In the tennis club, the two Hyoutei school teams were easily eliminated. Kurosaki turned his attention to the four remaining school teams outside the court.

"Which two come next!"

"I come!"

When this voice sounded, everyone present looked over there, where a man walked out of the Ice Emperor's team with a racket in hand.

"It's Yanagawa-senpai, is he going to play?"

Yanagawa, who is standing up at this moment, is also the strongest member of Hyotei's school team, and he is also qualified to become the next minister of Hyotei. At this moment, his eyes are fixed on Kurosaki.

Eight school teams Four members have lost. If they lose again, their Ice Emperor will be completely disgraced.

Although the opponent is also one of their Ice Emperors, but being swept across the school team by such an arrogant newcomer, their Ice Emperor will be embarrassed. dull


The members of the two school teams that lost earlier also looked at him.

"Leave it to me! Yanagawa just responded faintly, and immediately looked at one of the other three school teams.

"Ito, stay with me!"

Ito, whose full name is Ito Harano, is also the second best player in the Hyotei school team after Yanagawa.

Although he does not have national-level strength, he is still at the Kanto level.


Ito nodded, and then he and Yanagawa stepped into the field side by side.

"Will Yanagawa-senpai and Ito-senpai play together?"

Around, Hyotei's club members looked at the two people who entered the arena, with a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

Yanagawa and Ito, these are the two masters of Hyotei, and they are also the two most powerful.

Among them It seems that even if they can't defeat this guy, they can definitely score some points.

Even in their opinion, defeating this guy is not impossible.

After all, both Yanagawa and Ito have Kanto-level strength. Together, we can fight even against some national-level masters.

We can even defeat them.

"oh? Did Yanagawa and Ito play?"

On the window sill, Sakaki Taro chuckled.

He was not surprised that Yanagawa and Ito came on the field at this time. After all, the eight members of the school team had already lost four, and it was still a disastrous defeat without even a point. What if this happens again? If you lose, it will be a bit ugly.

"Ochi, do you think Yanagawa and Ito are sure to get points?"

Sakaki Taro asked Ochi who was standing aside.

"It’s a little hard to beat, but you should be able to score a few points!"

Ochi said without changing his expression.

As Hyokui's former ministers, Yanagawa and Ito, he naturally understands them very well. Although they are not very strong, they still have the strength of the Kanto class.

In his opinion, the two Kanto class team up. , it shouldn’t be a problem to get a few points.

"What if you can't get it?"

Sakaki Taro asked.

"If you can't get it……!"

Yuezhi looked at the wild figure carrying a racket in the field

"Then I have to take another look at this guy!"


"Come on Yanagawa-senpai, come on Ito-senpai! Defeat this guy!"

Many people in the tennis club were shouting.

But Yanagawa, who was an entrant, was smiling bitterly.


How could they defeat this guy?

Don't you see that this guy's strength is amazing? ?

Yanagawa is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very self-aware. From the disastrous defeats of River Valley and Hiromoto in the previous three games, he knew that this guy was simply not something they could compete with.

Even if he and Ito teamed up, they would probably defeat this guy. It’s also difficult.

Of course!

Although it can’t be defeated, in Yanagawa’s view, it should still be possible for him and Ito to team up to score a few points.

After all, the opponent said before that as long as he gets one point from the opponent’s hand, he will retreat. No Then get involved in the Hyotei Tennis Club.

This is why Yanagawa knew that he was not an opponent, but still chose to stand up.

It’s because of this!

As long as they get a point, even if it’s just one point, it’s their victory.

But Yanagawa also knows that they got it points, but if they can't defeat this guy, their Hyokui will lose all face.

After all, they are Hyokui's school team.

And what about the opponent?

He's just a newcomer who has just come to Hyokui.

And this time the game is still a round-robin battle, they Everyone in Hyokui fought against each other alone.

To be honest, their faces were disgraceful.

After all, it was somewhat disgraceful for them, the older generation of club members, to take turns playing against a newcomer.

But that was the end of the matter. More is useless, they can only play.

After all, the situation has already reached this point, and half of the school team members have been killed by the opponent.

If they don't play, then their Ice Emperor will really lose their face. Although Their face has been lost, but if they can defeat this guy, they can save some of it.

Moreover, they are not allowed to back down now, after all, so many people are watching?

Not only the freshmen who have just joined the tennis club, but also many people from Hyokui In this case, even if they want to stop fighting, he can't do it.

Now he just hopes that he and Ito can defeat this guy and let him leave on his own.

Of course, the defeat here is not in the true sense. It's the kind of defeat in a game, but a defeat in the sense that the opponent said that as long as they can get one point from the opponent, they will win.

Yanagawa is not stupid, he knows that the guy in front of him is not something they can deal with. Even if he and Ito join forces.

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