Use the star capsule to collect all the opponent's spacecraft and the flowing black liquid. All items illuminated by the star capsule were sucked into it. After making sure that nothing was left behind, Li Ming returned to his spacecraft.

As soon as Li Ming entered his spaceship, a helicopter flew over the area. However, before the helicopter could find the place, the silver spacecraft disappeared with a bang.

Li Ming in the main cabin looked at the console in front of him, and the entire earth's appearance was displayed in front of him.

Looking at it, Li Ming couldn't help but touch his chin with his hand and whispered: "Since I'm back, I might as well look around."

With that said, Li Ming directly drove the spacecraft to start flying around.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Li Ming changed the appearance color of the spacecraft to be like a piece of transparent glass, so that it would not be easily detected. The technology on this spacecraft is enough to deal with any attack and defense on the earth.

Li Ming took the lead and came to the suburbs of a city. Deep in Li Ming's memory, this was the place where he was born, but now it has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original village had turned into a high-rise building, and things and people had changed. It was no longer what Li Ming remembered. In the spaceship, he looked at the environment below through the console, with a calm expression and an expressionless face. Then the spacecraft flashed, and in the air Disappeared.

In the night sky, over T City, Li Ming's silver spaceship flew in the sky like transparent glass. This city is also one of Li Ming's important memory points.

The changes here are not big. Li Ming looked at it blankly, and the names of two people slowly appeared in his mind. One was Meng Lianyi and the other was Hu Kai.

Thinking of these two people, Li Ming smiled slightly.

Looking at the console in front of him again, Li Ming frowned and narrowed his eyes at a glance.

There was a woman standing on the edge of the roof, looking like she was about to jump off the building.

This building is nearly fifty stories high. If you fall from it, you will definitely die. On the top of the building, a girl is wearing a skirt and her feet are bare. Her eyes are filled with despair for life.

After a few seconds, her eyes suddenly closed, her body leaned forward, and she fell straight to the bottom of the building. But at this moment, a force suddenly lifted the girl up, and her rapidly falling body immediately became floating.

Her long black hair was fluttering in the wind, and her ears were filled with the sound of wind, as if she was flying in the air. At this moment, the girl immediately opened her eyes, and looked around to see that not only was she not falling, but floating upward.

Beside the girl, a figure also floated, it was Li Ming.

Li Ming looked at the other person gently and said: "Life is so beautiful, why do you give up so easily?"

The girl was shocked and couldn't believe what she saw. Her big, watery eyes kept looking at Li Ming.

The girl's cute face also made Li Ming feel a little familiar, as if she had seen him before in the depths of his memory.

The two looked at each other like this, and returned to the roof of the building after a few seconds.

At this time, the girl felt as if she was in a dream. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She looked around for a while and then at Li Ming, with a look of confusion on her face.

Li Ming, on the other hand, looked at the other person from feet to face.

Her naked white feet were on the roof of the building, her skirt was blowing in the wind, her cute face, and her blinking eyes looked very much like the person Li Ming knew.


Li Ming let out bursts of chuckles, flipped his right hand and took out a Nebula Pill.

"It's fate that you and I met. I'll give you this as a gift."

Li Ming said and handed over the elixir in his hand.

The girl couldn't help but be in a daze when she looked at the elixir. Then she looked at Li Ming's smiling face. After hesitating for a moment, she stretched out her little hand and took the elixir in her hand.

Watching the other party take away the elixir, Li Ming smiled again. At this time, a blue beam of light suddenly shone on Li Ming's body in the sky, and Li Ming's body floated slowly, following the blue light into the air.

Watching Li Ming's figure rising higher and higher, the girl clenched the pill in her hand, but her expression suddenly changed, as if she suddenly remembered something. She looked up at Li Ming who was about to disappear, and shouted loudly: "You...what's your name?" ?”

The sound echoed in the night sky, and Li Ming's figure completely disappeared in the air.

