"Ito-senpai and Yanagawa-senpai teamed up, but they couldn't even get a point!"

Around, Hyotei's club members were still frightened.

On the field, opponents Yanagawa and Ito were also desperate.

"Not a rival at all?"

The two of them were trembling inside.


This is the first time they are so powerless in a game.

The tactics are not good!

The offense is not good!

No matter how they play, they can't get points.

Let alone getting points, it doesn't matter if the racket is not smashed away. Okay.

Too strong!

This guy's tennis is completely unreasonable.

One word is violence!

Especially the strength of the opponent is even more terrifying. Every ball is extremely powerful, and it is not like what normal people can hit. from

"Well! This won’t work!"

Opposite, Kurosaki stood there domineeringly with a racket on his shoulders. As for his eyes, he fell on Yanagawa and Kurosaki who were sweating profusely and panting.

Kurosaki enjoyed the appearance of his opponent, because Kurosaki's This is his personality. Like Byodoin, Kurosaki also likes to use overwhelming power to conquer his opponents.

Because only in this way can he be satisfied.

Simply defeating his opponents is not interesting to Kurosaki.

Although Ito and Yanagawa did not respond Kurosaki, but their actions also showed their choice.

The two did not walk out of the court, but instead formed their formation again.

This also meant that they did not intend to give up.

In fact, it was not that the two of them did not want to, But if they, who are the strongest members of the school team, give up, what will the freshmen who joined the club and the people around Hyokui think? They will undoubtedly think that they are too cowardly!

Moreover, the current situation is not fundamental at all. They are not allowed to give up.

Because even if they have the idea of ​​​​giving up in their hearts, they can only bite the bullet, even if they know that the fate of the two of them is likely to be the same as that of He Gu and Guangben.

"Not bad perseverance!"

When Kurosaki saw that Yanagawa and Ito were not going to give up, Kurosaki nodded with some appreciation.

Although these two people are not very strong, only at the Kanto level, at least their perseverance to not give up is worthy of recognition..

After all, he will be in charge of the Hyotei Tennis Club in the future. You can be weak, but if your will is not strong enough, it will be difficult. Even if Kurosaki wants to improve them, it will be difficult.

But it seems that this The two of them are stronger than he thought.

At least they didn't choose to give up after being beaten so badly by him. This perseverance is worthy of recognition.

However, recognition does not mean that Kurosaki will be merciful. He took out a A tennis ball is thrown into the air

"In this case, then I will completely destroy your hearts!"

Say that!

Kurosaki just blasted out a ball.


You can imagine what happened next in the game. Yanagawa and Ito were beaten so hard that they were unable to fight back. Although they were the two strongest people in the Hyotei school team, the result was the same as the two people who played before. Ten minutes later If you don't persist, you will be defeated.

Also didn't even get a point.


Even the two strongest members of the Hyotei school team had their heads shaved off by Kurosaki, leaving the remaining two team members in dire straits.

The defeat was even worse.

The game was lost in less than eight minutes.

Less than forty minutes.

The Hyokui school team was completely defeated.

This scene shocked everyone present at Hyokui, and also shocked Sakaki Taro as the coach.

In less than forty minutes, Hyokui's school team was swept away.

This is a bit scary!

Even Ochi, who had always been cold and aloof, had a flash of surprise in his eyes, being able to sweep Hyokui's school team in such a short period of time.

It is no exaggeration to describe this as a monster.

While surprised, Ochi also developed a strong interest in Kurosaki.

"If you have a chance, you can have a fight with this guy!"

However, Ochi just said this in his heart, so Sakaki Taro couldn't hear it.

And Ochi, as the former minister of Hyokui, was the first person to make the name of Hyokui known throughout the country. Even though his strength was Looking at the whole of Japan, he is regarded as an extremely top existence.

For him to have this idea, it can be seen that Kurosaki's strength has had an impact on him.

In addition, there is another point.

He can feel that even if he swept the school team, the opponent still has Reserved.

The evidence is!

The other party only shed some sweat during the whole process, but his breathing was extremely stable.

This undoubtedly shows that the other party has not yet used all his strength.

Even if he did not use all his strength, he swept their Hyotei school team. , how strong would it be if he exerted all his strength.

That's right!

The purpose of Ochi wanting to fight Kurosaki is to know the opponent's true strength.

After all, the Ice Emperor City will be led by this person in the next three years. Naturally, he As the former minister, he wanted to see the strength of this successor.

Of course, Ochi only kept this idea in his heart, and Sakaki Taro didn't know it. If he knew it, he would definitely be extremely surprised.

After all, he knew Ochi's vision, even if Looking at the whole of Japan, there are only a few people that he can like.

Now that he is interested in a newcomer who has just joined Hyotei, even if the other person is very strong, Sakaki Taro will still be surprised.


On the court, Kurosaki stood there. As for his eyes, he was looking at the defeated Hyotei school team opposite.

"According to what I said before, the Hyokui Tennis Club is mine now!"

As soon as he said this, many Ice Emperor students were talking about it.

"what's the situation? Why does this guy say that the Hyokui Tennis Club belongs to him?"

"I don't know either!"

At this time, one of the students said:"It seems that the two parties have reached an agreement. As long as the other party can prevent all the school team members from getting a point, the tennis club will be his!"

As soon as he said these words, several people around him immediately smacked their lips.


"There's nothing wrong with it, it just seems like that!"

"But this guy looks a little wild! And like a gangster, the tennis club was given to him, was that really a good thing?"

"What's this? This is what a strong man should look like, how could he still be so timid, and our Ice Emperor must be led by such a person, in order to become even more powerful!"

"That’s what you said!"

Those who originally had objections to Kurosaki taking over the tennis club also lost their minds after hearing what this man said.


This is what strong people should do.

Looking at the past, which strong person was not domineering or arrogant!

In addition, it is true that as the other party said, their Ice Emperor must be led by a domineering person.

If the personality is not strong, it will not be able to highlight the personality of their Ice Emperor.

Isn't that the case of the former Minister Ochi-senpai? He is extremely domineering. Because of this kind of domineering, he pushed Hyokui to an unprecedented height.

Therefore, Kurosaki's domineering and arrogant character is no longer considered arrogant in their eyes.

On the contrary, it is the unique personality of the strong.

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