I am the highest civilization in the universe

Chapter 48: Unknown and Unsolved

The consciousness that is absorbed into the brain can be turned into one's own memory. Things that have not been touched before will become inexplicably proficient and familiar.

Whether it is the [Intelligence Eye] that has just been obtained or the Emma that has been swallowed up by Li Ming's consciousness, it needs to be absorbed and integrated bit by bit to transform others' into one's own, which requires a long process.

Moreover, time alone is not enough, you also need a level of civilization, because some things can only be understood after reaching a certain level.

Li Ming gently closed his eyes and carefully reviewed the consciousness he had just gained. Although he still could not grasp all of it, some basic information had emerged...

First of all, regarding the Eye of Wisdom, this has greatly improved Li Ming's mental power. Originally, he could only see through the thoughts and behaviors of lower-level civilizations, but now it is different. The practice of basic astrology has enabled Li Ming to see the thoughts of higher-level civilizations.

More powers of discernment still need to wait for the brain to digest the knowledge in the star book. At the same time, advancement will also allow Li Ming to master more abilities of discernment, which cannot be rushed.

Furthermore, there is the Emma that was just swallowed. Emma belongs to biological civilization, and the abilities of this civilization do not belong to the battle sequence. Its civilization discoveries are mainly related to life, including energy and immortality, energy and death, energy and control, and energy and Various relationships between species.

However, these all require the support of star records, which are still too far away from Li Ming. However, one thing caught Li Ming's attention, and that was the refining of Xingyao.

Star Glory is a must-have for any advanced civilization. This kind of thing requires the configuration of various rare materials, and then is refined by biological civilization.

Refining Star Glory is not possible for any civilization. This is caused by the development of civilization. Just like humans and other animals on the earth, you will never be able to soar in the sky anytime and anywhere like a bird, and you will never be able to swim in the sea like a fish.

This unique ability strengthens the interdependence between civilizations. Li Ming devoured Emma and mastered this ability invisibly. However, there is not much that Li Ming can know about biological civilization. It just takes time and constant advancement to swallow his consciousness, but the foundation is still good.

Opening his eyes again, Li Ming's expression became more relaxed and natural, accompanied by a satisfied smile. With his spiritual civilization, biological civilization, and stardust weapons, Li Ming was fully prepared in terms of leaving the earth.

Li Ming stood up slowly and looked at the damaged exit of the passage. Li Ming planned to leave here.

After walking a few steps along the passage, Li Ming suddenly stopped. He turned his eyes and looked at the wall on the right. A damaged hole caught Li Ming's attention.

The hole was the size of a basketball, and black lines were exposed on the irregular edges. These lines were not wires in the human world. The surface is hard, like a stone, about the thickness of a finger, and there are some strip-shaped objects protruding from the surface, like blood vessels or veins on the surface of the human body.

Li Ming didn't pay much attention when he came in from the passage, but now that he took a closer look, he found it a bit strange.

Lines stretched out from the inside of the hole, but the hole was empty and a little dark. Li Ming took a few steps closer and took a look at the hole. After just one glance, Li Ming frowned and looked thoughtful.

From this damaged hole, Li Ming actually saw a narrow passage, and the steps seemed to lead to somewhere below.

"Stairs? This is it?..."

Li Ming muttered to himself, and couldn't help but reach out with his right hand, lightly touching the wall. The uneven wall suddenly lit up with a white light, as if some program had been activated, and Li Ming immediately noticed it through his consciousness.

With a strong right hand, the entire palm of his hand was placed on the wall. Under the operation of consciousness, an area of ​​more than one meter high and wide on the wall suddenly experienced a wave of fluctuations, which was like the sudden vibration of calm water.

As the waves oscillated, the originally dark and hard wall surface suddenly became transparent, and a one-meter-long and wide hole appeared. The hole was a passage and steps extending downward, all the way to the bottom.

Li Ming took his right hand away from the wall and kept looking at the passage in front of him. After pausing for a few seconds, Li Ming tested it with his hands again. The passage was indeed empty and not just transparent.

The technology of alien civilization is really incredible, and the hard wall disappears as soon as it disappears.

After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, Li Ming leaned down and walked down the passage. However, the passage was short and narrow, making it very inconvenient to walk. This could only be attributed to the alien's small size.

