Chapter 251!

Xinna’s little loli’s words finally woke up the wise light show who was in a daze.

She hurriedly saluted the little loli of Xinna, “In Xia Zhi Guangxiu, it is the entourage who accompanied Princess Guidi to mourn!” ”

While speaking, Wise Mitsuhide gently opened the curtain of the palanquin…

Sitting in the palanquin, Saito Guidie had already heard the voices outside, otherwise she would not have endured not to speak.

When Wise Guangxiu opened the curtain, Gui Dieji gently walked out of the palanquin… When she first saw Zhou Ye standing behind Xinna Little Lori, her whole person couldn’t help but leak a happy smile…

Fortunately, she finally remembered that her identity at this time was to replace her father Michizo Saito to come to mourn Oda Nobuhide’s identity as an envoy, and immediately pounced on it without faux pas.

“Gui Die has seen His Highness Shinna!!” Gui Dieji saluted Oda Nobuna and said, “My father is also very sad about the death of Lord Nobuhide, and he often says that there is one less friend in the world who can fight wits and courage with him… So fate returned to Butterfly to come to mourn Lord Shin-so on his behalf! ”

“Saito-sama has a heart!!” Xinna little loli also saluted back and said, “Please Princess Butterfly go inside with me to mourn my father!” ”

“Trouble Your Highness Xinnai!!” Gui Dieji said as she walked side by side with Oda Nobuna towards the main hall of Manshoji Temple.

And Wise Guangxiu naturally followed behind his own princess…

“I wonder who this retainer behind His Highness Shinna?” Gui Dieji pretended to be casual and asked, “How handsome is actually so good?” ”

“Hehe…” Hearing people praise their man, of course Shinna’s little loli was happy…”This is my teacher, Eagle no teacher!!”

Even if she is happy, Shinna Little Loli does not intend to reveal the true identity of her own man, and simply prevaricates with the neon surname of her own man she knew when she was having fun before.

“Oh? Is Eagle No Adult?? Gui Dieji feigned a surprised look and said, “Seeing that Lord Eagle Wu is so young, what can he teach His Highness Shinna?” Your Highness Shinna can’t be deceived, right? ”

Hearing Gui Dieji’s words, Shinna couldn’t help but blow a wave of business for his man…

Just kidding, what are you… Man who actually dares to look down on me??

“My teacher knows astronomy and geography, and he has studied the art of war very deeply…”

Shinna’s little loli’s business blowing is not over yet… It was interrupted by Gui Die.

“Lord Yingwu is actually so knowledgeable, I’m sorry, it’s just a faux pas!!” As Gui Dieji said, she turned to Zhou Ye and saluted, “Gui Die happens to have some unknown things, can you ask Yingwu Teacher for advice in a while?” ”



Routines – these are all routines…

I was actually tricked…

Little Lori Shinna feels that her intelligence is seriously despised… However, she couldn’t say anything, she could only stare at Zhou Ye with her own eyes, and she had the meaning of dare to promise, I won’t let you go to bed at night…

And Zhou Ye, who was the focus of everyone’s attention, smiled slightly: “Actually, His Royal Highness Xinnai is helping me brag, I am an idler… It’s just a matter of mixing around His Highness Shinna!! Actually, I don’t understand anything!! ”

“Eagle no sama is so self-effacing!!” Gui Dieji chuckled and said, “As an onmyoji who can fight ghosts and gods, if Lord Yingwu claims to be an idler, why should those idlers who really cheat eat and drink embarrassed?” ”

“…………” Shinna’s little loli’s eyes suddenly narrowed. Your Saito family has installed ninjas in our Oda house, isn’t that too much? ”

The unspoken rule is only an unspoken rule because it cannot be brought to the surface.

Sending ninjas to hostile daimyo is not something to be proud of… Although it is said that in the territory of the Saito family, there are also ninjas of the Oda family who are active.

However, once this kind of thing is put on the surface… It’s a bit excessive.

“Hehe…” Gui Dieji chuckled, “Your Highness Shinna also beg your pardon, my family’s ninjas didn’t expect that hiding themselves with the identity of a monk would actually have such a gain… However, I think His Highness Shinna can’t find him, because he has already retired and returned to Mino!! ”

“…… You…” Shinna little loli feels as if she has been spoiled these days and lost her previous sharpness, and was actually dumbfounded by a girl who is one year younger than her?

“Okay, Princess Guidie, it’s time to get to the place… Please clean your hands!! Zhou Ye said, pulling on Xinna’s sleeve… He said, “Let’s go first and prepare to welcome Princess Butterfly!” ”

Xinna little loli was reluctantly dragged into the main hall by Zhou Ye, and then knelt down in the family position.

“Why are you stopping me…” said little Lori Shina hatefully.

“What else could you do??” Zhou Ye sighed and said, “People are guests who came to mourn your father, and you can still beat people up!” ”

“Humph!!” After the speechless little loli snorted angrily, she stopped speaking… She knew that Zhou Ye was right…

And at the clean hand outside the main hall————

With a smile on her face, Saito gently washed her little hands in the mountain spring water left from the bamboo tube…

Looking at her expression, it was obvious that she was in a very happy mood.

“Her Royal Highness!!” Wise Guangxiu couldn’t help but shout softly, “Is there something wrong with you doing this?” ”

“Did you leak the information about your ninja army??” Gui Dieji’s voice revealed that feeling of full of joy.

“Yes, so…”

“It doesn’t matter!” Gui Dieji said with a smile: “Anyway, my father has already withdrawn all the ninja troops arranged in the Oda family… Perhaps, it will not be sent again in the future!! ”

“Why??” Wise Guangxiu couldn’t help but ask.

To collect intelligence in the territory of the enemy daimyo, the ninja army is indispensable…

Through some changes in the territory of the enemy daimyo, it is almost possible to achieve the effect of anticipating the enemy’s opportunity… For example, whether to recruit grain and grass, whether to start conscription, these are important messages.

“Sa, who knows??” Of course, Gui Dieji knows why, but she can’t say anything to Wise Mitsuhide… Jun does not secretly lose his country, and his subjects do not lose their bodies, she still understands this sentence.

Wise Mitsuhide has various thoughts spinning in his mind… But in the end, they were all denied by her one by one…

Who would have thought that Michizo Saito, known as the Mino Viper, would already have the idea of retreating in a hurry?

Giving away the territory you have worked hard for a lifetime to others, let alone in that chaotic Warring States chaotic era, even in modern times, it has never happened…

With a lot of questions, Wise Guangxiu followed His Royal Highness the princess and walked into the main hall…

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