Only the lonely shadow of the girl was left in a daze on the roof.

In the outer space of the earth, a silver spacecraft flew away quickly, and after a few flashes, it disappeared in the dark starry sky.

At this time, Li Ming still had a very important thing to complete, which was to destroy the blue hole.

After locking on the target position, Li Ming's spaceship returned to the position of the blue hole after a while. At this time, the blue hole has not yet fully recovered, and the cracks still exist. Although it has been partially repaired, it will still take a long time to completely repair it. time.

Li Ming looked at it coldly and put his hand on the operating table.

At this time, the huge gun barrel on the top of the spacecraft reappeared, the mouth of the gun barrel flashed, and an aurora shot out with a 'swish' sound.

'boom! ’

There was a crisp sound, and the blue hole shattered like a mirror.

The debris floated in the vacuum of space and gradually turned into little stars and disappeared.

After doing this, Li Ming showed a satisfied smile.

During this trip to the outer system, Li Ming's mission and purpose were all completed. Not only did he destroy the blue hole, but he also witnessed the earth again. Now Li Ming can completely return to the Huey Alliance headquarters.

However, Li Ming had no such plan. Instead, he frowned slightly and thought about something, and even whispered: "Brendan..."

As he spoke, Li Ming's mind began to review the information in Brendan's mind.

First of all, Brendan’s identity is from the Pegasus Galaxy, the Laga Star System, and a Li Star person.

The main role played by the Pegasus galaxy is to control the low-level civilization areas in the outer system. Therefore, the civilization combat power of this large galaxy is divided into two parts, two-thirds are allocated to the outer system of the Milky Way, and one third cooperates with the large and small Magellanic giants. Galaxies attack the Milky Way.

Brendan's mission is to deploy [worm lairs] and control various low-level civilization galaxies.

However, Brendan had already died in the hands of Li Ming, and the safety of many nearby galaxies was basically intact. This information was of little importance to Li Ming. The main thing was that Li Ming needed to understand the thing called the worm hole.

In addition, there is another very important piece of information in Brendan's mind, and that is about the Sino-Chinese war.

According to the plan formulated by the headquarters of the Pegasus Galaxy, after Brendan completes the task of occupying the outer system, he will hand over the place to the control of the subsequent low-level civilizations coming in from the blue hole, and Brendan, as a high-level civilization, will return to the control of the outer system. Return to the Central System.

Brendan, who returns to the Central System, will work with some personnel from the Large and Small Magellanic Systems to search for resource stars in the star fields they have controlled and plunder resources.

Seeing this, Li Ming already understood the intention. To put it simply, after the central area is controlled, a separate team will be formed to plunder all planets with resources, and Brendan is one of its members.

This was Li Ming's excitement. A slight smile appeared on his lips and he whispered: "Since we are plundering resources, we should go and see what happens. By the way, we can try the [Demon Shadow Incarnation] in the inheritance star book."

Shadow incarnation is one of the abilities in the Star Book of Inheritance. This ability has the same effect as the disguise potion, but it eliminates the sampling process. You only need to control the energy according to the cultivation method to become what you want.

Li Ming has already mastered Brendan's appearance. If Li Ming wants to participate in their plunder this time, it is naturally very important to transform into Brendan.

With this plan in mind, Li Ming manipulated the coordinates on the spacecraft to leave here and return to the central system.

At this time, the Milky Way galaxy is no longer peaceful. A large number of blue holes have begun to appear in various star fields. At the same time, some small spacecraft of the advance team are constantly flying out of the blue holes.

All blue holes have the same appearance, like blue flames spreading and burning. If you look at it from a plane perspective, it looks like the grass on the prairie is ignited. The flames spread and burn around a central point. The area burned by the flames is the blue hole.

The formation and spread of blue holes are very slow. When they reach tens of meters in length and width, small spacecraft will fly out from them. These spacecrafts mainly protect the blue holes.

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