Chapter 171!

Three hours later————

When Zhou Ye rushed back to his camp with a weak mother in one hand and a violent loli in the other—Meiya had been waiting for him in the camp for a long time.

With the help of Meiya, Zhou Ye also completely feathered the remaining three pillars.

What did you say?? Vile??

Hehe…… With three beautiful and powerful wagtail eight pillars in front of your eyes, what else are you going to do? Don’t you feather and then give it out for someone else to feather? Is Zhou Ye stupid? Does Zhou Ye have a green hat fetish? You must know that feathering requires mucosal contact…

Obviously-Zhou Ye is neither stupid nor cuckold…

Therefore, he did not hesitate to feather the other three pillars.

I have to say that the setting of the wagtail goddess is really amazing.

When you feather the more wagtail goddesses, not only will your physical fitness be strengthened, but you can also form a stronger attraction to other wagtails…

Let’s put it this way, Zhou Ye, who had feathered eight pillars, had reached the highest attraction to other ordinary wagtails at this time.

Although the other three pillars also complained a little that their own reed teeth actually forcibly feathered themselves against their own will… However, they are actually more jealous of Miya and Miwa and Mitsuki… You know, when Zhou Ye feathered the three of them, they were feathered one by one, just like them, directly in one day, they all pushed them all… Ahem, no, it’s feathered.

After spending a week with Miya Hachime to build a large manor in the center of a small world…

Zhou Ye transferred the eight Song Tiandu to the outside of the manor, and by the way, went in and activated the other five artifact.

As all the wagtails entered the hatching process, Zhou Ye also sat idle…

Of course, he is idle—the beautiful women can’t be idle… As the controllers of their respective Songtians, they need to keep an eye on the hatching results of the wagtails, but fortunately, with the inheritance of the Songtian artifact, none of the eight pillars have misadjusted the ordinary wagtails.

This also proves Zhou Ye’s guess from the side, originally the mature body in the Songtian spaceship itself has the authority and ability to modulate the wagtail, in the anime – the wagtail’s modulation will be wrong, it is completely the pot that the second man in the glasses foolishly messed with.

Time passes day by day…

The common wagtails are also gradually growing up…

Twenty years later –

The wagtail numbered one hundred and eight on Miya Songtian’s spaceship, in the modulation warehouse, woke up…

“I… Where am I here?? “Little loli Kusano, who has long blond hair, sat up from the modulation silo… With a blank face, looking at everything unfamiliar around. The one who often talks to her… Why is it not here??

At this time, the hatch of the wagtail hatching cabin was opened from the outside, and a beautiful girl with silver hair walked in…

When she saw the little blonde loli sitting up from the last hatchery, she immediately rushed over with an excited face…”Little grass, you finally woke up!” ”

Hearing this familiar voice… Little Loli Kusanobo suddenly understood, she is the sister who often lies on the side of her hatchery and chats with herself, Shiina…”

“Little grass… It’s so good!! The silver-haired girl Shiina hugged her sister happily, “You really worry me too much… The other sisters of Songtian hatched safely, only you, who refused to come out of the hatching barn… Oh – little grass is really!! ”

“I’m sorry, Xiaoshi…” In the face of her sister’s complaints, Little Lori Kusanoh said with an apologetic face: “I don’t know why…”

“Okay… Grass!! Shiina interrupted her sister’s words with a smile, and as she spoke, she took out a black Lolita dress and other clothes from the cabinet placed next to the hatchery and helped her sister put it on…”Try it, this is still made by Lord Reed, I don’t know if it is suitable…”

“Lord Reed??” Little Lori Kusana asked with a confused look, “It’s just… Before I was out of the hatchery, did Shii-chan tell me about that reed-tooth-sama? ”

“Yes, yes!!” Shiina said with a happy face: “Lord Reiya is the manager of this small world… It is precisely because of the existence of Lord Reed that we have avoided the tragedy of fighting each other… So ah, I, ah, like Reed-sama the most!! ”

“Is Lord Reed really that good??” Hearing her sister’s words, Little Lori Kusanoh looked confused… She had just hatched, and it wasn’t clear what the reed teeth meant to a wagtail…

“Of course, Lord Reed is the Lord Reed of all wagtails!” It seems that when he mentions his own reed tooth lord, Shiina has countless topics. “Lord Reed is gentle and kind—and most importantly, he’s very, very handsome… When I first saw Lord Reed, I felt like my heart was about to jump out of the mouth of the Hun… It was as if a voice was saying to me in my heart – He is your God, your master in this life… You rely on forever… Such…… Ah, Lord Reed!! ”

“……” Looking at his sister’s overexcited look, Kusanoh began to take a little interest in this reed-tooth-sama who he had never met.

Talk about laughing and laughing…

Kusano is already dressed with the help of his sister… He was held by his sister and walked out of the hatchery.

When he walked out of Songtian, Kusano looked at the scene in front of him – he was simply stunned, only to see that outside the Songtian spaceship – it was a huge amusement park, and all kinds of amusement facilities filled this amusement park of more than a dozen square kilometers.

In the amusement park, big sisters in all kinds of beautiful clothes are playing, and they are either in groups or several people, laughing freely in this huge amusement park.

“Here… It’s so beautiful!! Kusanoh looked at the huge Ferris wheel, and a hint of wanting to play leaked in his eyes.

“We’re going to meet Reed-sama first!! After you are feathered, you can come and play!! Shiina smiled and gently pinched her sister’s cheek and said, “The sisters playing in the amusement park are all wagtails after feathering… If you want to play with them, you have to feather first… In this way, your physical strength can barely reach the same level as giving them, and you can also avoid some unnecessary damage. ”

“Hmm!!” Little Lori Kusana nodded vigorously, she was still very well-behaved.

Led by her sister, Little Loli Kusanoh soon arrived at a manor on the edge of the playground…

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