For those who win the No. 8 Court, No. 8 Court will belong to them. This is undoubtedly something that no one thought of, including Tezuka.

But that's okay, they will have a venue for training in the future.

And although the location of No. 8 court is not high, it is not low either. It is in the middle of all the courts, which will make it easier for them to attack higher courts in the future.

Tezuka then noticed Kurosaki who was sitting on the stone steps nearby, and stepped forward. Tezuka immediately said,"You're already here!""

"I've been here for a while, and I saw you guys playing against the people on Court No. 8, so I stopped going! -"

As he said that, Kurosaki stood up from the stone steps, patted the dust on his butt, and then jumped down.

Then, he glanced at Atobe and Nioh, and smiled:"Come on I killed Court 8 on my first day here, not bad!"


Atobe said a little arrogantly, then he glanced at Kurosaki and asked

"But where have you been? You ran away after being assigned dormitories!"

"Just like you, I went to compete with the people here!"

Kurosaki laughed.

"I knew it!"

Atobe smiled, but knowing Kurosaki's character, he didn't care about it.

"Since you have defeated the people on Court No. 8, this court will be yours from now on. Training or competitions will be on this court!"

Kurosaki said to everyone

"how about you?"

The person who asked this was Fuji. After all, there were nine of them in this match against Court No. 8, and Kurosaki was not among them. Naturally, Kurosaki could not be in this stadium like them. After

Fuji asked this, the others People such as Atobe, Tachibana, and Chitose also looked at Kurosaki.


The nine of them have a venue, but Kurosaki doesn't have one yet!

"I do not mind! Kurosaki smiled and said:"I don't really care about this thing. It can be played in any stadium!""

"Is that so?"

Fu Er nodded understandingly.

Atobe said:"You are really casual!"

"Haven't I always been like this?"

Kurosaki laughed.

Only Tezuka didn't think so. After all, he knew Kurosaki's character. This guy is not casual.

I'm afraid Kurosaki's goal is not to play on these courses at all. What he wants to go to is more A high place.

As for where, Tezuka didn't know.

But his intuition told him that this should be what he thought.

After all, it is impossible for a domineering person like Kurosaki to stay in these stadiums. Let’s talk about Court No. 8. Even Court No. 1, I’m afraid Kurosaki wouldn’t like it.

This guy’s ambition is greater than anyone else’s.


After taking over the No. 8 court, nine people including Tezuka, Atobe, Akutsu, and Fuji started training on the No. 8 court.

As for Kurosaki, as a free man, he is much more leisurely.

Of course, it can’t be said that it’s just leisure time.

Kurosaki will still train whenever he has time.

After all, the official duel between him and the ghost will be in a week. Although it is not difficult to defeat the ghost with his current strength, it is always good to improve his strength, so that the chance of winning the showdown with the ghost in a week will be greater.

After all, the ghost is not a small character, but the strongest person in the army. His strength is undoubtedly unprecedented.

You still have to make some preparations for the duel with this guy. Even if Kurosaki has mastered Wuwuji now, he is still the most powerful Wuwuji, which is Aroyashi.

But Kurosaki will not take it lightly when facing ghosts.

Kurosaki doesn't want something like capsizing in the sewer to happen to him.


During the training, time passed little by little, and the day for the official duel between Kurosaki and Oni was getting closer and closer. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the past few days, Tezuka and the others have reached a higher level of football.

On the third day and in the group shuffle match on Court No. 7, we defeated Court No. 7 with a five-game winning streak and all members advanced.

"Oh! These guys brought by Kurosaki are really strong! In the group shuffle battle with Court No. 7, he didn’t lose even one game!"

In the small black room, Saito looked at the No. 7 court where everyone was defeated, and couldn't help but smile.

Originally, he just wanted to see if the people brought by Kurosaki had the strength to enter the No. 7 court, so he arranged to go with the No. 7 team. The group shuffle battle on Court No. 8.

After all, they had all seen the game against Court No. 8 that day, and everyone on Court No. 8 was defeated.

But he did not expect that in the group shuffle battle against Court No. 7, these boys would still be defeated. Really won, and won with a perfect record of five consecutive wins.

"It is indeed quite powerful!"

After Saito said this, Kurobe also said[]

"Whether it is Tezuka, Akutsu, or Atobe, their strength far exceeds that of people of this age!"

"Being able to defeat the people on Court No. 7 with a five-game winning streak means that their strength is more than that, and they may even be able to attack Court No. 6!"

As for Court No. 5, Kurobe has no hope for the time being. Although Court No. 5 is only one level higher than Court No. 6, the level is much better. But even so, Court No. 6 also surprised Kurobe. After all , these boys have only been here for three days.

Saito on the side also laughed when he heard Kurobe's words:"Court No. 6! Gee, these guys are really strong!"

"Maybe it won’t be long before everyone can attack Court No. 5!"

Saito can naturally see that with Tezuka and his team's current strength, it is still a bit difficult for all members to advance to Court No. 5.

But these guys are very talented, not to mention Tezuka and Akutsu, even if Tachibana, Rensui, and Mouri are also top-notch talents.

With such talents, it is easy to imagine how much improvement they will have in training here. I am afraid they will be able to hit the No. 5 court in half a month. , it may not even be that long


Kurobe nodded.

He obviously also saw the talent of Tezuka and the others. Maybe with their current strength, they can't all advance to Court No. 5, but with the talent of these people, half a month should be enough.

"correct! What is that guy Kurosaki doing lately?"

Without too much entanglement on this matter, Kurobe turned to Saito and asked about Kurosaki's situation.

Although Tezuka, Akutsu and other nine Kurobes were also more concerned, but among the ten Who cares most about Kurobe is undoubtedly Kurosaki.

After all, the official showdown between this guy and the ghost will be in a few days, and Kurosaki does not belong to any stadium because he is a free man.

Therefore, Kurosaki Basically, there is no competition.

In addition, considering that the official showdown with Oni will be in a few days, Kurobe does not arrange any shuffle battle for Kurosaki.

Naturally, Kurobe also wants to know what Kurosaki is doing these days. What mouth...

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