Chapter 145!

Little Bird Tour——

In the bedroom of Liuhua –

[System message: Chat room member, the evil king’s true eye envoy entered the chat room… You can talk to her. 】

[Mori-sama: Welcome back – my friend! ] 】

[Thunder Warhammer: Oh – master, good evening, death!] 】

[Evil King True Eye: Good evening, everyone! ] Have you all felt the arrival of the second magic tide (summer vacation) of the year? 】

[Lord Mori: Indeed, the magic management agencies around the world have also dispersed low-level magic envoys in order to welcome the arrival of the magic tide. (laughs)]

[Thunder Warhammer: Lord Mori, Master, have you heard that legend?] 】

[Evil King True Eye Envoy: I have been fighting with Yan’s dependents recently… There is no time to take care of the world. 】

[Mori-sama: What legend?] Could it be that the second magic war is about to start again? 】

[Thunder Warhammer: No, no… Someone took a picture of an angel in Ibukizan National Park!! 】

[Evil King True Eye Envoy: What?] 】

[Mori-sama: Really?] 】

[Thunder Warhammer: Really death, I’ll send you the link to see death…]

And Liuhua, who was sitting next to the computer, had already copied the web link on the top with a surprised face, and then – called.

I saw – at the link to the page called, it was a guy’s personal homepage…

In this guy’s profile album, there is a photo that looks extremely blurry, it is a photo taken in a mountain wood, the photo is a little blurry due to underexposure, but in the blurry photo, faintly you can see that there is a slender human figure – carrying a pair of shining white light wings, about to spread its wings…

“Angels – there really are angels!!!”

Seeing this photo, Liuhua suddenly became excited, what does this mean? It shows that this world really has such creatures as angels.

She switched to the chat room again…

At this time, it seems that other people have already seen that photo…

[Mori-sama: What a surprise… Unexpectedly, there were already angels who broke through the dimensional limits and came to this life! 】

[Evil King True Eye: Whether she is an enemy or a friend is unknown…]

At this time, a system message suddenly flashed out of the chat room.

[System message: – Tourists – Eternal Night chants enter the chat room. 】

Seeing this news, not only the Thunder Warhammer surprised Lord Sen, but even Sophia Yalin, who had been hiding in the chat room in a vain attempt to detect the enemy’s situation. SP Satan VII and Yan Yan Ryuhime were equally surprised…

Because they all know that the chant of the eternal night is the half of the evil king’s true eye messenger, and in the present world, it is the evil king’s true eye messenger’s Oni-chan…

But–they had never seen half of the Evil King’s True Eye come here, how could they not be surprised?

[Evil King True Eye: Who is Ru, who actually dares to pretend to be half of my body? ] 】

[Singer of the Eternal Night: My half-body, Ru opens Ru’s stronghold, looks down, and you know who I am! ] 】

Seeing these words, Liuhua quickly stood up, spread her feet and rushed out of her room, and then ran to the living room to take a look… Well, sure enough, his brother was sitting on the couch, with a laptop in front of him.

Zhou Ye heard footsteps coming, raised his head, and smiled brightly at his sister…

But–Liuhua didn’t rush over when she saw his smile, but blushed a little, turned her head and walked up the stairs again, returning to her stronghold.

Seeing Liuhua’s reaction, Zhou Ye sighed helplessly…

This is also something that can’t be helped, who let Liuhua be messing with him recently?


Of course, it’s because of Miki Minamisawa… In school, because I played too much with Miki Minamizawa, I once accidentally bumped into the scene when the two kissed by Rokuhana…

Well—you can’t say it’s careless, you can only say it—everything was just an accident.

Originally, Zhou Ye planned to accompany Liuhua home that day, knowing that because of playing various small games with Teacher Miki, he had not gone home with his sister for a long time. But he didn’t expect that Liuhua was actually on duty that day, so Zhou Ye simply helped his sister on duty.

After finishing the duty, there was almost no one in the corridor, but when Zhou Ye and Liuhua walked to the corner of the stairs one after another, they happened to meet Miki Nanzawa who was about to walk up the stairs.

And Nanze Miki was also a little lawless by Zhou Ye in those days, and actually dared to kiss Zhou Ye when he looked around… And what about Zhou Ye? And you can’t push her away immediately, if you do that, it will be too hurtful…

So, Liuhua, who was a few steps behind, witnessed the shocking scene of her class teacher kissing her brother.

The result does not need to be asked –

Liuhua expressed super dissatisfaction with Zhou Ye for being obviously his own half-body, and actually being so close to the head teacher…

The two have been cold war for several days…

No, you can’t talk about the Cold War, you can only say – the jealous Liuhua is unilaterally ignoring Zhou Ye.

Therefore, in desperation, Zhou Ye could only use the second name given to him by Liuhua to enter this chat room and try to repair the relationship with his sister.

“Alas——!” Zhou Ye sighed helplessly, Miki took advantage of the summer vacation to go back to her hometown, so-all the problems were pressed on him. “[The traverser does not die from the wood knife] This skill is a bit difficult to use… The probability of fifty percent is also too low…”

With such a sigh of not knowing the blessing in the blessing, Zhou Ye once again set his eyes on the screen,

I saw – in the chat room, because of his arrival, there was an uproar.

[Lord Mori: I didn’t expect that half of my friend’s body, Ru actually came here…]

[System message: Chat room administrator Lord Mori has promoted the chanter of the eternal night to a chat room member. 】

[Thunder Warhammer Messenger: Hu!!! My master’s half-body? So what should I call you? Shout the second master?? One servant can’t do two masters, ah–it’s hard to die, death. 】

[Evil King True Eye Envoy: After the identity is confirmed, the chant of this eternal night is indeed half of my body. ] 】

[Chanter of the Eternal Night: That… What were you guys just talking about? 】

[Evil King True Eye Envoy: My half-body, an emergency has occurred – the angel has come to this world, we need to do the final confirmation to distinguish whether it is friend or foe, so–my half… Confirming the enemy situation is going to trouble you! 】

[Singer of the Eternal Night: Huh!! Angels descend?? Where is it?? 】

[Thunder Warhammer: Here yo-death, this is the address…]

Zhou Ye followed the website sent by the Thunder Warhammer and opened it… Well, in an instant, Zhou Ye confirmed – this thing is completely a fake photo made in order to increase the number of visits to his personal homepage… This method has been played rotten in a previous life.

But – this may be an opportunity.

Zhou Ye touched his chin and fell into thought… It’s time to call them to an in-person party.

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