Chapter 235!

“Subordinate Shibata Katsuya, ordered, come to obey the order!!”

Nakono Castle – In the main hall of the castle tower.

A loli in armor was respectfully kneeling under Shinna.

“People from the Shibata family??” Shinna’s little loli looked thoughtfully at this loli in front of her, everything else was good, which made her a little unhappy – that is, this loli seems to be much older than her…” “Haven’t your Shibata family always served my sister Oda City?” Why did you come to me to obey orders?? ”

“Hey, because it was Oda Nobuhide-sama’s order, so…” Shibata Katsuya Little Lori replied respectfully.

“Okay… I don’t need you to be so reluctant…” Before the little loli of Xina could finish her words, she was covered by a big hand that came behind her…

“Hahaha… Yoshi-chan is joking, don’t you care about Xiaoliu!! Zhou Ye said with a hahaha: “For the time being, Xiaoliu will live in Ninomaru first, Changxiu, you help me greet Xiaoliu first, okay… I have something to say to you, Yoshi-chan, you come with me…”

Ji is the nickname of Shinna’s little loli, and the only person who can call her like this, except for her parents, is Zhou Ye.

By the way, Koroku is the nickname of Katsuya Shibata…

“Huh…?” Katsuya Shibata looked blankly at this handsome young man who suddenly appeared behind His Highness Shinna and took His Highness Shinna away with such a big grin…

She really had an urge to pull out a knife and question this teenager… Why did it appear here in His Highness Shinna…]

However, the expressions of the others in the hall made her forcibly restrain her impulse.

Because, in her opinion, the other retainers in the hall did not seem to feel strange at all…

Speaking of – at this time, the little loli of Xinna is really a little sad, except for Niwa Changxiu, the other two suspected retainers-like existences are all subordinates brought by Zhou Ye… What do you call a suspected retainer?

That is to say, in the absence of conflict, they will still listen to the orders of the little loli… But Shinna’s little loli rarely orders them, who calls them Gemini Oniihime?

“In Shimodanwa Nagahide, it’s His Highness Noshina’s attendant!!” Niwa Nagahide walked up to Shibata Katsuya with a smile on his face and introduced himself, “Please take care of you in the future!” ”

“Hey, I’m here, and below is the Shibata Katsuya of the Shibata family, please take care of me!!” The little loli of the Shibata Katsuya also hurriedly returned the salute.

“Then let’s go, I’ll take you to Ninomaru’s residence first!!” Niwa Changxiu said, taking the lead and walking towards the outside of the main hall.

“Then it’s bothering you!!” Little Lori Shibata hurriedly followed…

The two walked out of Honmaru one after the other…

Shibata Little Lori finally couldn’t help it, “Who is that guy who covered His Highness Shinna’s look?” Why did he act so rudely and no one of you stopped him? ”

In Shibata Katsuya’s view, this matter is like a big rebellion, the following offense… And the inaction of these retainers who served His Highness Nobuna made her feel even more incomprehensible, didn’t they know – the Lord humiliated the subject to death?

Hearing the righteous accusations of little Lori Shibata… Niwa Changxiu snickered in his heart, and another death came…

Thinking of this, Niwa Changxiu deliberately made a sad look. “As subordinates, of course, we want to solve the problems of the Lord and save our own Lord Father…”

“But—that wicked man is not something we can resist…”

“Even, he threatened us with the life of the lord…”

“If we dare to make any changes, then the lord’s life will be lost!”

“So… We can only watch the Lord Father suffer this insult and humiliation… This is a great shame!! Speaking of this, Niwa Changxiu’s face was angry, the kind of hatred for her incompetence, and the vividness of her performance…

“How can it be so…” Juru Lori Shibata Katsuya, hearing Niwa Nagahide’s words, suddenly became angry… Without saying a word, she pulled out her katana, turned her head and walked towards the main hall…”Although my Shibata family is not a vassal of His Highness Shibuna, but–in the face of such evil people, everyone will be damned… I would never watch him bully His Highness Shinna like this!! ”

“Don’t… That villain’s martial arts are strong… It’s not something we can resist!! Although Niwa Nagahide’s mouth shouted eagerly, but the pace under her feet was unhurried, she followed behind Shibata Little Lori, unhurried…

This black girl is just to go to the theater…

“Don’t say it… As a vassal and not being able to share the worries of the Lord, what do you want… He actually allowed the lord to be bullied by the wicked… You…” the little loli of Shibata Katsuya said more and more angrily, as if the whole person was about to turn into an angry King Kong.

And she just walked into the main hall with a sharp blade in hand…

Matsunaga Xiu and Raven Yu immediately narrowed their eyes, and Xiu’s hand couldn’t help but put on his weapon.

If it weren’t for Niwa Nagahide’s constant winking at them, it is estimated that the reckless Shibata Katsuya would have been beheaded by the two of them at this time.

“Where is that villain? I’m going to behead him and rescue His Highness Shinna!! Katsuya Shibata looked at Matsunaga and Raven Ha and questioned.

“Just now, that villain brought His Highness Xinna to the back…” From these words, the thoughtful Matsunaga Xiu had almost guessed everything inseparable, and she immediately made an expression as if she had been looking forward to a savior at the same time, pointing to the side door behind the hall screen and saying: “I’m afraid, at this time, that evil man is bullying His Highness Nobuna…”

Little Lori Shibata didn’t suspect anything, and she walked towards the back of the screen.

Sure enough, behind the screen, there was a small door, and Shibata Little Loli opened the door without hesitation and entered…

Behind the small door, there is a long corridor…

As soon as she walked into the hallway, Shibata Little Lori heard a cry…

“Ah–I don’t dare, I really don’t dare… Spare me…”

“Humph—what’s so easy… Enjoy this love education slowly!! ”

That begging for mercy, Shibata Little Loli heard it instantly… It’s not His Highness Shinna’s voice, and whose voice is it?

The angry little loli Shibata came to the door, walked to the door of the room with the closed door, raised the weapon in her hand, and swung it vigorously.

Wooden door frames, paper doors… And how can it withstand the katana of Shibata Little Loli?

Just listen – with a click, the whole door was split by the little loli with a huge gap…

Little Loli jumped in with a knife without hesitation, and shouted angrily: “Villain, let go of His Royal Highness Xinnai…”

With this loud drink, the whole room suddenly fell silent…

And Shibata Little Loli was also stunned by this scene in front of her…

This—this—this seemed different from what she had imagined.

There is no action of men bullying women, if you have to say bullying, then it is probably Zhou Ye who is holding a feather in his hand, sliding on the sole of a certain loli…

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