Chapter 179!

I don’t know how long it has been –

Matsunaga finally regained her senses, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she realized – what she had just been done…

She…… Matsunaga Hide, the daughter of the samurai – the future daimyo (self-proclaimed) who has a heart for the world, actually… I was actually given by this little bastard in front of me, who was eating… It’s defiled like this…

“Meow (not alive…) Oooo

“Okay, Meow-chan… You must be hungry! Zhou Ye looked at Matsu Yongxiu with an unlovable expression, pretended not to understand and directly ignored the resentment in her eyes, gently picked up his chopsticks, and then began to play feeding PLAY…”Come on… Yes!! ”

“…… Do you think that by flattering Meow like this, Meow will forget the bad things you have done to Meow? You’re doing meow!! Although Matsunaga wanted to say this, but-when she saw the envy in the eyes of other wagtail girls, she didn’t know why she was faintly proud, and she suddenly changed her mind… [You feed Meow, Meow eats, Meow wants to eat poor you…]

With such careful thoughts… Song Yongxiu actually looked calm and began to accept Zhou Ye’s feeding.

What to say…

Putting aside some bad means of this little ghost, usually this little devil is still very good… At least, very gentle when feeding her.

Unconsciously, a submissive mentality began to breed in Matsunagahide’s heart.

When a victim begins to defend the perpetrator in his heart… Well, medically called Stockholm syndrome.

To be honest, Matsunaga Xiu felt that this meal was particularly sweet, after all– she would abandon the dignity of a samurai to become a bandit, although it was a cameo, it was enough to show that her economic situation had reached a desperate situation…

Moreover, she was done so many things by Zhou Ye like this… Although it didn’t move the real thing, it was very calorie-consuming, and Matsunaga Hide, the hungry Himemai samurai, was obviously – the most lacking thing now was heat.

After adding rice a few times, Matsunaga Hidei finally ate his fill…

However, at this time, she discovered that she had actually swept away Zhou Ye’s food…

“Lord Reed, I’ll help you get another copy!!” The loyal Raven Feather discovered this kind of thing for the first time, and his reed tooth’s rice was actually eaten by his pet, and he almost didn’t eat much…

“No thanks, I’m basically not hungry!!” Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hand…

It is said that he is not very hungry, but in fact, Zhou Ye really can’t look at the food here… Just after a few bites, he didn’t want to eat it.

Not to mention, and almost no oil and water… Although the wild boar stew is very bad, it is only very bad, it really has no taste, and the chef here obviously does not know how to deal with the fishy smell of wild boar, so – it really does not taste good.

The other women actually ate everything just with the idea of not wasting food…

Those meals, which seem like a lot, are actually a pickled radish, a grilled fish, a tofu and a stew of wild boar – and the taste is far less delicious than the food in the small world food forest.

To Zhou Ye and the others, it looked like a very simple food, but in the eyes of the diners in those liquor stores, this was almost a big meal.

In terms of food, Zhou Ye no longer has any expectations for the so-called Neon Warring States…

Picking up Song Yongxiu Meow, who was full and slept, Zhou Ye stood up… Walked out with all the women.

“My lords, I wonder if you are satisfied with the food in our restaurant?” The hostess saw the distinguished guest going out, hurriedly greeted him, and asked with a smile on her face.

“Well, let’s make do…” Zhou Ye smiled, and then casually threw a golden bean to the boss lady… It’s probably one or two. “This is meal money!”

“This… That’s too much, sir!! The boss lady looked at the golden beans in her hand in disbelief, and stammered: “Use it, don’t use so much, I, I’ll find it for you!” ”

I don’t blame her for this, in this era – one or two gold equals a thousand wen, and purchasing power is equivalent to a month’s monthly service for a craftsman. That’s the money to feed a family…

“No need, the rest will be rewarded to you!” Zhou Ye smiled and said.

“Hey… Thank you, sir!! The hostess thanked her for a while, and the floor was banged.

Zhou Ye waved his hand, took his wagtails, and left the liquor store…

A group of people in the castle town, after a circle, completely lost motivation – so, the wagtails, led by their own reeds, walked towards the outside of the city.

It’s not that Zhou Ye doesn’t want to find a hotel or something like a place to stay, it’s really – during the Warring States period, he didn’t have such a thing.

In these turbulent times, apart from maritime trade, few people traveled back and forth between the daimyo domains to do business.

Not to mention the high transportation costs and labor costs, just a large number of mountain thieves can ruin all your business – obviously, the destruction is faster than construction…

As for the kind of big businessmen who represent the interests of the daimyo everywhere? They are protected by bodyguards, and they have their own business to live in, who will go to the hotel.

So – in this era, there is no such thing as a hotel.

At most, there are some dilapidated houses that can be rented out in places like Castle Town, but – to be honest, the service or something, the environment, you don’t have to think about it, it’s basically impossible.

Of course, Zhou Ye didn’t like that kind of thing, instead of living in those dilapidated houses, it was better to go to the wilderness and set up a tent by himself.

As for bandits??

Will Zhou Ye care…

However, it has to be said that –

In these years, there are really people who are not afraid of death…

Raven Yu, who had been following Zhou Ye, noticed that after a few guys came out of the liquor store, they faintly hung them… Obviously, the money is moving. Someone has already moved the idea of killing people and taking money…

She hurriedly sped up a few steps, walked behind her own reed teeth, and whispered: “Adult, there is someone behind you…”

“I know…” Zhou Ye quietly smiled and whispered, “Isn’t the entertainment project coming at night?” Don’t scare your toys away…”

“Yes, sir!” Raven Feather smiled slightly.

What she was most afraid of was that these guys would destroy the playful nature of their own reed tooth adults, and it would not be beautiful… However, since her own reed tooth adults don’t care, then she doesn’t mind having a good time with these toys and using their fears to please herself – after all, it has been a long time since she killed anyone.

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