I am the highest civilization in the universe

Chapter 640: The Body of Desire

In the starry sky of the universe, more than a dozen giant spaceships have quietly arrived in the space of the Base Star. Among these spaceships, the front one is a silver and blue spaceship. This spaceship is the largest in size and is almost the same size as the other silver spaceships. Twice that of a spaceship.

The surface is actually still silver, but the edges of the spacecraft are blue, which is not very obvious, but it is still particularly conspicuous among the many silver spaceships.

There are many aliens busy in the main cabin of this spaceship. Each alien is a silver-colored Pumi, and they are all second-level civilizations.

The alien standing in front of the console is slightly different. His cloak is blue and his armor is also silver and blue. There was also a blue slash on his face. This person was really one of the four generals of the Pumi people, Sims.

A pair of eyes looked at the console coldly and said: "Order the troops to surround the entire base star. Any spacecraft that intends to leave this star will be destroyed directly."


A soldier next to him replied after listening to you. After bowing his head, he turned and left.

At this moment, Rodelia returned to the desert area near the mountain, but she was alone at this time. Hornston had already gone to another place to search.

After checking around, there was still no whereabouts of Li Ming. He turned his eyes and looked at the mountain, heading towards the mountain.

But as soon as he took two steps, he suddenly stopped and saw a figure slowly falling down from the sky, it was Li Ming.

Li Ming, who had recovered his energy, was about to leave this place, but he saw Rodilia as soon as he appeared. The keen Rodilia naturally noticed Li Ming.

The unexpected encounter surprised Li Ming.

Rodelia looked up at the sky, smiled slightly, and said, "So it's here..."

The cloak behind Li Ming fluttered and turned into white wings, which flickered slightly and flew away without hesitation.

Seeing that Li Ming was about to run, Rodelia immediately flew after him.

Xingyunyi's speed was extraordinary. Even if the opponent was in the middle stage of the second-level civilization, he could not keep up with Li Ming. However, Rodelia looked proud, slowly raised her slender hand to her eyes, and whispered: "Hua The fragrance of physical desire, open!”


There was a sudden sharp pain in Li Ming's mind, and the confusion of consciousness returned again.

"Ah...! Damn it, that feeling is coming again!"

The strange feeling in Li Ming's mind resurfaced.

This fragrance will awaken the consciousness of the strongest desire in the body. This desire manifests itself completely differently for different people. It mainly depends on what the desire is in one's heart.

Fragrance awakens buried desires, and then creates illusions, allowing the person who owns this fragrance to enter a never-ending cycle of illusions.

The most important thing is that once attacked by it, the fragrance will be implanted into the body, and Rodelia can freely control the change of the fragrance, whether it is a refreshing smell or a smell that makes people feel... The taste of the illusion of desire, everything is under the control of the other party.

Li Ming, who was flying by himself, suddenly slowed down his flying speed and began to lose control of his body.

Seeing Li Ming's flying speed slowing down, Rodelia couldn't help but smile slightly, and her own flying speed also sped up a bit.

Li Ming, who was in the air, held his head with both hands, and his body stopped in place. The surface of his body gradually released cyan phantom flames, but after a few seconds, the cyan phantom flames suddenly turned into blue phantom flames.

The blue phantom flame had not burned for a few seconds before it suddenly turned into a green phantom flame.

In the blink of an eye, Rodelia had arrived not far from Li Ming. She looked at Li Ming coldly and said, "How could you... escape from my hands... Since you don't want to hand over the metal box honestly?" , then...I can only..."

After finishing her words, Rodelia's expression suddenly changed.

He stared at Li Ming with his eyes, frowned slightly, and whispered: "What's going on with this guy..."

I saw that the surface of Li Ming's body was constantly changing into energy shadows of different colors, and after a period of transformation, Li Ming's body surface began to change.

The energy aura turned black little by little, and his eyes also exuded a black light, like a pair of black holes, as if they were going to swallow everything.

