Chapter 229!

Three days later————

A team of more than a hundred people was marching on the rugged and bumpy mountain road from Nakono City to Zhushan.

Bamboo Mountain, in the end, is not a necessary place, if I have to say, at most it can only be regarded as a gathering place for some residents, how can these people repair the road to the outside of the mountain?

Therefore, the road here is particularly difficult to walk, and it is said that the sheep intestinal trail has lifted it somewhat.

At the front of this team of more than 100 people, there are two large and small loli walking almost side by side.

In fact, if you look closely, you will find that the horse of the larger loli is slightly behind the head of the smaller loli.

These two are none other than Oda Nobuna Little Lori and her personal attendant Niwa Nagahide.

“Changxiu, you really secretly went to Bamboo Mountain by yourself??? Oda Nobuna asked with some curiosity, “Moreover, the identity of the hermit in the bamboo mountain has also been verified?” ”

“Yes, Your Highness!!” Niwa Changxiu said softly: “The subordinates have indeed verified the identity of the hermit and obtained accurate information…”

She had just told her lord about her disobedience and secretly going to Zhushan.

No way, this kind of thing can’t be hidden… Even if Zhou Ye didn’t say it, when the time came, when he saw those mountain people, her patriarch would understand.

Instead of weaving that kind of lie that will be debunked as soon as it is debunked, it is better to honestly explain the matter…

Niwa Nagahide believes that with the character of his own father, he will never blame her.

And it is…

Niwa Nagahide’s confession did not make Oda Nobuna angry… In Oda Nobuna’s opinion, Niwa Nagahide is also doing this for his own good, why be angry?

Although she is a foolish princess in other people, she is not really stupid? Can’t tell the difference between good and bad…

What interests her the most is another thing. “What exactly is that person??”

“Please allow your subordinates to keep this secret…” In the face of Oda Nobuna’s inquiry, Niwa Nagahide said with a smile: “I believe that after you meet that person, you will know… When the time comes, you will definitely be pleasantly surprised!! ”

“Is it really a demon master??” Oda Nobuna guessed the identity of the bamboo forest hermit, and she shouted with a look of surprise.

“When you see it, you naturally know it!!” For this, Niwa Changxiu just smiled, did not say yes, did not say no…”In short, you will not be disappointed Your Highness!” ”

It was Niwa Nagahide’s ambiguous attitude that made Oda Nobuna a little unconfident…

“Who the hell? Can’t Changxiu tell me in advance? ”

“I’m afraid not, Your Highness… The meaning of surprise is the unknown, and if you know, where else can you have surprises? ”

“Really… As the owner of the museum, I order you to speak out…”

“Using one’s own rights to forcibly suppress one’s own subordinates is the worst thing… Your Highness! Zero points——!! ”

“Huh!! I’m just talking casually, you don’t need to be so serious, right? ”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness… Jun has no jokes, and untrustworthy words are also a big taboo for the Lord!! So, it’s still zero!! ”

“Changxiu is not cute at all…”

With the sound of two little loli stirring…

The team gradually approached Zhushan.

It’s still that Nakatake Village, it’s still the village chief.

It’s just that this time it’s better that Niwa Changxiu doesn’t need the village chief to lead the way.

She led the team directly and walked towards the sea of bamboo full of her memories.

“It’s amazing——!!” When bypassing a mountain bag and an endless sea of bamboo appeared in front of Oda Nobuna’s eyes, she couldn’t help but exclaim, “Such a large sea of bamboo… How much is enough to make a light foot? ”

Light foot, that is, the armor worn by light feet.

In fact, according to normal terms, such things are made of pig iron in the richer daimyos, but – in the poorer daimyos, this kind of footing becomes strange, and bamboo is a relatively common material.

Whether it is a bamboo gun or a bamboo armor, it can be regarded as a relatively general thing.

In the end, bamboo has good toughness, and its smooth surface also has a certain anti-stabbing ability… That’s why it became the first choice for those poor names.

Of course, if you have money, you will still choose iron enough.

So, are the Oda family rich?

Of course the Oda family has money… Sitting on the most fertile land in Owari Country, it is a bit of nonsense to say that the Oda family has no money.

But – the fact that the Oda family is rich does not mean that Oda Nobuna is rich…

She hasn’t succeeded to the throne yet…

So it’s no surprise that she feels such a way when she sees these bamboos – because she’s so poor right now.

Niwa Changxiu, who knew this very well, smiled slightly, and rarely did not give his highness a score…

“Well, Your Highness… We should go in!! Niwa Changxiu said with a smile: “These soldiers can’t enter the bamboo sea… The owner of this place hates noisy!! ”

“Hmm!!” For Niwa Nagahide’s words, Oda Nobuna did not refute anything… She can also tell the difference.

I came to honor the corporal, not to find fault…

Therefore, try not to provoke the owner of this place, and it is better to be unhappy in your heart…

“You guys wait here, I’ll go in with Changxiu!!” After Oda Nobuyasu explained it, he walked directly towards the bamboo sea with Niwa Nagahide.

Those soldiers and pawns carrying things answered helplessly, and then rested on the spot…

But they have been walking for so long with all kinds of gifts, and it is a lie to say that they are not tired.

And at this time –

Zhou Ye, who was doing nothing in the Yazhu Garden, his eyes lit up, and then a smile leaked from his face: “Our guest is here… Jiuxiu, you go and pick them up, they are lost in the province!! ”

“Okay, sir!!” Matsunaga Xiu, who was helping his master massage, smiled slightly and stood up… Walk towards the door.

For a while, in the entire Bamboo Ya Garden, only Crow Feather and Zhou Ye were left.

The other women had long known that their man was going to start his hunting plan, so they simply left here out of sight and out of mind…

Fenghua followed the girls and returned to their own Yaju-sama Meiya and went to play with their sisters.

The Kusano-sisters were invited to the Shimazu house by their little sisters…

Therefore, in the entire huge Bamboo Ya Garden, only Zhou Ye and Ya Yu and Song Yongxiu were left.

The future weekly family reunions are also placed in the small world…

No way, here in Zhuyayuan, after Zhou Ye accepted the recruitment of Oda Nobuna, of course, he could no longer live here, so the family gathering could only be placed in a small world.

Fortunately, Zhou Ye had already carved out a hot spring group in the small world as their meeting place… The scenery there is fiddled with by all the women, it is simply a fairyland… It’s a great place to hang…

Ahem, far away…

With the departure of Matsunaga Xiu, Raven Yu took over the heavy task of massaging his own reed tooth adult… Without saying a word, he did it behind his own reed tooth adult, and then gently put his own reed tooth adult’s head on his lap.

“Well–yes, it’s there, a little heavier!!”

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