Chapter 151!

And at this time – the battle between Rokuhana and Shichinomiya Zhiyin began.

“Burst it – reality!! Smash it – spirit!! Banishimentthis world!!! Liuhua’s solemn expression chanted the mantra of the singer, and with a backhand, he undid the blindfold that sealed him…

“Wow——!!!!” With the skill of [Middle Two Delusion], Zhou Ye only saw——

With the chanting of the six flowers, the clear sky darkened instantly.

In the eyes of the evil king of the six flowers, a golden aurora shot straight into the sky, and in mid-air, around this golden aurora, circle after circle of red magic spells spread out towards the surroundings like ripples in water waves.

“Obey the covenant of blood, I, and hereby summon Ru, Konigindernacht (Queen of the Night)!” With a wave of Liuhua’s hand, a drop of blood quickly expanded and expanded, and in a blink of an eye, it became a huge black weird weapon that was two of her height——

It’s weird because—this thing looks like a huge weird umbrella handle that is held backwards, and there are three axe blades on it…

At this time, Shichinomiya Zhiyin also sang his second opening speech without showing weakness: “The Demon King admits–magic liberation–four-winged angel chant–six-winged angel descends–Physical Linkage (Everything in the world is for my use)!” ”

After the chanting, in Zhou Ye’s opinion, the seven palace zhiyin has not changed much, if I have to say that there is – cough… Does that dress-up show that looks like a beautiful girl turn into a dress up count?

At this time, Seven Palace Zhiyin’s side suddenly lit up, a ray of sunlight dispelled the dark night summoned by the six flowers, and the world was divided into two worlds with black and white between the six flowers and the seven palaces, not only that, on the side of the seven palaces Zhiyin, the sky and the earth seemed to have fallen, the ground became a blue sky and white clouds of nothingness, and the sky was an inverted urban scene… Countless furniture and the like fell from the sky…

“Dark matter flame…” Liuhua unceremoniously made the first move, and the Queen of the Night in his hand spat out a scorching flame and struck towards the seventh house.

“Absolute defense!” Nanamiya also shouted, and with a wave of the wand in his hand like a beautiful girl, a semi-circular defensive shield made of octagonal transparent magic shields surrounded her tightly.

“That’s it!! Guys!! An unfamiliar voice suddenly crossed in, and then, the figure of a chestnut-haired girl wearing a white dress and a white gauze suddenly appeared in this delusional world.

The two who were fighting separated left and right, looked at each other, and then questioned the girl who suddenly joined the battle together: “Who are you?” “X2

“Although I have lost my memory, I have lived for 750 years, and the real magician in this world is the one who inherited the legend of the elves, my name – Lord Mori.”

“Oooo Here’s the unexpected joy! The first time Zhou Ye saw this figure, he had an extra camera in his hand… The camera is dead focused on Dansheng Gu Senxia.

This is an important material for playing the public execution game in the future, and it must not be forgotten… But–sama Mori, didn’t you say you lived five hundred years before? So soon another two hundred and fifty years old?? Laugh……

And although Tomiga Yongye has recovered her freedom, she is still lazily leaning on Zhou Ye’s arms, looking like she doesn’t want to move at all.

[I, I am infected by Unarengano’s original sin… Never, definitely not something I don’t want to get up myself…” With this thought, Yongye looked at the camera in Zhou Ye’s hand…”What are you doing here?” Lord Unarengano? ”

“Uh… Why do you call me an adult?? Zhou Ye asked with some doubts…”And… Why call me Unarengano?? ”

“Aren’t you the half-body of the Evil King’s True Eye Envoy—the Chanter of the Eternal Night, Lord Unarengano??” The little face of the Tomiga Nagaba logo was filled with doubt: “And you have sealed me now, which means that you are more powerful than me… So…… Respect the strong, what’s wrong with addressing you as an adult? ”

“Uh—I’ve almost forgotten this setting… Well, feel free! Zhou Ye said and raised the camera in his hand and said, “This is a special camera that records the words and deeds of the only remaining magician Lord Sen… You know, this is an important treasure for some people!! ”

“So it was death… Why didn’t I think of this? death…” A voice with a strange fetish sounded, Zhou Ye looked to the side, and saw a blonde double ponytail loli wearing a cute loli dress, standing beside him…

Her blonde double ponytail was not so much a double ponytail as two long braids, especially at the end of the braid, and tied with two suspicious round cloth bags, no one else had this dreaded pair of double ponytails that could be used as hammers except the Thunder Warhammer, Sanae Convex.

“Ah… Go and bring the camera I prepared…” Sanae Kumori ordered, and a strong bodyguard dressed in black next to her immediately took out a camera from the luxury limousine on the side… Handed it over. “Miss, the camera you want!”

So – in the crowd of onlookers, there were two more figures holding cameras.

Zhou Ye is to leave the black history of Dansheng Gu Senxia, so that in the future, when she graduates from secondary school, she can play a game of public execution with her.

And Sanae Kumori left a video record of Lord Mori because of his reverence for [Lord Mori]…

Well—whatever the purpose? In short, the result of future estimates will be the same – public execution.

And at this time, Lord Mori, who was in the delusional battlefield of middle two, had already entered the preaching mode.

“Magic is something that makes people happy, and the elves who control magic have a pure and flawless mind… And you so wantonly borrow their power to cause harm to others, so you are also worthy of using magic? Don’t you hear the cries of the elves? Speaking of this, Dansheng Gu Senxia’s face had a trace of deep sadness, as if he was really sad.

“…… It turns out that we were wrong!!! With a bang, the weapon in Liuhua’s hand fell to the ground.

“Arnold… Sono…” Nanamiya Zhiyin was also a little overwhelmed.

“So… Is it bad for everyone to be friends together? Zhou Ye walked up with a smile, gently picked up the black automatic umbrella that Liuhua had dropped on the ground, and handed it over. Speaking of… Isn’t it because everyone came here this time to find the entrance to the other world together? Well, Liuhua… Introduce yourself to your friends! ”

“Okay, brother!” This will be extremely obedient, she directly used an impeccable posture, bowed gently, and said: “Everyone, the first time we met, I am the evil king true eye messenger, the recognition in this life is called the bird swimming six flowers, this is my half, the chant of the eternal night – Una Rungano, the recognition name in this life is Eagle Wuye, please take care of it!” ”

“Huh… I’m Oni-chan of Liuhua, Ying Wuye, please take care of me! Zhou Ye also said with a smile.

After hearing the self-introduction of the Zhou Ye brothers and sisters, Dansheng Gu Senxia also introduced himself: “I am the only remaining magician in the world, you can call me Lord Mori – my recognition name in this life, Dansheng Gu Senxia, please take care of me!” ”

“I’m Sophia L. SP Satan VII, the ruler of the Seven Holy Lands, the magical girl of the demon king. My identification in this life is called: Shichinomiya Chiyin! Please look after me in the future! ”

“I, I am Yan Yan Ryuhime, the apprentice of the master craftsman of the seven palaces, and my identification name in this life is: Tomiga Nagaba! Please look after me in the future! ”

“I am the Evil King’s True Eye Envoy – the first servant of the bird Youliuhua, and the Thunder Warhammer Envoy – Sanae Shinmori Death!!! This is a courteous death! ”

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