Chapter 297!

“Do you think anyone in this world can hurt me??” Facing the maid’s worries, Zhou Ye smiled slightly: “Okay, you guys take Gao Mei to evacuate first, I’ll go to see the situation and I’ll go to join you!” That’s an order! ”

“Yes, master!!”

Since Zhou Ye had said both words of the order, the maids obviously couldn’t say anything more… They could only walk to Sahashi Takami’s side one left and one right, and said to Sahashi Takami: “Miss Sabashi, please follow us to a safe place to evacuate!” ”

“But…” Sahashi Takami looked at the two maids beside her… Although she knew that Zhou Ye was doing good for herself, she really didn’t want to be separated from Zhou Ye.

Obviously just confirmed the relationship… Taste the taste of love… They will be separated in the blink of an eye, how can Sahashi Takami be willing to separate from Zhou Ye now.

“Be good, I’ll finish my errands later, I’ll go to you!!” In the face of the reluctant Sahashi Takami, Zhou Ye just said a word, and moved Sahashi Takami…

“Hmm… Then you must pay attention to safety!! Sahashi Takami said, plucked up courage, stepped on his feet, took a gentle bite on Zhou Ye’s side, and then with the shyness in front of him, followed the two maids and left the restaurant…

When Sahashi Takami faced Zhou Ye, she did give people a feeling of clumsiness.

But that’s because she cares about Zhou Ye… Essentially, her IQ is still very high.

If the IQ is not high, how can it be admitted to the University of Tokyo?

The maid who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes…

Zhou Ye’s calm and unhurried attitude…

And during the meal, Zhou Ye’s elegant demeanor…

All this is enough to make Sahashi Takami understand that her boyfriend, who has just confirmed a relationship, is far from being as simple as it seems.

But she didn’t pick anything, but obediently obediently left here with the maid… Because she knows that this is not the best time to talk about this, and – the person who digs to the bottom is the most easily boring… She believed that one day, she would hear his confession from Ye’s mouth.

But that’s not now.

After watching his personal maid take away Sahashi Takami, Zhou Ye stood up and stretched out…

After delaying this meeting, there is no one in the store – after all, the commotion outside, the people in the store have also seen it, in a herd mentality, whether it is a customer or a staff in the store, they have almost run away…

After casually taking out more than a dozen 10,000-yen bills from his pocket and placing them on the table, Zhou Ye walked directly out of this Italian restaurant.

Zhou Ye, who came outside, looked at the panicked crowd running everywhere on the street, going against the current and walking in a direction that everyone could not avoid.

“I’m starting to have a little interest in this world again…” Zhou Ye muttered, and his face couldn’t help but leak an extremely excited look.

It’s no wonder…

In this world, he first cut off eight Songtian spaceships halfway and directly turned all the wagtail feathers into his own women.

Then, with this group of female warriors with various strange abilities, they swept away the neon warring states and established this small but most powerful neon empire on earth.

The Neon Empire established by Zhou Ye has always maintained the level of science and technology that crushes other countries.

This is all thanks to Zhou Ye’s prophetic foresight, the First World War and the Second World War almost drained the blood of those old Western empires, and also fattened the neon empire founded by Zhou Ye, so to speak, Australia is still a colony of the Neon Empire…

Based on the principle that I do not participate in the war, but I can sell weapons.

Zhou Ye’s Neon Empire almost drained the treasury accumulated by various European countries for a hundred years in World War II.

Let’s say it all…

At this time, the status of neon in the world is roughly the same level as the current United States.

Zhou Ye, who stood at the top of the world, had long lost interest in this world.

If it weren’t for the beginning and the end to take away the mother of the male protagonist in the wagtail goddess, he would have flashed long ago…

By the way, the wife of the male protagonist in the wagtail goddess is Takami Sahashi.

For now, though… There are still a lot of interesting things in this world, and Zhou Ye has begun to be interested in blaming the world again.

“Huh?? Dragon Knight?? Zhou Ye suddenly raised his head, and saw that in the sky, a winged western dragon was soaring between tall buildings.

On the body of the western dragon sat a man in steel armor.

“Interesting, it’s really interesting…” Zhou Ye saw this situation, and his horns widened…”Is this the impact of the fusion of the two worlds?” It was actually an invasion of another world… Well, I can’t wait to see the scenery of another world!! ”

Zhou Ye muttered to himself, his figure flashed and disappeared in place…

At this time, the crowd running around like headless flies was all concerned about their own lives, and no one would pay attention at all, on the blue sky and white street, there was actually a person who suddenly disappeared from this supernatural event.

At this moment, in an underground base in the right corner of the Tokyo Imperial Palace, a group of women in military uniforms are paying attention to the images transmitted from various surveillance cameras on the streets of Tokyo on various surveillance instruments.

Sitting behind these extremely busy female soldiers was a silver-haired girl in a general’s uniform.

At this time, she was looking at the otherworldly armies that appeared in the surveillance like medieval knights with a smile on her face.

“Interesting, so interesting… Someone from another world actually opened the door and appeared in Tokyo…”

“Then can these people from another world be magic??”

“Their magic, compared to Daddy, who is stronger and who is weaker??”

“I’m starting to get interested in this other world… What about another world!! It feels like a fairy tale told by my father when I was a child… Interesting, so much fun!! ”

Just as the young overly young girl general was muttering to herself, a female soldier wearing the uniform of an ensign officer came over, gave her a military salute, and said anxiously: “Report to Your Highness Chacha, Your Majesty is heading to the Ginza Rokuchome Special Point area alone at this time…”

“What??” Hearing this, the young general known as Chacha immediately stood up, and she looked at the female ensign with an angry face and asked, “Bastard, don’t you know to send escort troops?” Actually let him go to that place alone?? What if something goes wrong? Can you afford this responsibility? ”

“I’m sorry Your Highness, we can’t lock Your Majesty’s position at all…” The female ensign also looked aggrieved…

Even if three optical spy satellites have been mobilized, they still can’t lock Zhou Ye’s position… She also felt desperate—put a tracker on Zhou Ye? It’s like a mouse bringing a bell to a cat, who dares?

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