Chapter 247!

In a mansion in the inner city, fourteen-year-old Saito is learning ikebana with her mother, Mrs. Komi no Kata.

At this time, Gui Dieji has been extremely beautiful, and she has grown up next to her mother, Mrs. Omino Kata, and has basically inherited her mother’s gentle personality, and it can be said that she and Oda Nobuna are completely two girls.

“Mugami-sama, I’m done!!” Gui Dieji said as she placed the finished flower arrangement in front of her mother. “Please appreciate it!!”

“Not bad!!” For her daughter’s work, Mrs. Komi is very satisfied… She smiled and said to her daughter: “Gui Die’s technique is getting better and better, seeing your works, I feel that my mood is much more comfortable!” ”

“The mother praised, the daughter still has a lot of deficiencies!!” Gui Dieji said with a smile.

“Really… Obviously only a fourteen-year-old child, why learn from your father so old!! Mrs. Komi said dissatisfiedly.

Hearing her mother’s words, Gui Dieji smiled slightly, “Mother, fourteen years old is not small, many people have become a wife or even a mother when they are fourteen years old!” ”

Hearing her daughter’s words, Mrs. Komino Kata fell silent.

She knew what her daughter was worried about…

In fact, she can’t give her daughter any guarantees about this matter…

Born in this family, political marriage is her inevitable fate… Even if it is her, Komi no Kata – although she has been fighting, in the end, wasn’t she still married by her own father to Michizo Saito, who was more than twenty years older than herself?

It’s just a matter of time.

“Don’t worry, Gui Butterfly!!” The only thing Mrs. Komi can do is comfort that is not comforting. “Sometimes, marriage doesn’t have to be unhappy… You see mother and me, after so many years, isn’t it also very happy? ”

“Hehe…” Gui Dieji smiled, and did not say anything…

At this moment, a maid gently opened the door and walked in.

“Madam, the Lord has summoned the young lady to the castle tower council chamber…”

Hearing this voice, Gui Dieji and her mother, Mrs. Xiaomino Fang, were stunned, and then, their faces became very difficult to look at…

In this family, Michizo Saito is a man of great paternalism.

Even if he loves his daughter very much, Gui Dieji… But she was not allowed to go to the council hall of the castle tower when she was fine.

There, it’s a place to discuss big things…

And now, Saitang Dao Trinity uncharacteristically summoned Butterfly Ji to the council chamber…

There is only one possibility, then—that Dieji’s marriage is approaching, and that it is still a political marriage.

Thinking of this, Gui Dieji’s face became even more ugly…

No one wants to marry someone they don’t know, and no one wants to go until they get married, and they don’t even know what their future husband looks like.

But –

In this day and age, it’s not that you can’t marry if you don’t want to… This kind of talent who does not know what kind of husband he is before marriage is the norm in this era.

Even though she knew that she was about to usher in the fate of her marriage, – Gui Dieji still respectfully turned to her mother, and Mrs. Komiji saluted: “Then… Mother-sama, I will take my leave first…”

With that, Gui Dieji stood up, followed the maid, and walked outside step by step…

Mrs. Komino Kata looked at her daughter’s departing figure and opened her mouth slightly to say something… However, in the end, it turned into a silent sigh.

She knew that even she couldn’t stop her husband from making any decisions.

And on the other side…

In the council chamber of the castle tower, there was also a debate going on.

“My lord, are you going to marry Gui Dieji to that person??” Wise Guangxiu asked loudly, “Isn’t it a little too hasty to marry Gui Dieji without even knowing who he really is?” ”

“Are you worried about Butterfly-hime??” Michizo Saito smiled and looked at this strategist in front of him…

He could understand Mitsuhide’s thoughts, after all—Mrs. Komi no Kata used to be surnamed Sensible.

Strictly speaking, Gui Dieji is still Wise Mitsuhide’s cousin.

“Yes, I’m worried about Gui Dieji below!!” Wise Guangxiu is also a bachelor, and she directly admitted her thoughts. “Just marrying Princess Guidie to that unidentified Onmyoji is an unwise choice in the future!!”

“Hmm——!!” Saito Michizo pondered for a moment, and then said with a smile: “Then, I will send you, as my messenger, to the Oda house to mourn Oda Nobuhide, by the way, you can also see if that person is the person in the portrait!” ”

Michizo Saito said, gently taking out a portrait from under the dark compartment of the table, and then handing it to Mitsuhide Senshi.

Mitsuhide Senshi took the portrait from Michizo Saito’s hand with some unknown reasons and opened it to see…

I saw that in this portrait, there was a figure standing…

The technique used in the portrait is not the neon brush ancient painting technique, but the Nanban realist portrait technique.

In this portrait, Wise Mitsuhide sees a young man with a thriving and handsome body…

She couldn’t help but ask strangely, “Is this ————? ”

“This is a caravan from Nanban that I once received, and they gave me a gift!!” Michizo Saito gently brushed his beard, and then said, “It is said that the artist who painted this portrait once witnessed the feat of the Daimyō demon master casting an ice bridge in one day in the town of Kokuranomocho, and his heart was surging and he painted this portrait of the demon master…”

“Deception, huh??” Wise Guangxiu looked blankly at the portrait, the rich god like jade, and muttered: “In this world, how can there be such a handsome young man!” ”

“Hahahaha…” Hearing the words of his own adviser, Saito Michizo laughed. Of course there is such a teenager, otherwise – the female governor of the Otomo family, who claims to be the god of swords, would not have married him at the first meeting, ignoring the obstruction of all the elders of the family!! ”

“Since you married him? Why did the demon master leave the Ōtomo house later? “For the legend of the Daimyō Demon Master, Wise Guangxiu still knows a little, after all, it was the existence that made all the daimyo fidget a few years ago…

As a military division, how could she not know?

“Who knows!!” For this matter, Saito Michizo is not very clear about the reason…”Maybe it’s because this Daimyō demon master doesn’t like the vinegar of the Otomo family governor… It is said that he has some unclear relationship with the female daimyo of the entire island of Kyushu!! ”

Well, it seems that there are quite a few people who believe the rumors…

At this time… Saito had already followed the maid to the council chamber. “Gui Die has seen my father!!”

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