Chapter 181!

In the neon north – Oshu – Yamagata Castle, a great battle is going on.

No, it’s not so much a big war, but rather – a massacre.

Yamagata Castle – The fief of the daimyo of Dewa Kingdom, Mogami Yoshimori is experiencing the most incredible thing and the most difficult choice in his life.

In the castle tower of Yamagata Castle –

Mogami Yoshimoru tightly protected his wife and daughter behind him, holding his tai sword in his trembling right hand, looking ahead of him.

I saw that the castle tower, which was originally a little shabby compared to other daimyos, had been stained red with blood everywhere, and from time to time there were bursts of desperate screams outside, and in front of Mogami Yoshimori, a red-haired woman in a blood-red robe looked at him expressionlessly.

“Who the hell are you? Why attack my Mogami family?? Mogami Yoshimori looked at the red flame rising in the woman’s hand and asked unwillingly.

The great change happened just after nightfall…

At that time, he had just finished dinner and was chatting with his wife and daughter, but he didn’t expect…

There was a sudden loud noise outside, followed by a chaos… Before he could react, this woman broke in and killed countless samurai along the way, and the entire main hall of the castle tower was stained red with blood.

“Me??” The red-haired beauty said expressionlessly: “I am Meiya, one of the eight pillars of Songtian, and I have come to obtain the position of the patriarch of the top family by order of my family master!” ”

“You, you are delusional!!! Hearing the words of this woman who claimed to be the fourth pillar of Songtian, the hands of the supreme righteousness were shaking. “I’d rather be the supreme righteous, I’d rather the supreme family completely perish in this era, and I would never give the position of patriarch to you!!”

“That’s up to you!!” In the face of the stubborn supreme righteousness, Meiya said with an expressionless face: “The master’s order must be fulfilled, you don’t have to struggle anymore, those subordinate elders of yours are now taking care of themselves one by one… If you know each other, your top family may rely on your daughter in the future, and there is still the possibility of a comeback, but – if you resist to the end, whether it is the separation of your family or the master of your highest family, don’t want to live! ”

“By my daughter??” Mogami Yoshimoru grasped the point in his words…

“That’s right…!!” Miya looked at Mogami Yoshihime, who was hiding behind Mrs. Mogami Yoshimori, “You should be glad that you have a good daughter, otherwise… Your top family is about to be completely extinct like the Asakura family!! ”

“Who are you, your master??” Mogami Yoshimori wanted to delay for a little longer.

But apparently, his thoughts were seen through by Miya…

For the most shangyi shou who is not immortal in the heart of the Yellow River, Meiya has seen a lot, and she is not in a hurry… Instead, he waved his hand back slightly-

With her movements, a throne condensed by cold ice appeared behind her…

Meiya slowly sat on the Ice Throne, and looked at Mogami Yoshimori for a long time, “Are you delaying time?” Well… It doesn’t matter, I’ll give you a chance to show you… What kind of ending can you wait for…”

After Meiya said this, she stopped speaking… Instead, she closed her eyes without care, for her, the guy in front of her was unbelievably weak, and the so-called samurai or something was only a little stronger than ordinary people, and there was nothing to pay attention to.

“………… Ju, actually despise me so much…” Looking at Meiya who closed his eyes and raised his mind, Mogami Yoshimoru felt that his lungs were about to be exploded.

But angry and angry, Mogami Yoshimoru didn’t think that this strange woman in front of him had a chance to kill her when she closed her eyes…

He was not presumptuous, but – he really saw his samurai being hacked to death by the woman in front of him like chopping melons and vegetables.

Time passed minute by minute, and Mogami Yoshimori’s heart gradually calmed down, and he now only thought that his eldest son, Mogami Yoshimitsu, could rush out of the city under the protection of his retainers, and ask for help from his own Tento, Kurokawa, Crabazawa, Nakaoka, Nakano and so on…

However, at this moment, a small figure suddenly appeared in the room.

“Lord Meiya, fortunately not to be disgraced!!” As soon as that figure appeared, he bowed to Meiya, who was sitting on the ice throne, and said, “I have already slaughtered the retainers who fled with the most righteous light, and at the same time… Mogami Yoshimitsu has also been killed by me!! ”

“Rei, you did a good job!!” Meiya opened her eyes slightly at this time and nodded. “The host will be very happy!”

“Yes, it is our honor to serve the master!!” The girl called Rei, hearing the praise of her own Bazhu adult, her eyes narrowed into a slit with a smile.

And at the same time as hearing the girl’s words, Mogami Yoshimori’s whole person seemed to be hit hard, his face turned white in an instant, and he muttered: “What? No way…… Gengoro won’t just die!! ”

“I’m sorry, Patriarch Mogami… Because it’s dark, I don’t know if this is your son, how about you identify it yourself? Rei smiled slightly, and threw the head she was carrying in her hand directly in front of Mogami Yoshimori…

“Nope… Gengoro… My child…” Before Mogami Yoshimoru could speak, his wife behind him rushed over with a cry of grief… Holding up the ground, the head of the most shangyi light let out a heart-rending wail.

“Hey, trouble!!” Looking at the appearance of the three members of the Mogami family crying bitterly there, Meiya sighed helplessly…”Well, it seems that I still want to call Mizuki over!” ”

“There’s no way around it, sir!!” Li smiled slightly: “Who makes the master hate this supreme righteous light!” ”

“Hey, no way…!!” Miya said, directly using the Legion channel in her head to call Mizuki. [Mitsuki… Are you there?? 】

[Ah, it’s rare that our ice beauty will also call me…]

[If you want Lord Reeda’s plot to fail, you can ignore me! ] 】

“Oh, Meiya is really… It’s so casual, well, is there something I need help with? 】

[I’m in a slight situation here, I’m afraid I can’t use the alternative method of persecution, so I can only start the second brainwashing program! ] 】

[No problem, wait for me for three seconds…]

【Hmm! 】

Three seconds passed in the blink of an eye, just when the Mogami family was still immersed in the grief of losing their beloved son,—— Mitsuki, wearing a purple kimono, appeared beside Miya, with the help of the positioning of the small world administrator identity, the wagtails can make a slight transit in the small world, and then directly appear next to another administrator in the outer world – this ability is called world positioning teleportation.

“Mitsuki-sama!!” Seeing Miyue’s figure, Rei hurriedly bowed down to give a salute.

“Okay, Rei, don’t be so polite to this guy!!” Miya waved her hand and let the wagtail under her get up, then turned to look at Mizuki and said, “Let’s start… Finish brainwashing early, we can also finish the layout earlier!! ”

“It’s really cold…!!” Although she complained like this, Mitsuki still modified the memories of the Mogami family and all the retainers of the Mogami Domain in an instant, in fact, it was nothing, just erased the existence memory of Mogami Yoshimitsu, and added Miya’s memory.

“Huhh?? Why…… Why should I hold this person’s head and cry? Who is he?? ”

“It’s scary, my lord… Why is there a head here all of a sudden…”

“Aunt Miya is so terrible!!” Little Lori, Mogami Yoshihime rushed to Miya’s arms with a scared face… Mia’s current identity is Mogami Yoshimori’s own sister, and the recognized patriarch of the next generation of the Mogami family…

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