swallow this breath. He is not intended to be relieved with Chen Mo, preparing to learn directly to teach Chen Mo.

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