I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 893: Don't you get a bottle?

Chen Mo smiled at the words of these two people, did not say anything.

Sometimes Chen Mo is still very much like a school's atmosphere, which makes people feel very relaxed. It is much simpler than the hook of the business community. If you can, Chen Mo still hopes that you can live like an ordinary person.

Before there is no inheritance, Chen Mo is very poor, life is very difficult, but the happiness at that time is the most simple.

And now Chen Mo has money, but there is no way to be as simple as before.

All money is not a good thing, there is money does not mean really happily.

Zhao An'an, who stands on the podium, seemed that the students inside the class seem to have not yet registered, and the beauty flashed a helpless, reached out, whispered: "Since everyone doesn't want to participate , Then I don't force everyone, but according to our school's regulations, a class boy girl must participate in seven projects, this is the regulations of the school ... "

"But now, there are seven people to participate, but your boys only have Meng Liang to participate in 10,000 meters, Liu Rui participated in the gun, and Zhou Si participated in the lead, there is still four projects no one to participate. , We must have four people to sign up today! "

Zhao Anan looked at the voice of everyone seriously.

"The squad leader, our class can participate in the sports meeting has been dropped, and the rest of our boys will not, how do you let us participate?"

There is a helplessness that is helpless in the class.

"Yeah, we don't want to participate, but attending the first countdown, isn't it to be blind?"

"I heard that this sports will have to go on TV, I don't want to be shameful in front of relatives and friends ..."

Everyone said.

"This sports will be in participation, there is nothing shameless, there are so many people have already signed up, but the first one is only one, they don't think it is shameless!"

Zhao An An frowned.

"The first although there is only one, but the countdown is only one, if we participate, it is definitely the first countdown, the last did not ran ..."

A boys who like naughty eggs are smiled and shouted.

"Hahaha ..."

Everyone laughed after hearing this boys.

Zhao Anan looked at the students inside the class. The expression on his face was very helpless. In the past, Zhao Hongtao organized by Li Kai. At that time, the students in the class were enthusiastic and very high, and they were actively participated. But now Li Kai is not there, these students in the class began to be lazy.

For a time, Zhao Anan didn't know how it should be good.

"If you have a boy, if you don't have seven projects, all students will be deducted from credits!"

Zhao Anan shouted with frown.

Everyone heard the sentence of Zhao An'an, and the eyes flashed a different, especially those girls.

But most of the boys seem to have still not changed the idea. After all, they are either learning well. They are not worried about deduction. Either is learning is not good, credits are not used by them, as long as they can graduate. .

There are a few girls in the class, which is going to compete for the annual scholarship. Once you have been buckled because of this thing, the scholarship will definitely be drifted.

But these girls are in anxious, they have no way, after all, they can't replace these boys to participate in the sports meeting!

"Li Kai, Zhao Hongtao is not going to study, and when they are there, there will be such a thing ..."

"Yeah, the boys in our class are too weak. I didn't even dare to participate even if I didn't want to participate. It is really too shame!"

"How is it so bad? Now, even a sports meeting will not dare to participate, really ridiculous!"

The girls in the class have begun to ridicule.

"Everyone is quiet!"

Zhao Anan heard these words, she shouted with her brows. She knew that these words can only let the boy in the class have completely lost their interest in the sports meeting.


The girls inside the class have shut up, and the boys are pulling their heads, I don't know what to say.

Zhao An'an quickly adjusted his emotions and took a deep breath, and then asked without expression: "Does our boy do people want to participate in the sports meeting?"

Everyone still didn't speak low.

Zhao An An flashed a helplessness, I don't know how it should be good.

"I attended!"

Just when Zhao An is preparing to give up, a sound suddenly sounded in the class.

After listening to this voice, everyone turned over.

When they saw the people whispered at this time, they had a doubtful expression after Chen Mo, and the eyes were full.

To know, the previous sports will not participate, because he will use the sports meeting to go out to work, or to go to the mineral water bottle, after all, the mineral water bottle is the most when the sports meeting is the most.

"Chen Mo, do you want to participate in the sports meeting?"

A male expression is surprised to rushing to Chen Mail.

"Yes, I want to participate!"

Chen Mo nodded very calmly.

"Chen Mo, what is your joke? Is this this year you don't pick a bottle?"

"Hahaha, yeah, Chen Mo I remember that you are not going to pick bottle every year?"

"This year's sports will be so big, the bottle is definitely, I think you still go to pick up the bottle is better ..."

"Chen Mo seems to have not to pick bottle for a long time ..."

The boys in the class have begun to ridicule Chen Mo, because these boys have been very dissatisfied with Chen Mile, after all, other boys don't plan to participate, you stand alone, this is not intentional to let other boys Is it difficult?

Therefore, these boys in the class will deliberately ridicule.

"Can you put your mouth clean, Chen Mo does not know what is your relationship with you?"

Meng Liang heard the words of everyone, and the eyes flashed a figures and frown shouted.

"Meng Liang, what do you mean? What we said is not the truth? Chen Mo did not participate in the sports meeting, when the last countdown is more ugly!"

"Yeah, it is better to let Chen Mumeo pick bottle and make a tuition fee of the next semester!"

The boys inside the class quickly dismiss.

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