This change of Li Ming made Rodilia's face change slightly. She looked at Li Ming intently and couldn't help but whisper: "What's going on...? She should have fainted under the illusion of the fragrance of flower body!"

Before Rodilia could figure out what was going on, Li Ming suddenly turned around and looked at Rodilia fiercely. At this time, Li Ming's whole body was wrapped in black aura, and his face was ferocious. , those eyes were full of infinite desire, as if they wanted to take possession of everything they saw.

At this moment, when he looked at Rodilia, his eyes rolled even more, and he looked at Rodilia carefully from head to toe. While watching, drops of saliva flowed out of his mouth, and his tongue couldn't help it. Licking his lips.

The whole expression is like that of a demon from hell.

With such a strange aura and that expression, Rodelia couldn't help but shrink slightly.

I saw Li Ming's mouth opened wide, drool dripping from his mouth. His figure suddenly moved, and with a whoosh, Li Ming disappeared on the spot.

When Li Ming appeared again, he was already behind Rodilia. This ability to teleport shocked Rodilia. Normal people would not be able to detect such an ability to teleport, but Rodilia reacted immediately.

He turned around and kicked Li Ming directly.


Before the kick hit Li Ming, Li Ming's right hand grabbed his ankle. Li Ming stared blankly at the opponent's face, a black halo flashed on his right hand, and vines swam out.

The black vines were only as thick as a finger, winding around Rodelia's legs like little black snakes.

Seeing this, Rodilia's beauty turned pale, her right hand suddenly flashed with light, and a white-yellow flower formed in her palm, and she aimed it at Li Ming and threw it.

The flower was like a lotus, bright and eye-catching. It was formed by the concentration of energy. After taking off the hand, it spun and flew straight to Li Ming's face.

There was a soft "bang" sound, and the flower hit Li Ming's face. After the sound, it turned into smoke and shattered, and the smoke entered Li Ming's body along Li Ming's mouth and nose, just like Li Ming suddenly It was as if all the smoke was inhaled.

As the smoke entered his body, Li Ming suddenly paused and stopped in place, with a bit of enjoyment of the smell of smoke on his face.

The vines on his right hand also relaxed.

As if taking a drug that anesthetizes the nerves, the whole body is in a state of ecstasy. This caused the vines surrounding Rodelia to loosen.

When Rodelia saw the opportunity, she snorted softly, retracted her legs and jumped to the distance.

But looking at Li Ming at this moment, the black flames on his body suddenly became stronger, as if the flowers just now fueled the burning of the black shadow flames.

The black flame expanded several times. Li Ming's eyes suddenly opened wide, and the expression on his face became more ferocious. When he looked at Rodelia, she looked like a hungry wolf. Seeing a piece of meat, he moved and flew towards it.


The figure flashed and disappeared on the spot again, and when he reappeared, he was not behind Rodilia, but directly in front of Rodilia. His mouth was wide open and drool was flowing out. The way Delia hugged her directly.

Rodilia was shocked and didn't know what happened, because Li Ming's current performance was completely different from the effect that his ability wanted to achieve.

As soon as her body moved, Rodelia was about to run away, but before she could move, black vines suddenly flew out from Li Ming's body. The vines entangled each other and surrounded the surrounding space. In the blink of an eye, , a huge spherical space has been formed.

The entire sphere is completely formed by vines intertwining with each other, like an artificially woven bamboo cage.

In the spherical space, four rattans were wrapped around Rodilia's wrists and ankles, pulling them apart in a 'big' shape, making it impossible to move.

However, Li Ming slowly came closer, drooling like a hungry jackal.

When she saw Li Ming's posture, Rodelia frowned and opened her eyes wide, with a look of horror on her face, and whispered: "You... what are you going to do?!"

Li Ming seemed to have completely lost consciousness, just getting closer to the opponent a little bit, looking at the opponent up and down with his eyes as if looking at prey.

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