Chapter 201!

In the castle tower of the Otomo house, there was laughter and the atmosphere was high.

In the castle tower of the Ouchi family and the mountain castle –

The head of the Ouchi family, Yoshitaka Ouchi sat at the top… And the elders of her retainers, also below, sat…

But unlike the Otomo family, there is –

The atmosphere here can be described as a melancholy and bleak sentence.

The girl with short blonde hair sat on the top and asked with a sad face: “Guys, what should we do now?” ”

Hearing the words of their own lord, a group of martial arts factions that had just begun to beguile their own lord to take the initiative to start a battle with the Dayoujia were silent one by one…

Seeing the appearance of her men, the blonde girl finally couldn’t help but get angry.

“It’s you who said–Daming Demon Master is just a charlatan…”

“It’s also you who told me – the head of the Otomo family actually married a first-order charlatan, and now the Otomo family will definitely be unstable, and it is the best time to seek the country of Chikuhou… What now?? ”

“You actually told me that a demon god-like figure who can freeze a thousand armies is a liar??”

“Did you hear the wailing of the three thousand heroic spirits who had succumbed to death? Yes? Did you hear that?? ”

“You bastards, you should all cut your abdomen and apologize for your sins with death…”

Listening to the angry cursing of their own lord, those martial artists lowered their heads one by one, just like a defeated quail, saying nothing…

They really can’t say anything…

It was they who incited their own lord to attack the Otomo family, and now the war is not only lost, but three thousand soldiers have no life, not to mention, even the castle has been lost…

It’s like—

They originally happily went to bully soft persimmons, but it turned out – sleeping, this is not a soft persimmon, this is a man-eating dragon…

This huge sense of gap made them unable to think of any good way to comfort their own monarch for a while.

And at this moment, a girl with long green hair stood up…

She is none other than the Ouchi family, the leader of the Bunji faction, Sagara Taketo.

At this time, Sagara Takeren, who stood up, walked to the middle and sat down on his knees… She glanced at the old ministers of the martial arts faction with disdain, and then said, “Your Highness, I have a way…”

However, at this moment, a waiter put a battle report on his head and walked quickly to Yoshitaka Ouchi… He respectfully promised the battle report to his own lord.

“What can you do, let’s say…” Yoshitaka Ouchi said as he opened the battle report in his hand…

“Your Highness, that Great Ming Demon Master is indeed very strong, but—it is precisely this kind of strength that is his way to get rid of trouble…” Sagara Takeren heard his own lord’s words and began to talk eloquently. Whether it is the Shimazu family in the southeastern part of Kyushu, the Arima family located on the east side of the Ōtomo family, or even the Ryuzoji family, they will never tolerate the Ōtomo family becoming so powerful!! Just send emissaries…”

Sagara Takeren’s words are not finished…

She saw her own lord stunned on the spot with a dull face… The battle report in his hand fell to the ground flutteringly…

Sagara Takeren couldn’t help but peek at that battle report…

Instantly – she was stunned by the news in the battle report.

There is only one line of big characters on it – [Kokura Castle… Fall].

Looking at the battle report, the unique symbol that belonged to the Ouchi family ninja army, Sagara Takeren knew – this news is indeed true and reliable…

Kokura Castle – That’s the gateway to the Ouchi family on the island of Kyushu.

Once it falls, it means that the power of the Ouchi family on the island of Kyushu has completely disappeared.

That’s right, near the Ryuzoji family, there is another castle that belongs to the Ouchi family.

But – as soon as Kokura Castle falls, then that city becomes almost an isolated city… It was only a matter of time before it fell.

So—no wonder her lord became so discouraged when he saw the news.

Thinking of this, Sagara Takeren gently picked up the battle report, and then casually handed it to the elders and retainers who bowed their heads and said nothing, asking them to circulate it.

When this battle report was circulated…

Almost all the old retainers were shocked…

And at this time, Yoshitaka Ouchi finally sobered up from the shock…

She asked with a lost face, “Now… Who has a way to stop this Great Ming Demon Master?? ”

“Please rest assured, lord…” a young girl with long chestnut hair walked out, “Hongchu Mikawa Shoutaka is also willing to relieve the lord’s worries… According to the enemy outside the country…”

Seeing this girl, the other retainers couldn’t help but talk about it.

This girl is a vassal of the Tao family, Takashi Hirosaka… She inherited the position of her father, Mikawa Mamoru, so she called herself Hirosaka Mikawa Moritaka.

It is indeed a great general with both wisdom and courage.

Seeing that someone finally took the initiative to ask for it, Yoshitaka Ouchi suddenly smiled…

She couldn’t think about whether Hiraka Takashi was the opponent of that ghost-like figure, and now she was in a hurry to go to the hospital…”Great, since Mikawa Mamoru is willing to take on this heavy responsibility, then I will order you to command the Akama Sekisui Army and keep that Daimyō Demon Master out of the main island!” ”

“Subordinates lead the order!!” Takashi Honaka replied respectfully.

At this time, Yoshitaka Ouchi remembered Sagara Taketo again… She hurriedly asked, “What did Sagara-kun just say?” ”

“The subordinates have a plan that can make the Otomo family unable to take care of both the beginning and the end…” Sagara Takeren took out his joint remarks and said them again.

“Good, good… Then this matter will be handled by Sagara-kun!! “Yoshitaka Ouchi is already square…

She just wants to hold on to her acres and three points of land for the time being…

Not to mention seeking the territory of the Otomo family, it would be nice that she could hold herself now and not be completely swallowed…

As long as she can hold her nest temporarily, she is willing to try anything.

And at the same time————

Arima family in Kyushu –

The house governor of the Arima family, Arima Harunobu, looked at the battle report in his hand and fell into deep thought…

Daming Demon Master??

Frozen Thousand Armies??

What to do??

And Shimazu Yoshihiro of the Shimazu family also looked at the battle report in his hand, although his face did not leak traces, but… The worry in the eyes cannot be eliminated.

The same situation is also played out at the Ryuzoji family…

For a while, because of the Daimyo Demon Master who came out of the Otomo family, the entire Daimyo of Kyushu Island fell into an inexplicable panic…

What to do??

What are they going to do in the face of this demon-like man?

Two fortified cities in a day…

They don’t have the same family background as the Ouchi family, and they have so many strong cities to lose.

If the target is them, how long can they resist this Great Ming Demon Master? One day? Two days??

This night – the daimyo of the entire island of Kyushu, because of one name, and sleepless all night… He is Zhou Ye – the demon master from Daming, the husband of the Datomo family governor…

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