The electric current is like a power source, constantly urging the Nebula Cauldron to rotate, causing the surface of the rotating Nebula Cauldron to make a "chichi" sound and jump around with an electric arc.

After this continued for a while, Li Ming grabbed hard with his right hand. After a 'buzz' sound, the rotation of the Nebula Cauldron immediately stopped.

As soon as this action appeared, the three people on the side were all shocked. All their eyes were round and big, and their mouths were full of shock. One pair of eyes didn't even blink, but their eyes kept staring. Xingyun Cauldron and Li Ming looked back and forth.

Li Ming sighed slightly, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face, but still reached out to the Xingyun Cauldron.

Just when Li Ming's hand was about to touch the Nebula Cauldron, the muscles under Ojielina's eyes trembled slightly. A pair of old eyes stared at Li Ming closely, and her cracked lips slowly opened, revealing a mutilated face. There were incomplete gray teeth, and a few words popped out from the gaps: "No!...Yes!...Can!"

Li Ming paused his outstretched hand and looked up at the other party.

When Ojielina saw Li Ming's eyes, she suddenly became even more angry. She pointed at Li Ming with her left hand and said, "I refined the haze-repelling pill for fourteen star days... You completed it in such a short time? !impossible!"

Li Ming didn't respond, just smiled slightly, then grabbed the Nebula Cauldron with his right hand, and a black pill was actually taken out.

Li Ming held the elixir between his fingers and waved it in front of the three people.

The eyes of the three people were completely attracted by the elixir. Its appearance was smooth and crystal clear. Although they were both black, the elixir in Li Ming's hand was like a black pearl, matte and self-luminous, and exuding a strong energy aura. .

This is not at the same level as the pill Li Ming crushed. If this pill was a pearl, the one he crushed was just a lump of coal at most.

Perhaps they had been experiencing inferior elixirs like Ojielina's before, but suddenly they saw the one refined by Li Ming, and the three of them's eyes lit up.

Li Ming looked at the three people, and then said: "This elixir can resist the poisonous mist dozens of times longer than the previous one, but... it's not the best..."

As he spoke, Li Ming shook his head slightly, as if he was not satisfied with the one in front of him.

"I do not believe!"

Ojielina roared angrily, and suddenly stretched out her hand towards Li Ming, grabbing hard with four fingers, and a suction force came out from her palm. The elixir in Li Ming's hand flashed out under the suction force, and flew to Aojie. Lina's hands.

Ojielina put the elixir in front of her eyes. Her old face tensed up instantly and her eyes widened a bit. After looking at the haze-repelling elixir for a moment, they turned to Li Ming.

After taking a deep breath, Ojielina gradually calmed down and said, "This elixir is indeed good, but its effect in dispelling haze... remains to be tested."

Bonaparte couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this. Judging from the induction alone, this elixir is indeed excellent, but its effect still needs to be verified.

At this time, Aspi suddenly took a few steps forward, took the elixir from Ojielina's hand, and said, "Then let me try it..."

With that said, Aspi turned around and walked out.

At this time, Bonasa looked at Li Ming with a very different look. Just when he was about to say something, the armor on his right arm suddenly made a beeping sound.

Bonaparte quickly raised his arm and took a closer look. He saw a blue light flashing on the armor. A message had appeared. The content of the message just flashed and then disappeared. However, after reading the message, Bonaño Si's face also changed slightly.

Her eyebrows shrank slightly, as if something urgent had happened. After hesitating for a moment, her eyes turned to Ojielina and said, "I have urgent matters here and need to leave for a while. We will talk about alchemy when I come back later. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Bonado left in a hurry.

Li Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Bonaso's hurried figure, and frowned slightly. Hui had already seen the reason for Bonasa leaving, but just as Li Ming was thinking, Ao Jieli stood beside him. Na suddenly stepped forward.

Hearing the sound of his wooden staff colliding with the ground, Li Ming immediately turned around and looked at the other person with his eyes.

Ojielina first smiled coldly, and then said: "Boy, the elixir you just refined... is indeed good, but here, I have the final say, you are really capable, hahaha... It’s impossible to replace me.”


Li Ming then let out bursts of chuckles and sighed longly, as if he was laughing at the other party's ignorance.

Ojielina was suddenly startled when she heard this, looked at Li Ming sternly, with a puzzled look on her face, and said, "You...why are you laughing?!"

Li Ming's eyes twitched, he glanced at the other party contemptuously and said, "Since you have stayed here for so long, tell me why only one alchemist is allowed here?"

Aujielina shook her head left and right after hearing this, laughed a few times, and said: "This is the rule of the alchemist. Is there any alchemist who allows two alchemists to exist in the same place at the same time?"

"Alchemists are inherently scarce. No matter which force you belong to, the only way to maintain yourself is to protect your status. Don't you even know this?"

Ojielina continued, her eyebrows filled with disdain for Li Ming's ignorance.

Li Ming didn't pay attention, and nodded, saying: "You are talking about the civilized galaxy, but it is different here. You know better than me about the elixirs refined here. They are all refined for experimental institutions. Aren’t the ordinary prisoners in prison all the subjects of the enhanced potion? Such an experiment requires a more powerful alchemy master to operate, and similarly... this kind of experiment cannot be known to anyone."

"If you want fewer people to know about it, you need fewer people to operate it, alchemist here is enough."

Li Ming said slowly word by word.

However, Ojielina listened attentively and was also doubtful about what Li Ming said. She rolled her eyes and kept thinking.

Li Ming continued: "Judging from my ability to make alchemy, I'm afraid you will have to..."

As soon as she said this, Ojielina's face suddenly became even more ugly, and she was even a little worried.

Li Ming, on the other hand, looked calm and continued: "You took the initiative to hand over the alchemy formula and data to Bonaro. Haven't you ever thought about the reason?"

"All the data is prepared for a more powerful alchemist. Once that powerful alchemist appears, then you...have to go to sleep."

Li Ming continued.

Ojielina was already a little nervous at this moment, as if everything Li Ming said made sense, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that something was wrong. She walked back and forth with a solemn expression.

"How do you know this? Did Bonado tell you?!"

Ogelina asked quickly.

Li Ming sighed again and said: "How I know is not important, but if you want to survive... you have to listen to me, otherwise... you will be dead."

Aojielina did not reply immediately, her eyes were twitching as she kept thinking, and she was already 70% convinced and 30% doubtful about what Li Ming said.

Li Ming ignored the other party, turned around and began to walk away, just preparing to leave here.

Ojielina was startled when she saw this and asked: "You...where are you going?"

Li Ming continued walking and said without looking back: "Do your own thing well. You are not qualified to interfere with my affairs."

As he said this, Li Ming's figure had entered the portal and disappeared.

After just one meeting, Li Ming became the guest, as if he was already in control of this place. This made Ojielina slightly startled when she heard it.

Li Ming's confident look seemed to be in control of everything. This was a strength that others could not understand.

At this moment, far away from the building where Li Ming is located, a cloud of haze is approaching a round building. This cloud of haze is completely separated from the huge cloud of haze in the distance, just like a ball of cotton separated into two parts. Small pieces are average.

But just such a small cloud of haze already made people in the circular building tremble with fear.

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