Going down the spiral steps, he soon came to the end. A space of several square meters appeared in front of Li Ming. Before entering, he simply took a look at the environment inside.

"This is the cockpit..."

Li Ming said in surprise, and stepped forward to enter. No wonder he didn't find the driver's seat on top. It turned out to be at the bottom.

There are four screens on the top of the cockpit, which display the situation in four directions. The cockpit is empty, without any items. There is only one screen, and there is nothing noticeable around it.

Li Ming finally stopped at the screen on the bridge. This screen was quite strange. It showed a light red planet and some strange characters appeared in the lower right corner of the screen.

The planet rotated slowly on the screen. Li Ming's eyes kept looking at the planet. After a moment, Li Ming touched his chin and whispered: "Mars? Isn't this spaceship flying out of Mars? ?”

According to Li Ming's analysis of the planet on the screen, this planet is most likely Mars. But what does it mean to see this planet on the screen?

Looking at the characters in the lower right corner, these characters had a strange shape. Li Ming thought of something based on a certain memory in his mind. After looking at it for a while, he immediately understood that the character was exactly a number, 12.

Li Ming didn't pay too much attention, and kept looking around the driver's station. If it was a driver's station, even if there was no steering wheel or operating lever, there must be at least some other things. When the flying saucer was discovered in the no-man's land, there was something inside. There are at least three suction cups and the like, and this one is completely empty except for a screen.

Li Ming reached out his hand and gently touched the screen. The biggest advantage of this alien civilization's technology is that it can control consciousness. To put it simply, it integrates consciousness with the spacecraft. This not only allows the pilot to Being fully immersed in the driving state while driving can also maximize the stability of the spacecraft operation.

As soon as his finger came into contact with the screen, the screen suddenly beeped. The slowly rotating planet on it suddenly accelerated and stopped suddenly after turning to a certain position. Then the position was suddenly enlarged and a ring mountain appeared. In front of Li Ming.

This ring-shaped mountain range is more like a deep crater, just like a crater on the surface of the moon. It seems to have been formed after the impact of some meteorite, but it is huge in area, and there is a large black hole in the center of the mountain range. The black hole is like a black cloth covering the area. The area is blocked and it is difficult to see what the object is.

After rotating and zooming in, the screen was finally fixed at the position of the black hole, and a series of characters were displayed at the same time.

Li Ming took a closer look at these characters and immediately understood. At the same time, two separate boxes appeared on the left and right sides of the screen, and many characters also appeared in the boxes.

These characters are common to all high-level civilizations in the universe. Li Ming relied on Harris's memory consciousness to understand the contents...

This spacecraft is an unmanned directional spacecraft. You only need to set the coordinates of the location you need to reach on the console of the cockpit, and then the spacecraft will enter the countdown automatic flight state. The number 12 that Li Ming saw in the lower right corner of the screen is actually It's the countdown time, but it's currently suspended to 12.

The contents of the boxes on both sides also have detailed descriptions. The box on the left states that the final destination of the spacecraft is Jupiter, not the Earth. The box on the right states that the automatic return system will be activated if the spacecraft encounters an accident.

Obviously, the spacecraft flying from Mars to Jupiter fell to Earth due to a malfunction midway, and the return system did not take effect.

Upon seeing this, Li Ming became even more confused, with countless questions popping up in his mind...

Jupiter, according to the information that humans have detected, is the largest planet in the solar system, and it is not a planet mainly composed of solid matter. It is a huge liquid hydrogen star.

As depth increases, liquid hydrogen is formed in a high-pressure and high-temperature environment thousands of meters away from the surface, and due to its rapid rotation, the outer atmosphere is divided into different zones and zones according to latitude, with turbulence and storms at their interfaces. effect.

I'm afraid no life can survive on such a planet. So why does this spaceship go to Jupiter? There can't be life in that environment, or does Li Ming not know enough about cosmic civilization?

The most important thing is, why does the alien life in the upper space of this spacecraft go to such a place, and where does it come from? Shouldn’t the solar system have been explored by humans? Why does life still appear? !

There were too many questions that could not be explained or understood. Li Ming frowned, and finally shook his head and said to himself: "It seems that there are too many unknowns in the vast universe..."

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