Outside the gate of Makino Ivy School.

Five teenagers wearing gray coats appeared here.

The leader is a wild boy with long crimson hair, on the left is an unruly boy, and on the right is a boy with glasses.

As for the other two teenagers, one of them has short chestnut hair and a handsome face, while the other has short gray slightly curly hair and a mole between his eyebrows.

The five are no one else.

It was Kurosaki, Akutsu, Tezuka, Atobe, and Fuji.

When they came here, they naturally participated in the pre-match drawing meeting like other schools.

"Well! Are you here again?"

Kurosaki, who was walking at the front, looked at the familiar Makinoto and couldn't help but smile.

"kindness? You came before?"

Tezuka said towards Kurosaki.

Others also looked at Kurosaki. Listening to Kurosaki's words, it seemed that he had been here before.

"Didn’t I go to Kansai to practice during the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition? Dropped by here!"

Kurosaki laughed.


Hearing this, several people couldn't help but feel surprised.

Kurosaki actually challenged Makinofuji.

Should I say that this guy is really crazy?

As for Fuji, although he came to Hyōtei after the Kanto Tournament, Kurosaki was in Kanto It was not a secret that Nishi challenged various universities, so Fuji knew about it.

But he did not expect that even Makinofuji Kurosaki would also challenge him.

"go in!"

He didn't bother too much about this matter. Kurosaki just smiled and passed it, and then stepped into the door of Makinoto.

Tezuka, Atobe, Akutsu, and Fuji also followed.


When Kurosaki appeared in the lottery meeting, many people from the school looked at him.

Among them, Tiantianbao Temple is the most popular.

People such as Shiraishi, Ishida Gin, and Jin Koharu all looked at Kurosaki.

They were not unfamiliar with Kurosaki. It was this guy who broke into their Shitenhoji Temple, and even Deputy Minister Hara Tetsuya and Minister Taira Zenyuki were defeated at the hands of this person.

After that, they even learned that the other party was crazy about challenging major universities in Kansai. In just over a month, he challenged an astonishing more than a hundred schools. This almost combined all the major universities in Kansai. Beat it all over.

Therefore, they were also instinctively afraid of Kurosaki.

And it's not just one person who is afraid, even Deputy Minister Hara Tetsuya and Minister Taira Zenyuki are a little afraid of Kurosaki.

People from other schools care about Kurosaki. In addition to some of them because of this matter, they also learned that in this year's Kanto Competition, Hyokui defeated the giant Tatekai, who had dominated Kanto for thirteen consecutive times, 3-2. Affiliated high school.

So for them, Ice Emperor is undoubtedly a formidable rival in the national competition.

On Tatekai's side, Yukimura, Sanada, and Yanagi also looked at Kurosaki.

Although this was not the first time that Kurosaki and Kurosaki had met, every time Kurosaki appeared, the three of them would pay attention.

Especially Yukimura and Sanada

"kindness? Is that Qingxue's Fuji?"

At this time, Yanagi noticed something was wrong.

Behind Kurosaki, he actually saw Fuji

's figure. Isn't Fuji from Seigaku?

Why was he with Kurosaki, and he was also wearing Hyokui's team uniform.

When Yukimura and Sanada heard Yanagi's words, they also looked behind Kurosaki. After seeing the chestnut-haired figure, they both frowned. It was really Fuji Shusuke.

This guy went to the ice Emperor?

With Kurosaki and wearing Hyokui's team, it is undoubtedly obvious that Fuji joined Hyokui.

But the question is, isn't Fuji a member of Seigaku?

Why did he go to Hyokui?

Yukimura and Sanada's relationship They glanced at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"What do you think? Yukimura!"

After the shock, Sanada spoke. Yukimura frowned and said:"Although I don't know why Fuji went to Hyotei, the opponent is not weak and can even be called a genius player. With his joining, Hyotei It can be said to be even more powerful than a tiger!"

Aigaku, Rikkai University may not care.

Even in Yukimura's opinion, they are the kind of school where Rikkai University can win a hundred times if they play a hundred times.

But Yukimura still cares about Fuji Shusuke.

Rumor has it. His strength is very strong. Although he is as talented as them, his strength is higher than Yamato, the head of Seigaku.

Such a strong guy joins Hyōtei, which undoubtedly makes Hyōtei's strength improve on the original basis. Raised to a higher level again


"Is he Hyokui's minister?"

Over at Shiraku Junior High School, two teenagers also looked at Kurosaki.

One of them had wild blond hair, and the other had medium-long dark blue hair.

The blond boy's name was Tachibana Jippei. , the name of the blue-haired boy is Chitose Chisato. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They are two very famous newcomers in the Lion Kingdom this year, not only in the Lion Kingdom, but also in Kyushu. They are famous.

