Chapter 292!


The history of this world has long changed because of Zhou Ye.

Since Emperor Shenye ascended the throne, those guys who believe in the unity of the emperor and all generations always like to make troubles from time to time, under the banner of restoration, to find a little stimulation for Zhou Ye.

In this regard, Zhou Ye did not appease them at all.

Kill – kill – kill – kill – kill –

Disobey the manager, kill.

Those who commit disorder, kill.

Intended restoration, kill.

Those who vainly attempt to support the emperor of the former dynasty, kill.

This killing, killing the entire neon is a river of blood…

But, at the same time, because of this… After eliminating most of the landlord class, the life of the neon commoners was much better.

Why are it the landlord classes that rebelled?

What a funny thing…

If you can’t eat enough every day, do you care who is the boss?

Yes, that’s right… When the landlord class unites, its strength is very strong.

But – you also have to figure out who they’re dealing with.

The first law enforcement group formed by the eight-pillar wagtail, these god-like wagtail goddesses are blocked by those scum?

What’s more, there is the existence of Zhou Ye’s maids, these maids have long been pulled into the legion by Zhou Ye, and with the experience of sharing this benefit, they have long become masters who are not inferior to ordinary wagtails, plus they can also hope that the secret techniques of the Moon Clan and Hattori and the three ninjas of Wasuka… How could they be weak?

Under Zhou Ye’s powerful rule, what ten thousand generations are unified, what emperor has only one surname, all nonsense…

Defy? It’s good to kill…

What the? I can’t destroy your spirit??

Then I will destroy your flesh, and if you have the ability to turn into a ghost and come to me—soul light!”

It took Zhou Ye a year to unify Neon, quell civil unrest, and it took – fifteen years.

This is almost the best fifteen years of a generation.

However, for Zhou Ye… It’s nothing.

Then, Zhou Ye ordered the port to be opened and Western technology introduced… Attract Western talent to neon gold panning.

With the rapid development of science and technology, neon’s status in the world is getting higher and higher.

Of course, this is also related to Neon’s consistent policy of neutrality.

During World War II, Zhou Ye directly sent warships to Europe to grab people and technology, leaving the United States, which was one step late, completely behind.

By now – more than 400 years have passed – Neon has become one of the most technologically developed countries in the world.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Zhou Ye’s half a dime… He was in his own imperial palace at this time… Just get up.

In the room with more than a thousand pings, there were girls lying vertically and vertically…

At a glance with big eyes, it is almost enough to not have two thousand…

“I find that I’ve been getting more and more lazy lately!!” Zhou Ye stretched out and sat up…

“Master, good morning!!” A figure dressed in a maid costume suddenly appeared behind Zhou Ye, holding a dressing gown in his hand…

As soon as Zhou Ye stood up, the girl draped the dressing gown in her hand over Zhou Ye’s body…

“What do we have to book today??” Zhou Ye said as he floated gently, and then flew towards the door… He is also very helpless, the ground is full of his women, there is nowhere to go… What if you don’t have to float out?

Looking at the posture of her master floating in mid-air, a trace of love leaked from the maid girl’s eyes…

However, after hearing her master’s question, the maid hurriedly hid her gaze, and then replied respectfully: “According to your reservation, you are going to report to Tokyo University today!” ”

“Huh?? I go to Tokyo University?? Reported?? When Zhou Ye heard this, he almost didn’t fall from the sky…

Sleeping, living for hundreds of years, in the blink of an eye he is going to college… Do you dare to believe it??

“Yes, master!!” The maid girl forced a smile on her face and said, “This is what you planned sixteen years ago!” ”

“Sixteen years ago was planned that I was going to school??” Zhou Ye was dumbfounded… After thinking carefully for a long time, he suddenly said, “You mean that… Takami Sahashi?? ”

“Yes, master!!” The maid laughed.

“Well, tell me about her experience in the past ten years!!” Zhou Ye said, walking towards a room… This is a natural hot spring.

As soon as he walked into the room, the maid behind him helped him take off his dressing gown in time… Then, in the blink of an eye, he disappeared behind Zhou Ye.

A moment later—the maid changed into a cooler dress and came behind Zhou Ye… At first, help Zhou Ye clean his body.

As a qualified maid, you will definitely remember your master’s preferences.

At least one day for Zhou Ye, she will never forget the bath in the morning and the bath in the evening.

“Takami Sahashi, a native of Saitama Prefecture, born in 1979…” While helping her master clean her body, the maid recounted the information in her mind one by one.

“At the age of six, I attended a prefectural elementary school…”

“At the age of twelve, he was admitted to Saitama Prefectural St. George Girls’ Private Junior High School with excellent results!”

“At the age of fourteen, I skipped a grade and was admitted to the Higher Department of St. George’s Private Girls’ High School!”

“During my time at the higher school, I skipped grades again… At the age of sixteen, with excellent results, he was admitted to the University of Tokyo!! ”

“So it’s this year??” Zhou Ye asked.

“Yes, master!!” The maid kept in her hands and replied in her mouth.

“It’s funny to be a top student… And what about her emotional experience? Zhou Ye asked.

“Her first love was at the age of eight, a boy in the same grade… It’s just that because we found out in advance and started the obstruction operation… Forcing the boy’s parents to leave Saitama Prefecture, so—she didn’t even confess, and she failed…” said the maid.

“What’s that boy’s name??” Zhou Ye asked.

“Hiroto Michu…”

“What?? Crouch!! Zhou Ye almost didn’t jump for a moment… Fortunately, after thinking about it, I sat down again…

Unexpectedly, these two goods are not only college alumni, but also childhood sweethearts…

“Master, have we done something wrong??” Zhou Ye’s actions made the maid hurriedly kneel down in fright.

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong!!” Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hand…”Okay, get up, continue to talk!” ”

“Yes, master!!” The maid saw that her master’s face was really not angry, so she stood up and continued: “Later junior high school and high school, because I attended a girls’ school, there were no more accidents…”

“Wait!!” Zhou Ye asked abruptly, “Check for me, is that Michu Hiroshi on the list of students admitted to Tokyo University this year!” ”

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