I am the highest civilization in the universe

Chapter 297 Landing on Bergson Planet

The Croft Galaxy is located in the planetary belt, which means that under the gravity of the star, comets in the planetary belt will continue to enter the galaxy, which invisibly increases the possibility of planetary collisions.

This would be devastating to any life up there.

Although this kind of place is full of dangers, it is not absolutely dangerous, because powerful weapons are installed on the four planets. If there are meteorites or comets approaching, they can be directly destroyed with weapons.

But overall, this kind of place is very unsuitable for living.

Li Ming looked at all this from the operating mirror and shook his head slightly, while taking out the star map key again.

The Croft Galaxy is located in the middle of the planetary belt, with the outer system at one end and the middle system at the other. Li Ming, who has the star map key, can enter the middle system through here. This is also a good opportunity for Li Ming.

With this thought in his mind, Li Ming prepared to restart the star map key in his hand to find the safe coordinates to enter the central system.

His eyes were slightly closed, his mind concentrated, and his mental power was injected into the star map key again with the green light. After more than ten seconds, Li Ming's brows wrinkled slightly, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he took a deep breath.

His eyes slowly opened involuntarily, and he turned to look at the star map key in his hand, whispering: "Why not? It shouldn't be..."

Li Ming suddenly felt worried, staring at the star map key in his hand with confusion.

According to Li Ming's cognitive records, the Star Map Key is a tool developed for this exclusive organization. It is needed to enter and exit this area. The Croft star system is a prison for advanced civilizations in the middle system, so there will naturally be people entering and leaving the middle system. The path of civilization, then why doesn't this one in my hand exist?

Li Ming fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Li Ming's eyes couldn't help but widen a little. With that expression, he had already thought of the possible reasons, and he couldn't help but muttered: "Could this star map key... be a one-way star map key?"

It is not easy to develop a star map key. Generally speaking, it is divided into main star map key, backup star map key, and one-way copy star map key. The main star map key is collected by the senior officials of the Chinese civilization, and the backup star map key is held by the warden. The one-way copy star map key is held by material supply personnel.

Judging from the star map key in Li Ming's hand, it is most likely a one-way copy of the star map key.

Li Ming looked at the star map key in his hand and couldn't help but shook his head slightly and whispered: "If this is the case... then how the hell can he enter the middle system?!"

With a long sigh in his mouth, Li Ming could only hold the star map key with helpless hands and put his eyes back to the operating mirror in front of him.

On the operating mirror, the four planets were still rotating. Li Ming stared at these planets and pondered secretly.

But at this moment, a message suddenly entered Li Ming's operating mirror. Li Ming immediately became energetic when he saw the message. After sitting up straight for a few minutes, Li Ming stretched out his right hand a little.

A message from the Bergson planet has appeared on the operating mirror.

[Please go to Bergson Freda Base for identity verification, otherwise it will be destroyed directly. 〕

[Please go to Bergson Freda Base for identity verification, otherwise it will be destroyed directly. 〕


After several messages, Li Ming showed a cautious look. It was obvious that his spaceship had been noticed by the other party, which made Li Ming hesitate.

The moment Li Ming hesitated, a new message came again.

[You have been locked! 〕

As soon as he saw this message, Li Ming quickly raised his hand to face the screen, and immediately responded to this message.

[Confirmed to land on Bergson star for inspection]

Li Ming replied in a hurry. Although he had already replied, Li Ming still looked nervous, because Li Ming knew very well that the attack system of the Croft Galaxy was very advanced and could destroy even meteorites and comets, let alone one. A spaceship.

A few seconds later, a series of coordinates were transmitted to Li Ming's spacecraft. These safe coordinates were sent from the Bergson star. The entire coordinate transmission route was from Li Ming's current position to the Bergson star, and even on the Bergson star. The landing site on Geshen has also been marked in detail.

Li Ming had no choice but to accept these coordinates and let the spacecraft system transmit according to these coordinates.

