Chapter 115!

[The seed of the World Tree.]

Golden items –

Take one world as nourishment and produce another… One, your ideal world. 】

Zhou Ye looked at the oval seed in his hand, which was more than a meter in diameter, and was speechless for a while…

What to say?

This thing looks like an egg more than a seed, and its skin is covered with mysterious gold threads…

Zhou Ye couldn’t understand it before, but—now, having obtained the Heart of Magic, he was able to understand those golden threads… Those are not golden threads, but laws composed of countless esoteric characters.

Gently put your nail on the tip of your index finger and swipe——

A small opening appeared on Zhou Ye’s finger, and a drop of pale golden blood dripped on the seeds of the World Tree, and as the blood gradually stained those golden law lines…

A line of void that could not be seen with the naked eye formed an inseparable link between Zhou Ye and the seed of the World Tree…

With the last golden line of law, staining Zhou Ye’s blood… The seeds of the entire World Tree erupted with a dazzling golden light… It’s as if the second sun is rising here…

Countless golden threads erupted from the seeds of the World Tree, like a large golden net, surrounding the entire earth…

The earth is wailing, and the seeds of the world tree are growing little by little… Finally – a dazzling white light flashed –

The earth and the seeds of the World Tree disappeared in front of Zhou Ye at the same time.

Zhou Ye didn’t feel strange about the World Tree that disappeared in front of him… Because, he can still feel the connection between the World Tree and himself… He had even felt that the seeds of the World Tree had hatched into a small world.

And in this small world, Zhou Ye can completely carry out any changes to this world according to his own ideas… He is the omnipotent God of this world.

“God??” Zhou Ye looked at the earth that had disappeared… With a slight smile, the figure disappeared in place in an instant…

The small world of the world tree –

Zhou Ye looked at the small world in front of him with some surprise——

What to say? The current small world is like—well—a barren land, and if it is big, Zhou Yegu has already measured it slightly, which is probably the size of an American continent, how to measure it? Measured by flight speed, of course…

It’s just – these places, let alone people, don’t even have trees, flowers and plants.

Zhou Ye landed directly on the somewhat desolate continent and casually released his women…

“This… Where is this?? ”

“It’s like a great desert…”

“Is this your world? Anada?? ”

As soon as the women were released by Zhou Ye, their questions came one after another… Although they could see the outside world through Zhou Ye’s eyes, they still couldn’t peek at those law-like things… After all, although they are now the highest-ranking man at the level of a hundred, they are still not an existence that can contact the law.

As for why Zhou Ye can clarify the law? Because—his magic heart talent opened it for him.

After all– magic is almost all-encompassing, earth, fire, wind and thunder, magnetic field, gravity, time, space… These laws and magic are all involved in the heart, so Zhou Ye can see the line of laws so early, simply put-because of the existence of these laws, he can use all kinds of spells so easily.

“Everyone… Be quiet! Zhou Ye clapped his hands, and then attracted the attention of all the women to himself, and said: “This is not my world, but it can also be said to be my world… Or, more accurately, our world…”

As Zhou Ye explained the matter of the World Seed clearly… All women have a silly feeling, they–men… Is this finally becoming the master of a small world?

So what are they? God Queen??

“Now—I’ll give you some stewardship of this world, and then… You can modify the world! Zhou Ye said, giving his women a hot mouth one by one…

Well, although there is a better way, but-sure enough, this way is more emotional…

As the women gained the management authority of this small world, almost everyone’s eyes flashed with excitement…

This – but the world, a small world is also the world… Moreover, the world will also grow, and in the end – to what extent this world will grow, no one can say clearly…

And while women get permission, they also understand one thing, that is, – while getting permission, they also have a shackle… From then on, they were born as Zhou Ye’s people, and died as Zhou Ye’s dead people…

In short, it will always be Zhou Ye’s women – their bodies belong to Zhou Ye, their souls and their minds also belong to Zhou Ye, and everything they have belongs to Zhou Ye…

None of the women disagreed with this… Anyway, they have long loved this man, and it has nothing to do with the so-called shackles, that is their original wish.

Leave aside what seems useless to all the women…

Women, start to excitedly build their favorite places…

For example, the place where little Lori Alice built is a childlike forest, and on the trees in the forest, not all kinds of fruits, but – all kinds of candy, in the middle of the forest, there is a lake, and on the lake island in the middle of the lake, it is an amusement park.

And what about Takeko Togashima? Directly raised a piece of land into the air, and on the edge of the empty island, she built a huge and incomparable Heshi Daoist Hall – the entire empty island looked like a sheathed Tai Dao from mid-air.

The Gao Cheng mother and daughter built a huge and incomparable mechanical city——

Standing in front of the huge display screen in the middle of the city, Takashiro Saya said with some excitement: “This world is really interesting, there is no need to care about unreasonableness, just need to write the results according to your own ideas, then those details, the world will complete itself… It’s so much fun! ”

“Don’t be too playful…” Yuriko Takashiro smiled, stroking her daughter’s long hair.

And the other women have their own creations… They are playing this small world as if it were a “Minecraft” game…

What they call playing a waste of sleep and forgetting to eat… It’s so elational… Watching houses rise up in front of them, watching the wonders of the world born in their hands, the feeling of being full of achievements cannot be described in words.

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