I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 898: Don't worry!

Zhao An'an Liu Ruomang Liang three people saw Chen Mo said that the tone was very confident, and there was no more way to say.

"You should be tired? Otherwise, I invite you three to eat, what is it!"

Chen Mo took the initiative to speak.

"Do not……"

Zhao Anan didn't know that Chen Mo is a rich second generation, so I don't know what this meal is impossible for Chen Mo, and I can't think about it.

"Okay, I am waiting for you this sentence!"

However, Zhao An'an did not say it yet, Meng Liang shouted.

"Yes, today I have to eat some good, what is more expensive ..."

Liu Rui was also busy with it.

Zhao Anan looked at Liu Ruomun, and the expression on his face was very unexpected. I don't know why I don't know why I changed the same.

"What do you want to eat?"

Chen Mo asked very generous.

"It must be to eat the best Western restaurant next to our school, you should have a good expensive!"

Meng Liang said.

"Yes, go to the Western restaurant!"

Liu Rui also shouted with it.

"That, let's go to the Western restaurant!"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, and then Liu Ruantou is going to go outside the school.

Zhao Anan hesitated, and quickly ran to Chen Mo's side, then whispered to Chen Mo, "Chen Mo, are you crazy? Do you know how expensive? We don't know how expensive? Several people have to have two or three thousands of words in the past ... "

Chen Mo heard that Zhao An'an's sentence couldn't help but stunned.

"And you are also two, Chen Mo's condition you are unclear? Let Chen Mo will ask you to eat, even if you still go so expensive, two and three thousand dollars are his three months of living ! "

Zhao Anan turned his head to Liu Rui Mengliang, the murderer.

"The squad leader, I told you, now Chen Mo can not be bad, this is money to him ..."

Meng Liang seems to have forgotten Zhao An'an, I don't know what Chen Mo's identity, and I want to explain.

And Liu Rui quickly reached into Meng Liang, then smiled and said: "The squad leader, you may not know? Can Chen Mo go out to work out to win a hundred thousand dollars, so he is now not lacking, and he I have also promised that we have to ask us two to eat, so you don't have to worry ... "

"Ah ... to be right, it is such a thing, Chen Mo is now there is money, let him ask us to eat well, not too much!"

Meng Liang was also busy with the reacting.

"What work does this have earned so much?"

Zhao An'an stunned, and the tone was surprised to rushing to Chen Mail.

"It is just a zero, but because I have done it, the boss gives me a reward!"

Chen Mer was perfused.

"So this is ah!"

Zhao Anan took the letter to the head of Chen Mo.

"The squad leader, what do we do with Chen Mo, do you still don't know? Let's go to eat, you don't have to worry about you!"

Meng Liang said with Zhao An'an and said.

Zhao Anan saw that Chen Mo seems really not very heartache, so after hesitating, there is no more to say anything, but with Chen Mo and others, it is going to go outside.

Chen Liang, Liu Rui, Zhao An'an, I walked around the school.

However, when they walked to the school gate, suddenly found a large group of people around the two girls, the movement of the movement, the vulgarity of the speech.

The expression on the two girls 'face is also an unusual irritability. I have always want to break out these boys' entangle, but helplessness has been chasing, and it seems that it is not intended to leave these two girls.

Chen Mo looked at the situation on the side. I found that these boys were parked with luxury cars. There were Lambiki's Ferrari, the price should be not cheap, this means that these boys are not a small mix, but have money The rich second generation of people.

The rich second generation of Nanyang University hooks a female college student such a thing is still very common, after all, Nanyang University's beauty, often have a rich second generation to hook the girl, and those female students are all in the world, see these It is inevitable that the second generation of a good car is dressed in a rich and rich.

Some girls choose to leave the second generation, and some of the conditions itself will naturally give up their dignity because of these things, and they will choose to refuse.

In general, if the girl is refused, those rich second generation will not be entangled. After all, no one is willing to make this kind of thing.

Similar to the situation where the other party is chasing now is not much.

Chen Mo did not pay too much attention, and the steps planned to leave.

However, when Chen Mo came to those people, suddenly the consciousness stopped, and the eyes flashed a different.

Because Chen Mo suddenly discovered that the girl who was entangled by those rich two generations was actually the top beauty that Chen Mo came to the playground, and the girl around the beauty is her girlfriend.

Although Chen Mo did not have a side of these two girls, but for such a thing, Chen Mo will never make a lot of people. After all, Chen Mo is unclear how these people will work, in case people, it is known or small. There is a conflict between the couple, if you go out, you will get trouble.

Therefore, Chen Mo looked at it, he continued to go in front.

"It's too unlike, it turned out to harass girls in our school."

Meng Lang's character can't think so much, wrinkled and whispered.

"You don't have a lot of things, if you know itself?"

Liu Rui softly advised.

"That is also, if you don't know what it is estimated, you don't dare to do this too ..."

Meng Liang heard Liu Rui's words and nodded, and stepped away.

But the other side, the two girls seem to be somewhat impatient by these rich second generations, and the girlfriends of Zimei finally couldn't help but shouted: "You have been there." Postage. It has already been very clear, if you continue to entangle it, we will report it! "


When Meng Liang heard the sentence of the girl, Meng Liang suddenly looked back at an eye.

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