Li Ming actually doesn't know much about the real structure of the prison system. The only memory of prison in his mind is when he was on Mars. That was Li Ming's first stop after leaving the earth. The Ulysses Mine was also a prison. district.

But that was a prison for a low-level civilization, so it was naturally not the same as here.

Feeling uneasy in his heart, the spacecraft also teleported to the Bergson star bit by bit.

Half a day later, many people gathered in front of a huge building on Bergson. These people looked up at the sky, each with solemn expressions, both expecting and cautious, because a triangular spacecraft was slowly rising from the sky. landing.

This spaceship is the triangular spacecraft driven by Li Ming.

After reaching an altitude of more than ten meters above the ground, the spacecraft stopped. A few seconds later, a white light shot out from the bottom of the spacecraft. This white light was scattered, like a searchlight, and under the light, a figure was slowly landing.

This person is none other than Li Ming.

While landing, Li Ming's eyes had already begun to look around. The surrounding buildings and the number of aliens nearby were all taken into Li Ming's eyes.

The first thing that came into view was the crowd below, two ninth-level people and a dozen seventh-level people, all wearing black armor and carrying blue swords on their backs, just like an army.

These people's heads are like monkeys, but they have no hair and bald heads. Each of them has a serious expression and stands firm, as if they have undergone strict training.

Judging from these appearances, the people guarding the prison here are very regular troops from alien civilizations, just like soldiers in humans, majestic and intimidating.

Not far behind them is a huge building. The shape of this building is a bit like a rocket. The middle building is tall and tall, like a nearly thousand-story high-rise. The surrounding buildings are relatively short. There are only over a hundred floors.

Because these buildings are stacked closely together, it looks like there is only one building. Not far from this building, there is a circular building, which is not large in area and looks like a large bowl buckled on the ground. It looks like an abandoned place.

Looking further along the building, there is a dark, foggy look that looks black or gray. In the haze, you can also see some undulating black shadows. I don't know if they are buildings or other objects.

This information was taken in by Li Ming's eyes at a glance, and his feet were slowly landing on the ground.

Before Li Ming could do anything, the aliens from the seventh-level civilization pulled out the blue swords from behind and quickly surrounded Li Ming.

Li Ming remained motionless, looking left and right, but didn't pay much attention.

These seventh-level civilizations obviously did not pose a threat to Li Ming, but the weapons in their hands made Li Ming take a few more glances.

The surface of the blue light sword is rich in energy, and the sword body releases powerful cutting energy. It is a product of advanced technological civilization. Although these seventh-level civilizations are not scary, the weapons in their hands are still worthy of Li Ming's vigilance.

As far as appliances are concerned, technological civilization is dominant. As for the weapons in the appliances, technological civilization can even be mass-produced. These weapons are not stardust weapons, but their power is comparable to stardust weapons, so they are also called stardust weapons. Weapons are classified according to their levels.

After surrounding Li Ming, one of the ninth-level aliens took a few steps forward and came to Li Ming. He stared at Li Ming and said, "Who are you and why did you come to Croft?!"

Li Ming looked at the two ninth-level people with narrowed eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "I... am here to deliver supplies."

Li Ming's answer was entirely based on the information seen by Huiyan.

The Croft Galaxy has almost no other energy sources except the light energy of stars, so the energy demand is very huge. In addition to energy, various materials are also in urgent need.

The supply of energy is provided by the central system, while the supply of materials is provided by the external system, both of which are important to maintain the operation of Croft. From the information obtained in the other party's mind, we know that the spacecraft responsible for the procurement of external systems has not returned for a long time. , so Li Mingcai said this.

Two ninth-level people, one named Bonaro and the other named Aspi, are the top leaders of the Bergson Experimental Institution.

Ashby was the ninth-level man who first questioned Li Ming. After hearing Li Ming's answer, Ashby's expression suddenly changed. After hesitating for a moment, he asked: "Where is Hancock? Who are you?" !”

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