Chapter 143!

“Ah… Last night unconsciously – fell asleep?? ”

Miki Nanzawa looked at her slightly dim room and sighed helplessly. “That haunted little devil has appeared in my dreams again!”

I don’t know when I had an inseparable feeling for that little ghost… That contradictory feeling mixed with heart and resistance.

As an adult woman who is about to run to three, Miki Nanzawa can certainly feel her strange liking for Eagle Wuye, and she is not the dull male protagonist in the harem anime, how can she not understand herself, why her heart beats faster when she sees that little ghost?

“Sometimes… I really envy those guys…”

Looking at the stale ceiling, Miki Nanzawa sighed helplessly.

Maybe it’s because she’s not the kind of dull guy that – she’s become so sick? Sometimes I really envy those dull guys, you can not understand your own mind… So that there is no need for such contradictions.

After all, what stands in the way between the two is a dividing line called [Morality]…

If Ye wasn’t her student, if she wasn’t a teacher… She may be desperate to chase that guy, even if – in the end she is scolded for not knowing shame, right?

It’s just a pity –

She’s an educator… And unfortunately – she is still the teacher of that guy.

So – the identity of the two determines that the two are destined not to be together…

Come to think of it –

Miki Nanzawa couldn’t help but laugh at herself, “Am I not like a fool like this?” That guy didn’t know my distress at all, and even his words were just an unintentional act… I’m like an idiot, what am I doing here??? ”

“I’m a fool—what a fool!”

Sighing deeply, Miki Minamisawa shook her head… Trying hard, trying to get up from my bed… However, after several attempts, she reluctantly gave up on this action.

“Ah–let’s take a good rest today!” Miki Minamisawa gave up the idea of crawling out of the bed, she only felt the soreness and weakness of her whole body at this time, probably because she accidentally got rain yesterday.

Took out my mobile phone, called the seniors at school, and after taking sick leave…

Miki Nanzawa held on, turned out a plate of cold medicine in his standing medicine box, swallowed it with water, and poured it back into his bed again.

After taking the medicine, Miki Nanzawa stared blankly at the room that seemed a little dim because of the closed curtains… All kinds of thoughts couldn’t help but flood her.

Her home is not in this city, but on Tanegashima, the southernmost island of Kyushu.

Perhaps bored with the warm spring season there, she came to Fukui Prefecture after graduating from university, where she became a teacher in the prefecture with four distinct seasons.

Although the benefits of being a teacher in Neon are very good, you can be called a middle-class earner.

However, Miki Minamisawa did not choose to buy a house, and still rented a 40-square-meter single apartment with a monthly rent of 50,000 yen.

When I’m busy on weekdays, I don’t seem to have anything… However, once you are idle, you have a feeling that you have been forgotten by the whole world.

Especially in these two months, Miki Nanzawa was troubled and entangled because of Ye’s affairs… Other people’s rare days off were simply torture for her.

Truth be told—if it were weekdays, she’d go out shopping and find gourmet shops to enjoy her vacation—but lately, she has found herself feeling like she has grown more and more resentful of couples on the street.

As long as she saw a couple showing affection in front of her, she felt as if her heart had been stabbed a few times, especially at this time, she would think of Zhou Ye, that bastard…

Ah – obviously the two are just ordinary teacher-student relationships, why do you think of that bastard?

And yet – some things, the more you try to ignore, the more you find yourself caring.

Miki Minamisawa, who originally went to the café yesterday with the intention of enjoying a pleasant reading afternoon in the rain, was once again abused by those hateful lovers…

And so—with a sworn and inconsistent mood, Miki Minamisawa — angrily braved the rain and walked out of the café — and the result was that she was tragic today.

“Oh, I was such a fool yesterday…” Thinking about what she did yesterday, Miki Nanzawa couldn’t help but complain to herself. Today…… Can’t see Ye, I don’t know how that guy is doing in school today? Didn’t you receive a bunch of love letters again… But those girls are expected to be disappointed – that guy is an out-and-out sister…”

As the thoughts diverged, the effects of the cold medicine also appeared… Miki Minamisawa gradually fell asleep again.



I don’t know when – Miki Minamisawa in her sleep was woken up by a noise… She opened her eyes, and in a haze – she seemed to see a disturbing figure appear in her apartment…

“Awake? Teacher? Zhou Ye looked at the confused Nanze Miki and smiled slightly: “I’m cooking porridge, if I’m sick, it’s better to eat something light, you can eat it in a while…”

“Takashi no classmate??” Miki Nanzawa, who just woke up, because she slept too much, her brain was still a little cloudy, and she couldn’t figure out the situation… She looked at the surrounding furnishings with a dull face, it was her home…

But – why is this little devil here??

Ah – by the way, I must be dreaming… What a real dream, Miki Nanzawa couldn’t help but sigh in her heart…

Wait, if it’s a dream – then can’t you do whatever you want with this guy??

Thinking of this, Miki Nanze stretched out her hand and hooked her finger at Zhou Ye. “Little devil, come here…”

“Huh??” Zhou Ye walked to the edge of the collapse a little strangely, “Is there something?” Nanze-sensei? ”

“You bastard… Actually dare to pry the teacher, hum… In my dreams, you’re going to be out of luck! Miki Nanzawa said, holding Zhou Ye’s little face with both hands, straightening up with force, and not going up…

“Hmm…” This feeling is so real… Warm and hot, is this the mouth? Feel…… My whole person is going to burn… Miki Minamisawa’s mind is already blank…

I don’t know how long this mouth lasted…

And the two, I don’t know when, rolled onto the bed.

The equipment on the body, I don’t know when, disappeared…

“Since it’s a dream, let me indulge it!” Miki Nanzawa, who was riding on Zhou Ye, said and stretched out her hand to slide down… “It’s so big… However, it doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t hurt in a dream…”

Aim – sit down – “Ah———— it hurts!!! ”

At this moment, Miki Minamisawa finally realized – this is not a dream…”That, that… Takashi no san, why are you at my house? How did you get in here?? ”

“Well—the question doesn’t matter!” Zhou Ye looked at Miki Nanze with a shocked face with a smile, “Since you have done it, then please ask Teacher Nanze to do it to the end…”

“Nope… No way…… We are teachers and students… No…… No…… Stop…”

“Well, I’m definitely not going to stop…”

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