I am the highest civilization in the universe

Chapter 295 Irritable Millicent

"What did you say?!"

Harsh words burst out from between Millicent's teeth one by one. Her eyes widened slightly, and the anger in her heart could not be concealed under her cold expression.

Li Ming still had a natural look on his face, but when he saw the other party's angry expression, he couldn't help but feel a bit of fear in his heart. This fear was born from the bottom of his heart and was out of control at all. Maybe this was the inherent deterrence of advanced civilization.

Even though he was very scared, Li Ming still pretended not to care. He snorted disdainfully and said, "Okay, I won't bullshit you anymore. I'll give you the information about our boss's spaceship, and you can just find her."

As he spoke, Li Ming had already transmitted information about the silver spaceship through the gray screen, and at the same time quickly closed the connection.

After doing this, Li Ming turned around and returned to his seat in the main cabin. After taking a few deep breaths, his mind gradually relaxed. However, Li Ming still felt strange. If they were all first-level civilizations, why was Li Ming in Ai? There was no such strong sense of fear in Adriana.

After sighing slightly, Li Ming stopped thinking about the matter. At this time, the operating mirror slowly floated over. Li Ming's eyes glanced at the information on it, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Judging from the information on the operating mirror, Adriana's spacecraft is still following Li Ming, like two constantly changing light spots. Although the other party cannot catch up with Li Ming, Li Ming cannot get rid of the other party in a short time.

This made Li Ming frown, and muttered to himself viciously: "I'm really entangled with this guy... I can't even get rid of him."

In fact, during the phone call with Millicent just now, Li Ming just said it casually, hoping to use it to cause some trouble for Adrienne, but he didn't really think that Millicent would stop Adrienne, but at least he could. It will affect the opponent's pursuit of him, but judging from his current position, it seems to have no effect.

Although Li Ming did it intentionally or unintentionally, Millicent took it seriously.

In the giant circular spaceship in the middle of the fleet at the edge of the Chaos Galaxy, Millicent looked at the operating mirror in front of her with an extremely ugly expression.

After glancing at the charming alien next to him, he whispered: "Alehela, search for that spacecraft based on that information."

Alehla nodded in response: "Yes!"

The information sent by Li Ming appeared on the operating mirror. It was a round silver spacecraft, and the operating mirror had already begun searching the entire Chaos Galaxy.

While he was doing this, a connection request popped up on the console again, and Alehla followed suit.

At this time, the operating mirror continued to search for the silver spacecraft while displaying a picture, which showed Dallas and others.


Alehla cried out in surprise.

Dallas in the picture ignored Alehla, looked at Millicent uneasily, and said: "Ms. Millicent, we..."

"No need to say it...I already know."

Before the other party could finish speaking, Millicent had already opened her mouth to stop her. At the same time, there was a hint of anger on her face, and she said: "I originally wanted to enter the galaxy peacefully, but it seems that it is no longer possible... Since you are still alive, then lead the fleet. According to the original plan, I... need to deal with one person alone, so I will arrive at Gallagher later."

As he spoke, his eyes were already looking at the screen he was searching for.

Dallas was stunned when he heard this and didn't understand the reason, but after a moment of hesitation, he replied: "Yes! Lady Millicent."

The connection was subsequently disconnected, and information about the silver spaceship also emerged.

The round cake-shaped spaceship was silver in color with a smooth and bright appearance. It looked like it was not the product of a low-level civilization. He stared at it for a few seconds and said, "The boss of the Chaos Galaxy... really wants to know how to do it." It’ll take a while.”

Millicent murmured softly to herself, as if she had some plans.

At this time, Alehla on the side also said: "Boss, what about... the Pioneer?"

Millicent glanced at Alehla next to her with contempt, and after a moment of hesitation, she said, "Leave the Pioneer to Winslow."


Alehla then replied.

Millicent's eyes were still fixed on the operating mirror. At this time, the mirror already showed the image of the entire Chaos star system, including the stars and all her planets.

Staring like this, Millicent stood up slowly and said coldly: "Open the door to the Milky Way from here first!"

As he spoke, the structure of the entire fleet had changed. The giant circular spaceship did not move in the middle, and the ten U-shaped spaceships on the left and right began to break away from the fleet and move quickly forward.

