Li Ming's expression did not change, showing a bit of calmness, and he had his own plan in mind...

Klein and others came for Zenia, and because Zenia did not want to be separated from Li Ming, they planned to take Li Ming with them. It was not impossible for Li Ming to refuse, but he finally got the information about the star. Li Ming didn't want to give up on Yan's whereabouts.

From the information in the other party's brain, we learned that the only Xing Yan who was successfully traded on this cruise ship was replaced by these Fuller Stars. If he followed the other party, he would still have some opportunities.

These thoughts made Li Ming not struggle or resist at all, and followed Klein and the two fifth-level aliens into the distance.

Watching the other party leave, Troy showed a helpless expression and could only gnash his teeth on the spot. At the same time, he was thinking about something quickly in his mind, and secretly said: "Damn Fuller Planet!"

Li Ming held Zenia's hand and slowly followed Klein towards the previous hall.

After walking through the hall, Klein came to a light pillar and stopped, turned around and said, "Go in."

Li Ming stood there motionless, glanced at the other party, and said: "It's no problem to follow you to Fuller Star, but my spaceship is still there, so I can't just abandon it like this."


Klein showed a dissatisfied look and said sternly: "Your spaceship? We are just taking Zenia back. You, an outsider, don't go."


Zenia suddenly shouted loudly, but when she saw Klein, she immediately shrank back and said, "I want to follow Li Ming..."

Klein breathed a long sigh of relief, stared at Li Ming, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Okay, then we will take your spaceship."

With that said, Klein glanced at a fifth-level alien beside him and said, "Go and tell High Priest Lamont that we will return to Fuller Star in another spaceship."


One of the fifth-level aliens agreed and entered the light pillar and disappeared.

Klein changed his gaze, looked up at Li Ming, and said, "Let's go, then we'll take your spaceship."

Li Ming pulled Zenia tightly without saying a word, turned around and walked to another place, continuing to think about something in his mind...

Although they are both aliens on Fuller Planet, Klein is from Florence and Zenia is from Feixi. These can be found from Zenia's brain. This is why Zenia is afraid of Klein. Lain's reasons.

But why did the Florentines take Zenia away? Could it be that after the last star-grazing incident on Fuller Star, the two races reconciled?

Li Ming thought about this and shook his head secretly. He glanced at Klein behind him with the corner of his eye and showed a strange expression. There were some pieces of information that Li Ming couldn't understand.

When Planet Fuller was attacked by the Star Reavers, it was obvious that Tyron's group was also involved, but no information about this group was found in Zenia's brain, and Elias once belonged to this group.

What's even weirder is that Klein, who is from Florence on the Fuller Star, recognizes Troy, and it seems that there is some secret inside.

With these thoughts in his mind, his steps did not stop at all, and he had already arrived in front of a certain light pillar. At this time, Klein suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Zenia.

This move surprised Li Ming and he looked back.

Klein smiled slightly and said, "First remove the restrictions on the portal."

Only then did Li Ming understand that except for Li Ming and Zenia, no one else could be transported through this portal. Klein was also afraid that he would take advantage of this to escape. Li Ming reached out his right hand and inserted his fingertips into the light beam. .

Under the conscious control, the light beam suddenly lit up, and a certain restriction had been lifted. Klein nodded with satisfaction and said, "Let's go."

Li Ming took a step forward and entered the light pillar first. Zenia tightly grasped the corner of Li Ming's clothes and followed him into it. Klein and the alien immediately entered it without any hesitation.

The light beam flashed, and all the people inside disappeared. The next moment, these people entered the cockpit of the Crow at the same time.

Without waiting for Li Ming to do anything, Klein quickly came to the cockpit screen and began to operate it, as if the other party was very familiar with the layout of the spacecraft. Li Ming stood in the distance and watched quietly without saying a word.

The metal pipe on the top of the Crow's cockpit slowly detached and was retracted into the cruise ship, while the Crow slowly separated from the cruise ship and floated slowly into the distance.

The Crow did not stop until it flew outside the energy shield of the cruise ship. Only after breaking away from the energy shield could the spacecraft start the transmission system for free transmission. Klein continued to operate on the console, set the coordinates, and started directly.

There was a vibration, as if the entire spacecraft was shaking, and then the cross star flashed, and the Crow disappeared directly on the spot.

When the starlight flashed again, the Crow reappeared and the shaking stopped. Li Ming's eyes immediately looked to a certain position in the cockpit. A screen from the outside perspective appeared in front of him. Li Ming stared at the scene outside for a moment. Come into view.

A huge green planet appeared in front of us. The Crow was floating in space on the outer edge of the planet. From this position, we could clearly see the appearance of the entire planet.

"Is this Fuller Star?"

Li Ming whispered to himself, his eyes looking at this green planet that he had never seen before.

According to Li Ming's knowledge, the size of this planet is almost four or five times that of the earth, and most of the planet's areas are green, as if completely covered by vegetation. There are a large number of spaceships in the space around the edge of the planet.

These spaceships are similar to human space stations, but they are very large in size, making Li Ming's Crow look insignificant in front of them, like a leaf on a big tree.

The spaceship where the Crow was docked was like a giant top, with various parking openings covering its surface. Under Klein's control, the Crow slowly approached a certain groove. This groove was like a deep hole, larger than Cruise ships are much larger and docked and secured completely differently.

As soon as the spacecraft entered the groove, four giant mechanical arms slowly stretched out, firmly fixing the Crow like four big hands.

At the same time, a soft green object slowly protruded from the depths of the groove. The object was like a cloud of smoke, but it was not in the form of gas.

Li Ming didn't know how Klein communicated with the spaceship, but the green object was indeed strange, and he didn't know what kind of mysterious technology it was.

After the cockpit was completely wrapped, various green lights began to appear inside the cockpit, as if some strong light could penetrate the hull of the spacecraft and shine directly into it. In just a moment, the original appearance of the entire cockpit had completely disappeared, and the operation The screens of the station and transmission system also disappeared in the green light.

After the green light passed, all items disappeared, leaving only a passage leading to somewhere deep in front of him.

Li Ming narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he didn't understand the technological reason, he already understood some of the truth. Those green lights turned the entire driving data into nothingness, like a star capsule, making the entire cockpit become part of the passage.

After doing this, Klein glanced at Li Ming, then turned to Zenia, and said, "Let's go."

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