Chapter 194!

Zhou Ye saw the pitiful look on the faces of the twins standing by the hot spring pool at a glance, and couldn’t help but smile slightly: “What are you doing, come down!” ”

With Zhou Ye’s words, the girls made way for the last sisters to arrive, allowing them to get directly close to their own Lord Reed.

The two sisters came to their own reed teeth and happily thanked their sisters.

The wagtails laughed and teased the twins…

In fact, the wagtails know that the work next to their big sister is the most tiring, it seems to be a beautiful difference, but they are stared at by those elders, and they are not easy at all.

After a moment of frolics, the women stopped again, wanting to hear from their eldest sister.

You know, there is a reason why Miya came so late.

She was just discussing very important things with those elders.

What’s the matter?

Of course it was – when did he finish marrying Zhou Ye.

For this matter, Miya means – to consummate the marriage after the war.

After all, for your wedding, even if it is beautiful, it is very important… She also wanted a grand wedding, and even if possible, she wanted to invite all the other eight pillars to observe her own wedding…

Miya swears, this is definitely not a show-off…

It’s definitely not about sunbathing happiness or something… She just wanted to be blessed by her sisters and that’s it, well, absolutely.

It’s just a pity————

The advice of the elders shattered her sweet fantasy…

The retainers, led by Tachibana Michiyuki, believed that if the owner wanted to consummate the marriage, then he must do so before the war, because – this is why it seems that this marriage is not a transaction. Although this marriage itself is a transaction… But…… People always order face, treat marriage as a transaction, and they feel that the Otomo family cannot afford to lose this face.

For this, Miya argues for reason, but it’s a pity… She is lonely, and it is difficult to clap her alone.

Ahem… Of course, this does not mean that Miya could not arbitrarily decide on the rules of the dynasty and set the rules for consummating the marriage after the war.

Instead—Miya felt the pressure from the other eight pillars in the Legion channel.

Mogami Miya [If you dare to send me a wedding sticker, then I dare to bring one hundred and seven sisters to make a big fuss about your wedding! ] 】

Date Miro [Despicable beauty, actually using such means to get Lord Reeda’s wedding, unforgivable! ] 】

Uesugi Mina [Oh, Miya is getting married… Shall I take the Uesugi family’s cavalry to congratulate you? 】

Maori Miyu [Marriage?] Is it synonymous with execution? Can I go and watch? Rest assured, I will take the Maori troops with me! 】

Ichijo Miwa [Ichigo’s warship is ready, Miya, are you ready to deal with the attack from across the Seto Inland Sea?] 】

Miyin Asakura [Oooo Sister Miya actually wants to monopolize Lord Reeda… I will never forgive…]

In the end, even Mitsuki Kamidao of the Ashikaga Shogun’s Mansion said it. [Now there is a thief who is beautiful and tries to occupy the reed teeth of my waiting, and I will issue an edict and call on the great names of the world to discuss it…”

To be honest, in the face of the opposition of the elders, Miya can ignore it, but she can’t ignore the opposition of her sisters.

These guys really dare to mess with her wedding with their wagtails.

Miya doesn’t want her wedding to be messed up in the end… In desperation, Meiya could only agree to the hasty pre-war wedding plan of the elders.

Of course, she also paid a lot of price for this.

For example, promise other sisters that they will definitely support them to hold a prosperous wedding with Reed Ya in the future, or appease the weak mother Meiyin, saying that this wedding is just a formality… Lord Reed Tooth is still everyone’s Lord Reed Tooth, she will definitely not monopolize it…

This one was calmed down, and it simply exhausted Meiya’s mental strength…

Listening to the perfect words, Zhou Ye couldn’t help but laugh.

“You still laugh, who is this all because of…” Seeing her own reed tooth’s heartless smile, Meiya couldn’t help but bite her own reed tooth’s shoulder aggrieved… It is said to be a bite, but in fact, Miya is reluctant to use it at all…

“It’s okay, if Miya feels a loss, won’t it be good to add you to the future grand wedding??” Zhou Ye smiled and soothed the beauty in his arms…”In this way, don’t you have one more wedding than them?” Calculate it this way, or you take advantage!! ”

“…… Hmm – it sounds like a good look!! Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Meiya thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was some truth… This made the grievances in her heart a little less.

She did feel wronged, obviously Zhou Ye belonged to her reed teeth alone from the beginning… Why don’t these sisters give her any face, she is so generous to share her reed teeth with them.

“What about weddings… Lord Reed, when can we have a wedding with you!! Song said with a longing face: “People also want to face Lord Reed Tooth and shout Lord Fujun!” ”

Song’s words immediately resonated with the other wagtails…

“Yes, wait until the neon is unified… I’ll marry you all!! Zhou Ye said with a slight smile.

Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, the wagtails suddenly became excited, it sounded like Zhou Ye’s words seemed to be perfunctory, but in fact, the wagtails knew – this day will not wait too long, so to speak, as long as Zhou Ye achieves his goal, as long as he shouts loudly, the wagtails are confident that they will completely win the entire neon within half a year.

Is neon hard to take?

Look at the current neon Warring States, all of which have been mastered by the eight pillars, there is the Mogami family and the Date family and the Uesugi family, the lower family and the Otomo family and the Mori family, and the Asakura family in the middle… Even Kyoto Prefecture has the Ashikaga Shogun Mansion controlled by Mitsuki Kandai…

And Zhou Ye occupied the Oda family again, waiting for the birth of the little loli named Oda Nobuna.

The wagtails had no doubt that the little loli named Oda Nobuna would never escape the hands of her own reed-sama.

Therefore – unifying neon is very easy, but it can only be activated after your own reed tooth master has finished business.

With the happy laughter of the girls, someone has already told the other wagtail sisters the news on the Legion channel…

Suddenly the Legion channel became very lively…

Wagtail sisters keep asking their reed teeth on the Legion channel, is this true… Zhou Ye was really busy at this time, he really wanted to get a top information column in the legion channel…

It’s night –

In addition to Raven Feather and Matsunaga Hide, the other wagtails frantically attacked their Reed-sama, and yet—although they were united in their will, and although their morale was high, but… Strength is strength, like an insurmountable heavenly graben, so that the wagtails can only kneel and sing the material of conquest…

Among the people who sing about conquering, there is the big sister Miya… In fact, she was the first unlucky egg to be defeated…

Who called her the lucky one who was about to marry her own reed tooth adult? So in the face of his own big sister’s call for help… A group of wagtails chose to stand by and see that they would not be saved – in the end, poor Miya passed out completely with a scream.

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