Nanyang University entrance.

Meng Liang shouted his life and shouted his life, and the two sides were in a fierce confrontation.

After listening to Zhao Ziqian, he flashed a nervousness in his eyes, and immediately reached his hand and rushed to Meng Liang: "Kid, I advise you to do it better or not, this woman is what we look at Zhao Gongzi. woman!"

"What happened to Zhao Gongzi? No matter what person is, as long as these two girls disagree, don't want to take them two!"

Meng Liang said some excited shouting.

After the girlfriend stood behind Meng Liang, a pair of beauty was full, after all, in such cases, someone can stand out to help them say that it is really very difficult.

At this point, there are very many students around, but only Meng Liang stands out.

"No, your kid knows that I don't know what people are Zhao Gongzi? Are you fucking? Do you know what is sin Zhao Gongzi?"

At this time, another boys also came up with it, and the tone shouted.

Previously, Zhao Ziqian also encountered this situation when he hookped his girl, but Zhao Ziqian said that he said that Zhao Gongzi's three people, the other party immediately scared, and it was an apology.

But no one thought that today they had encountered a head, and did not give them face at all.

And Chen Mo looked at Zhao Ziqian's position, he can feel that the other party didn't be afraid of the girlfriends alarm, and at this time, he was so arrogant, which proved that the other party was still very confident on Zhao Ziqian.

Even the son of the Sau Bai Wei Chen did not talk so much, so Chen Mo felt that this Zhao Ziqian's identity background is absolutely a higher level than Su Bai Wei Chen.

Meng Liang is just an ordinary person. It is not as good as Chen Mo, which is not as good as the situation in such cases. He also considers so much, standing in front of the two girls, no matter what the other party says, it is not intended. Step aside.

Chen Mo looked at Mengliang's position, and the eyes flashed a hint.

Although Meng Liang's approach is worth promoting, Meng Liang has a very deadly shortcoming, that is, it is too impulsive, and some things will not take the brain at all.

Today is because Chen Mo is here, so Meng Liang should not have any danger.

But if you replace it is the same situation, once Chen Mo is not here, the Meng Liang will provoke these people, can only give himself some big trouble.

Although Chen Sime did not blame Meng Liang, but Chen Mo felt that he was looking for a chance to remind Meng Liang, let Meng Liang did not do this, and at least, the other party is there. Make a choice.

"Kid, I finally asked you, what did you let go?"

The young man named Xiao Li is finally a little can't help. The previous step is whispered in Meng Liang.

"I just said, is it unclear? Today, they don't agree, don't want people to take people!"

Meng Liang said that he was excited.

"Don't talk nonsense, Laozi is not mood to waste time with this person, go straight!"

However, Zhao Ziqian, who was sitting in the car in this time, reached his hand, and said very calm.

Chen Mimei can feel that when Zhao Ziqian said this sentence, the tone is still very calm and natural. It gives people feel like it is a very ordinary little thing. This proves that Zhao Ziqian should not do this. Otherwise, you will not be easy to say.

The people of Zhao Ziqian did not hesitate to hesitate after hearing Zhao Ziqian. It took directly to the position of the car to take the box, and then took out the steel tube baseball battles from the trunk, and immediately rushed to Mengmeng The bright position rushed over.

These people have a very fast, and they don't have any nonsense, and there is no nonsense, and the guys who raise their hands have been playing over Meng Liang's head.

Chen Mo who stands behind Meng Bang did not think that the other party did so quickly.

He originally thought that these people would not talk nonsense, but who can think of these people should not mean nonsense.


A loud sound, one of the youth waved his baseball stick directly on the shoulders of Mengliang.

Meng Bang snorted, and later ended two steps, and he fell.

And next second, these people rushed up again.

These people are not the first time to do this, so they are very clean when they do their hands, and the movements are very fierce. It should be really rushing to interrupt the legs of Mengliang.

After Chen Mo hesitated, he didn't want to do it directly to Mengliang.

However, at this time, a young woman waved the baseball stick in his hand, and it was more fierce.

The baseball stick took the whistling wind.

"be careful!"

When I saw Chen Mo, I flash a different, because she knew that this youth that was rushing up at this time is the youth I have encountered on the playground.

"Chen Mo ..."

After seeing this scene, Zhao Anan also shouted.

But helpless has been too late, the other person's movements are very fast, although Chen Mo has a chance to avoid it directly, but Chen Mo has, once it is escaped, the baseball stick in the hands of the youth will definitely be on Mengliang.

So Chen Mo did not choose to avoid it, but raised his arm.


A loud noise, the baseball stick in the hands of youth squats on the arm of Chen Mo.

After all of the people saw this scene, all of them exposed the feelings of concern. After all, it was a baseball stick.

A baseball stick is like this, and everyone is thinking about it.

But all people didn't think that Chen Mo did not respond to the place, even if Chen Mo himself was shocked.

He is not a golden bone. On the contrary, he is just an ordinary person. If it is, if this time is playing on his arm, then, if it is not interrupted, Chen Mo's arm, Chen Mo will definitely feel painful. Talented, but Chen Mo found that he did not have much reaction.

And the youth that took the baseball stick seems to have encountered such a situation for the first time, and the eyes are full of shocking with incredible, and looked at Chen Mo.


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