Chapter 254!

Early in the morning, departing from Gudu City——

In the afternoon, I arrived at Shinna’s residence, Nakono Castle.

As soon as I returned to Nakono Castle…

As soon as Shinna’s little loli slipped away from the smoke, she ran to her castle tower… She knew that she was going to be punished, so she hurried to move the rescuers.

Looking for whom??

Of course, it’s to find his own family elder, Niwa Changxiu…

By the way, when Nobuna first got the position of family governor, he gave Niwa Nagahide, who grew up with him since childhood, to the position of the elder of the family, which can also be regarded as a practice of forgetting the rich and noble.

“Changxiu save me…”

“Huh!! Your Highness, when will you return? In his room, Niwa Changxiu, who was reading a book, looked at his own master who rushed in from the door, shouting for help, with a surprised face.

“Don’t care when I’ll be back, save me… Long show!! Little Loli Xinna couldn’t care much, and hurriedly begged: “Teacher, he wants to punish me…”

“Adults want to punish you??” Hearing the little loli’s words, Niwa Changxiu was stunned for a while. “No, don’t adults hurt you very much on weekdays??”

“He has changed, he is going to punish me for a woman!!”

“This…” Although Niwa Nagahide did not witness what happened, but – watching Xinna little loli grow up from childhood, casually thinking about it, she can almost understand the cause and effect of the incident…

This is definitely something that his own master has done to commit a taboo to his own man…

Just when she was about to say something…

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Shinna’s little loli… One grabbed the back of Shinna’s little loli by the neck.

“My cute little Shinna, do you think you can escape from my palm??”

Who would this figure be if it wasn’t Zhou Ye?

“Help, Changxiu!!” Shinna’s little loli struggled harder…

Unfortunately, her struggle was of no use, Zhou Ye directly picked her up and said to Changxiu: “Go to the main hall in a while, I have something to announce!” ”

“I see… My lord!! Niwa Changxiu smiled and nodded in response.

“Changxiu, you’ve gone bad… You don’t help me… Yes!! ”

With a miserable scream, the figure of Xinna Little Loli disappeared into the room at the same time as Zhou Ye’s figure.

Seeing this situation, Niwa Changxiu couldn’t help but chuckle and shake his head… I see that the master of the family is going to be unlucky this time.

With a certain indescribable joy, Niwa Nagahide began to clean up… After dressing up, Niwa Nagahide changed into a heavy-toned kimono and walked unhurriedly towards the council hall of the castle tower.

When she reached the council chamber, she found that none of the guards outside the chamber had disappeared, and—there was a veil that was recognizable to the naked eye, covering the entire chamber.

Niwa Nagahide tried to gently push on the curtain, and the entire curtain sank in, and then a powerful force was about to bounce her away…

At this moment, a voice sounded in Niwa Nagahide’s ears. “Is it Changxiu? Come on in!! ”

With the sound, Niwa Nagahide found that the power of the rebound disappeared, and then, as if she had melted into a blister, she entered the curtain.

When she reached the council chamber, she found… Everything that should have come inside has already arrived.

At the top sat were Zhou Ye and Xinna Little Lori, and on one side, Matsunaga Xiu and Raven Feather and the little six and three daughters…

On the other side, there sat a beautiful black-haired girl, although Niwa Changxiu did not know, but—she guessed that her father-in-law’s punishment had something to do with her.

Niwa Nagahide Shi Shiran sat under the girl…

Zhou Ye looked at it with satisfaction, all the women, his women in Owari Country had arrived… It’s time to start this family law conference.

“Shinna… Do you know what’s wrong? ”

“I’m not wrong…” Shinna’s little loli’s face collapsed, and she said loudly: “I’m just joking with Gui Dieji!” I didn’t expect to hurt her!! ”

“Master Fu-kun!!” Gui Dieji also spoke at this time, “Please don’t punish Your Highness Xinnai, if there is a mistake, I am the one who is at fault… It is because of my existence that His Highness Shinna feels fear!! ”

“Hmph, I don’t need you to intercede for me!!” Little Lori Shina was not at all willing to accept Gui Dieji’s intercession…”If you want to beat or scold you… I will never beg for mercy!! ”

“I just like the way you look like this!!” Zhou Ye smiled evilly… Just kidding, playing little loli? How willing he is, it’s all his own woman… Scold? What effect can that thing have besides hurting feelings? It’s too low-level…”I’ll remember not to ask for mercy, little shinna!! ”

Zhou Ye said while gently holding Xinna in his arms… As soon as he lowered his head, he gently stopped the little loli of Shinna.

“Whew… And there are people here who do it… Bad apple…… You, what are you going to do…”

For Nobuna, who has never participated in a family gathering, being slighted by his own man in front of all the women in this way brings a feeling of both shyness and astringency, and a bit of prick.

But soon – she didn’t think so…

When she felt that Zhou Ye’s giant ship had sailed into her port, her face was already covered with blush…

However, this is just the beginning…

The giant ship went in and out of her harbor… She found her harbor on the verge of being destroyed.

However, when she begged for mercy as usual, the giant ship did not stop her actions as before, but…

Half an hour later—

Shinna little loli begged for mercy…

An hour later—

Shinna’s little loli has begun to leak ah hey face.

If it weren’t for the sisters who were sitting and desperately helping her resist one or two, Shinna little loli felt that she would definitely die at the hands of this bastard.

And Gui Dieji, the first to open her mouth to help Shinna intercede, also ended up in the same way as Shinna…

Who told her to shout that she was willing to help Shinna bear the punishment? If you don’t get her out of ahheyan, how can this pair of difficult sisters and sisters be reconciled?

A day later————

When Shinna little loli opened her eyes, she saw for the first time the beautiful face that once made her hate the roots of her teeth…

However, at this time, she did not have the hatred she had for the owner of this face…

“Thank you, Gui Butterfly!!”

“You’re welcome!! Your Highness Shinna!! Saito also opened her eyes, she actually woke up a little earlier than Shinna’s little loli…

“Just call me Shinna!!” Xinna little loli said this, looking at Guidie with a somewhat complicated expression: “Why help me, obviously we were rivals before!” You should fall into the well!! ”

“I’ve never felt that Shinna and I are enemies!!” Gui Dieji smiled. “I, ah, am an only daughter at home, although there are three older brothers above, but I have always wanted a sister or sister… I think Shinna is very much like my sister…”

“Yes, we will be good sisters in the future!!” Nobuna grabbed Gui Die’s hand very righteously and said, “Let’s join forces and defeat that bastard…”

“If I’m not mistaken, that soul should be me, right??” A voice came from behind the two…”I’m curious, how are you going to defeat me?” Let me, as a husband-sama, try your determination!! ”

“Ya Butterfly!!” X2

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