The V-shaped spacecraft behind the circular spacecraft also broke away from the fleet and flew sideways.

In the main cabin of the V-shaped spacecraft, an alien with a head like a flowerpot but one eye stood up from his seat, looked at the operating mirror coldly, and said: "I have said it before, war will Get respect! Use war to create a homeland for our Dominican civilization! Hahaha..."

The change in the fleet was the strategic adjustment of the Dominicans. Dallas and others, who were in the airspace near Saco, were talking about something in the main cabin of an oval spacecraft.

Dallas looked at the console in front of him and said: "It seems... the war is inevitable. The fleet is approaching Gallagher directly, but Lord Millicent and Lord Winslow..."

From the radar map on the console, ten ships were approaching this side, while the other two were moving in other directions.

Dagmar also looked at the changes on the console and said, "What made Lady Millicent and Lord Winslow go out together?"

Damon also looked at Dallas curiously.

But Dallas looked solemn. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "If you want to anger Lady Millicent, just a few simple ridicules are enough. The practice of that star makes her more and more irritable..."

Dagmar's face changed when he heard this. His thoughts flashed quickly in his mind. He opened his mouth and hesitated for a moment before saying, "You...you mean, that kid used the [Gray Hole Connection] and then angered Lady Millicent?!"

Dallas still had a stiff face. After a moment, he replied, "It's not clear yet...but occupying Galaha is the most important thing for us now!"

Dallas didn't say the reason clearly, but Dagmar seemed to have guessed it. His panicked expression was full of fear. Even Damon on the side showed a panic expression when he heard it. Everyone knew that Millicent was very scary when she was angry.

At this moment, the spaceship that Li Ming was riding was still transmitting in the form of light spots, but behind him, Adriana was also following closely, like opponents chasing each other on the highway.

Li Ming, who was calm at the beginning, also became unnatural, and his face gradually darkened.

"We still can't get rid of the other party at this rate..."

Li Ming's face showed worry.

The spaceship was leaving the Chaos Galaxy little by little, and Li Ming was thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

If he couldn't get rid of the other party, wouldn't he have to keep teleporting in the universe, and the energy in the spaceship would be exhausted, but at that time, Li Ming would be in real danger.

His thoughts turned quickly, his eyes stared at the operating mirror, and his right hand supported his chin.

After a few seconds, Li Ming's face suddenly changed, and he looked as if he had suddenly realized something. His eyes flickered, and he had remembered something. He turned his right hand and placed it in front of him with his palm facing up.

The palm of his hand flashed with blue light, and a black object appeared. This object was the size of an egg, black in color, flat, and had strange runes on the surface. It was the Star Map Key.

This Star Map Key corresponds to the Croft Galaxy, which is a prison galaxy in the planetary belt. It is extremely dangerous and can only be entered with the Star Map Key in your hand.

Since only the Star Map Key can enter, it means that only the current Li Ming can enter, and Adriana cannot enter. This is undoubtedly the best way to avoid Adriana.

Thinking of this in his mind, Li Ming showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, a green light flashed on his right hand, and the Star Map Key was completely wrapped by the green light.

The green light is Li Ming's spiritual ability. Under the urging of spiritual power, the coordinates of the location of the Croft Galaxy in the Star Map Key have emerged. It is not easy to enter the Croft Galaxy, even if you have the Star Map Key. It takes a lot of trouble.

However, since he has decided to go, Li Ming has begun to prepare for it.

After determining the location of the Croft Galaxy, Li Ming raised his hand and pointed at the operating mirror. The coordinates to the Croft Galaxy have entered the system of the spacecraft through the operating mirror.

Under the control of Li Ming's consciousness, the spacecraft listed these coordinates as the next destination, and a route map was generated on the operating mirror, and the transmission began.

After doing this, Li Ming smiled slightly and his eyes returned to the Star Map Key in his hand.

At the same time, near the distant Bedit galaxy, a long barrel-shaped spaceship was flying slowly. This spaceship was the Critical Point Central Joint Space Station.

Stationmaster McCree sat quietly in front of a meteorite table, looking at a green crystal ball in his hand. The starlight in the crystal ball was like a universe. As he was watching carefully, the portal on the cabin wall suddenly flickered slightly, and a figure walked out.

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