In this year's Kyushu competition, they even defeated Kyushu's first doubles team. Because of their strong strength, the outside world also called them so.

Kyushu duo.

Although they are in Kyushu, for Kurosaki They have heard about his reputation. It is said that he is a powerful and domineering guy. He even led the Ice Emperor to the finals in this year's Kanto Competition. In the finals, he defeated Li Hai, who had dominated Kanto for 13 consecutive years. Big.

Therefore, the two of us were also instinctively curious about Kurosaki.[]

"Looks very strong! Jiping!"

Thousand-year-old Qiantai said with a bright light inside.

"It can be seen that he is a powerful guy!"

Tachibana Jippei also has bright eyes.

During this period, Tachibana Jippei did not have a buzz cut like Fudomine in the original book. His hair was quite long, reaching to his shoulders, and the color was different, it was golden..

The whole person looks quite wild, like (cfae) a male lion.

But anyone who knows the original work knows that this is the original appearance of Tachibana Yoshihara

"If we come across a national competition, we can compete!"

Tachibana Jippei said with excitement.

Tachibana Jippei in this period is different from the original one when he was in Fudomine during China's Three Periods.

He is very crazy.

Very crazy.

He wants to fight against some powerful people. , because he knows that this can make him stronger

"These two boys!"

Besides, Suzuki Kuma, the head of Shiraku Junior High School, looked at Tachibana and Chitose with fiery eyes, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Tachibana and Chitose are his more promising juniors. They have good talents and dare to do so. If they dare to fight hard, the future Lion Kingdom will surely flourish in the hands of the two of them.

But he knows that if they face the Ice Emperor's minister Kurosaki Ryuichi, the two of them will probably lose.

After all, the opponent is a fighter. He is a figure from all the major universities in Kansai, and he is not a junior high school student, but a high school student.

How could Chitose and Tachibana win with such a powerful guy?

However, Chitose and Tachibana have the courage to fight, so he is still relatively He was gratified.

After all, once a person is cowardly, it is almost impossible to become strong. Only by fearing nothing can one become strong.

In his opinion, Chitose and Tachibana are such people, especially Tachibana, then Such a wild look even makes him, a minister, feel palpitated sometimes.


"Well! There are so many people!"

At the entrance of the venue, Kurosaki glanced at the people from many schools present, with a grin on his lips, and then walked in.

That confident and domineering look made many people from other schools present stare blankly.

Kurosaki Saki didn't care about the looks of everyone present. After entering the venue, he took Tezuka, Atobe, Akutsu, and Fuji to sit down in the middle seats, and looked towards Shiraku Junior High School.

"oh? Are those two guys there too?"

With almost a glance, Kurosaki noticed Tachibana and Chitose, and immediately the corner of his mouth curled up. The reason why Kurosaki paid attention to Tachibana and Chitose was naturally because they were also on his list.

After all, no matter what Tachibana and Chitose, both have good talents and strong strength. When the original was the second generation of China, he led Shiraku Junior High School to the top four of the national competition. For guys with this kind of strength, Kurosaki naturally wants to kill them both. He was brought to Hyōte.

In addition, there was Kite from Higa Junior High School, who was also on Kurosaki's list. However, Kurosaki took a look at Higa Junior High School and found that there was no sign of Kite, so he looked away.

If you're not there, then you're not here!

Anyway, you should be able to meet him in the national competition. Although Kute was the only one in this period, judging from the strength he showed in the original work, he should be an official member of the team now. Even if he is not As an official team member, but if you want to go to a large-scale event like the national competition, the opponent will also follow your team to watch the game.

Then I will just look for that guy.

As for now!

Let's deal with Tachibana and Chitose first!

It's rare! Meeting at such a lottery meeting, Kurosaki naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity.

Of course, Kurosaki didn't plan to go there now. After all, the minister of Shiraku Country was there, and it was definitely not possible to go now. Kurosaki planned to wait for the whole country He would look for the two of them after the big draw.

And he could tell that Tachibana and Chitose seemed to care about him more. After all, eyes could not deceive.

Kurosaki could feel the fiery gazes Tachibana and Chitose were looking at him. , I think these two guys really want to have a game with him!


Ten minutes later, the drawing meeting officially began.

Each school sent representatives to the stage to draw lots. After the last school drew lots, the list for the national competition was determined.

Kurosaki glanced at the competition list, and when he saw that Higa Junior High School was in the same group as Hyokui, a smile appeared on his lips.

Since they are in the same group, there is basically no need to think about anything else, and judging from Mu Hand's character in the original work, the guy shouldn't refuse his invitation.

Now that Kute is easy to deal with, Tachibana and Chitose are next.

Thinking of this, after the lottery meeting, Kurosaki explained to Akutsu, who nodded and left..

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