The roar that shakes the heart and lungs is also tearing people's nerves. Even as an eighth-level civilization, he can't help but feel scared and uneasy when he hears it. This sound is definitely not caused by a seventh-level monster. Li Ming looked into the distance He frowned.

At this time, Yates quickly turned his attention to Li Ming.

Li Ming didn't say a word, but instead quickened his pace and headed straight for the roar.

Yates was stunned for a moment, but after seeing Li Ming's determined figure, he immediately followed him and said to himself: "With him here, I have nothing to be afraid of."

After passing through several huge rocky mountains, a strange phenomenon appeared in front of us.

In a deep pit surrounded by mountains is a blue ice lake, more than twenty meters long and wide. The entire lake is frozen, and on the surface of the ice lake is an eighth-level magical beast.

This monster has no limbs, is gray in color, has a smooth body, and looks a bit like a dolphin, but has two rows of bone spurs on its back.

The monster is seven or eight meters long and has a thick build. Its mouth opens to reveal sharp fangs, while traces of blue smoke continue to emerge from its mouth.

Right in front of the Warcraft were two aliens with semi-circular heads, and these two aliens were the two people Li Ming had just met outside the mountains. At that time, Li Ming had invited them to deal with the Warcraft together. But they were rejected by these two people, and I didn't expect to meet them again so soon.

"Aren't these two people...the two Mosidis just now?"

Yates also recognized it at a glance, looked at Li Ming, and said so.

Li Ming's attention was not on these two people. He turned his eyes and immediately discovered something unusual in the center of the ice lake. The bottom of the transparent ice lake center was constantly emitting a light yellow halo. Although it was very weak, it was also There is no escape from Li Ming's wise eyes.

Because the distance was too far, Li Ming still couldn't figure out what the yellow halo was, but the fact that the two Mosidis dared to take the risk and fight an eighth-level monster showed that the item was extremely important.

Regarding that monster, Li Ming has already identified it through the illustration in his mind. This monster is called [Ice Bass Beast]. It has hard skin and can release cold energy to attack. It is extremely powerful.

The two Mosidis had magical tribe abilities and could only use electromagnetic waves to attack, but the results were remarkable. The monster they fought was covered in bruises and retreated, unable to hold on.

For Yates, who is a Star Raider, there is no better time than this time. Once he takes action, he will surely achieve the purpose of killing people and taking advantage of others' danger.

So when he saw this situation, Yates looked happy, but when he saw Li Ming, his smile immediately faded and he said: "Boss, what should we do now?"


Li Ming showed a questioning expression, when did he become their boss.

Yates frowned and quickly replied: "What?...You are far stronger than us, and you don't kill us, don't you want to be our boss?"

Li Ming smiled lightly, shook his head, snorted softly, and said: "Okay, then I will be your boss for the time being. These two Mosidis people took the risk of fighting an eighth-level magic beast because of There is something in the ice lake. Let’s go down and help them kill the monsters first, and then get the items in the ice lake.”

"Is there something in the glacial lake?"

Yates turned his head and looked more seriously at the glacial lake in the distance, but under visual inspection, he saw nothing but ice.

Li Ming glanced at the other party and said, "Okay, let's do it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Ming took the lead and flew out. Watching Li Ming move, Yates and others also followed, and four figures quickly approached the ice lake from the air.

As soon as these four people appeared, the two Mosidis people below also immediately realized that something was wrong and looked up.

As soon as he saw the faces of the four people, one of the Mosidis people immediately realized something, his face changed, and he whispered to the person next to him: "Manly, it's them!"

The Mosidis man named Manli also glanced up and noticed the presence of Li Ming and others. His face changed instantly, his brows furrowed, and he was thinking quickly under his rolling eyes.

"Manmit, withdraw."

Manli said coldly and took the lead to retreat dozens of meters away.

Manmit was unwilling to do so. After all, the two of them had persisted for many rounds and had seriously injured the monster. They were about to capture it. If he stopped now, wouldn't he be giving it up to him? Although he was extremely unwilling to do so, he still gritted his teeth and retreated. Jumped far away.

"What? Just give it to them like this?!"

As soon as Manmit retreated far away, he said sharply and unwillingly.

Manli seemed a little calmer, his eyes kept looking at the sky, and whispered: "There are four of them. If they are attacked by a sneak attack, our lives will be lost!"

"But it's impossible to let go so easily. When they join forces to attack this monster later, we will give them some pain. Even if we give up the things in the ice lake, we can't grant their wishes so easily."

Manli said viciously, but there was a bit of murderous intent in his eyes.

After hearing this, Manmit nodded vigorously, turned his head, and looked at Li Ming and others high in the sky.

Although they were a little far away, Li Ming saw through the intentions of these two people with a glance. After a slight smile, he raised his right hand, and the white arc in his palm was beating, wrapped in a dazzling blue light, which was extremely strange.

When Yates saw Li Ming taking action, he no longer hesitated. However, just when he was about to take action, a green light suddenly shot out from Li Ming's body. This green light flashed like a sharp arrow and entered the ice bass beast's head.


As soon as the green light hit the monster, a painful roar immediately erupted. However, before the ice bass beast could do anything else, the electromagnetic waves on Li Ming's right hand suddenly shot out. The people watching around felt a flash of light in front of their eyes, and then A loud bang came out.

The dazzling blue light spread out from the ground, as if a large blue bowl was buckled on the ground, and at the same time, white arc strips rotated and danced on the surface of the blue light.

The surrounding rocks cracked, and the ice of the entire glacier lake was instantly reduced to fragments.

After a few seconds, the white arc disappeared, and the blue light turned into starlight and disappeared, leaving only the bruised body of the ice bass beast on the ground.


Manli blurted out in surprise, looking at Li Ming in disbelief.

Although Manly and Manmit had already teamed up to injure the monster before Li Ming took action, it was not to the point where it could be killed instantly with just one move. Moreover, Manly planned to wait for the four of them to make a sneak attack. Unexpectedly, one of them The monster was killed instantly. This shocking scene was really shocking.

Manmit also opened his eyes wide and slowly turned his head to look at Manly.

"This...this...what's going on?"

Manmeet didn't seem to have reacted yet.

Just when the two of them were at a loss, Li Ming's eyes turned and suddenly looked here. When Li Ming's eyes came into contact, the two men couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Split up, Manmit!"

Manli shouted loudly, jumped up, and ran straight into the distance. Seeing this, Manmit did not dare to hesitate at all, and jumped up and ran quickly in the other direction.

Seeing the two people fleeing quickly, Li Ming had no intention of pursuing them. However, Yates who was standing by him hurriedly came to Li Ming and said, "Are we just going to let them run away?"

Li Ming did not respond, but turned his eyes and looked at the glacial lake. Broken ice cubes were floating all over the lake, and the halo at the bottom of the lake was still clearly visible.

"The three of you go to the ice lake and take a look at it, and take out the things at the bottom of the lake for me."

Li Ming said calmly.

After hearing what Li Ming said, Yates looked at the ice lake attentively. The distance was now close, and the halo was noticed at a glance.

Seeing this strange phenomenon, Yates did not dare to hesitate any more and flew down, followed closely by Walden and Xavier.

Watching the three of them run towards the ice lake, Li Ming quickly fell down and arrived at the body of the ice bass beast.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a green light emerged from the surface of his body. After a few seconds, Li Ming showed a smile on his lips, and stretched out his right hand to grab.

The ice bass beast's flesh suddenly cracked a gap, and then a white bead squeezed out from the gap, like a pearl just taken out of a shell, white and smooth, with energy, it was the ice bass beast's beast Yuan.

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