Chapter 303!

Looking at the cheering women in the audience, Zhou Ye quietly walked out of the conference room…

Because—he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be someone waiting for him…

It’s time to go see her…

And the other side——————

In the reception room in the corner of the Imperial Palace…

Takami Sahashi sat on the sofa, writhing back and forth a little uneasily…

On the coffee table in front of her, there are high-end refreshments that she can’t name at all, and if it is the past, she will be very happy to taste these delicate and delicious dim sums… But now, she was not in the mood to taste it at all.

At this time, Sahashi Takami was full of thoughts – who is Zhou Ye?

Why did he live at the Imperial Palace??

What the hell happened to him??

Is there any danger??

Why hasn’t it come back after so long?

All she thought about was Zhou Ye…

Takami Sahashi felt that time passed so slowly, a minute was as difficult as an hour…

Finally – she couldn’t help it…

Soaring, Takami Sahashi stood up and strode towards the door of the living room… However, her steps had just taken… Two ghost-like figures blocked in front of her…

“Miss Sabashi, do you have something to do??”

“I’m going to find Ye…” Sahashi Takami clasped her small hand and said in a firm tone, “I can’t wait here any longer… Ye is still in danger now!! ”

“I’m sorry, Miss Sabashi…”

Before Sahashi Takami could finish her words, she was interrupted by the maid.

“The master has told us to protect you… And please don’t embarrass us… This is the safest place, please wait here until the host comes over!! ”

“But Ye is still in Ginza!!” Takami Sahashi finally couldn’t help but erupt…

She vaguely remembered that when she followed the maids out of Ginza in a car, she vaguely saw monsters flying in the sky… And some guys on horseback, in armor like medieval knights… They are killing civilians in the street without gap…

How could she not be worried…

What is Ye’s identity? Unimportant……

Why did Ye live in the Imperial Palace? It doesn’t matter either…

Even whether Ye was playing with her feelings or not didn’t matter to Takami Sahashi… The important thing is – she wants to see Ye return safely…

As long as you see him return safely, everything else – it doesn’t matter.

Seeing Sahashi Takami’s sudden outburst, the two maids forced a smile and glanced at each other…

In their opinion, this girl has been completely attracted to her own owner…

Just as they were about to explain to Takami Sahashi that their master had returned, just in a meeting, a magnetic voice sounded in their ears…

“I’m back, Takami…”

Hearing this voice, the maid hurriedly bowed her head, and then disappeared silently in place.

“Ye…” For the maid who suddenly disappeared, Takami Sahashi could no longer care… In her eyes now, there is only Zhou Ye’s figure…

“It’s great that you’re okay… That’s great!! Sahashi Takami said as she rushed to Zhou Ye’s face, stretched out her hand, and hugged Zhou Ye deadly. I’m so worried about you…”

“Hmm!!” Zhou Ye also hugged Sahashi Takami with his backhand, and softly replied: “I know, so as soon as I am busy, I will come to see you!” ”

Takami Sahashi buried her little head in Zhou Ye’s arms, listening to the heartbeat that belonged to Zhou Ye from her ears… At this moment, she felt extremely relieved.

A moment later –

The two figures finally separated…

“Ye… You…” Sahashi Takami looked at Zhou Ye’s eyes, and just wanted to ask [Who the hell are you]…

But he found that the handsome face in front of him that belonged to Zhou Ye was getting closer and closer… Finally – she felt that her desire was blocked.


Takami Sahashi’s eyes widened in disbelief… Not counting the restaurant’s failed interface that she didn’t experience at all that time, this is her real first mouth…

Gradually… Takami Sahashi closed her eyes…

She felt as if the strength of her whole body had disappeared at this moment… Unable to do anything at all, he could only be like a doll, allowing this scoundrel who choked his own little egg to fiddle with it wantonly…

The two of them are like this – hugging each other…

It wasn’t until Takami Sahashi felt a chill on her body that she suddenly opened her eyes.

She found that she didn’t know when, she had changed her position and was no longer in the reception room.

In front of you – in its place is a luxuriously decorated and welcoming bedroom… At this time, she had been pressed by Zhou Ye on the big bed in the bedroom…

“Ye…” Sahashi Takami looked at the handsome face in front of her, and wanted to ask a thousand words in her heart, but in the end–it turned into one sentence…”You… Do you like me?? ”

“Shhh——!!” Zhou Ye smiled and blocked Sahashi Takami’s small touch with a finger, and said in a low voice: “At this moment, don’t speak… Feel it with your body!! ”

Takami Sahashi, a pure love bitter hand, how could he be the opponent of scum Ye, a veteran who has read all over the flowers…

When Zhou Ye said this, she was really stupid and silent… Until Zhou Ye restored her to her original state… She just wanted to say something…

But – it’s too late…………

As a sharp pain hit, the words in Sahashi Takami’s mouth turned into a scream——

“Ah—it hurts… Scoundrel, it hurts…”

“Be good, bear with a little patience, it won’t hurt right away…”

As the words fell… Gradually, a girl’s solo song belonging to Takami Sahashi gradually sounded in the room.

She did feel it… Zhou Ye’s strong love – cough, with the body.

And the other side…………

The representative of the Neon Empire to the United Nations also delivered a speech at the urgent United Nations meeting.

[The Ginza incident, which occurred in Tokyo, China, is an internal affair of our country, warning certain countries not to attempt to interfere in China’s internal affairs under the banner of humanitarianism… All countries that try to interfere in the internal affairs of our country will be met with merciless armed strikes from our country – above! 】

With the release of this speech… The Western countries, led by the United States, suddenly became agitated…

It’s not useful.

Because of Zhou Ye’s neutrality policy, Southeast Asian countries did not suffer much losses in World War II, and even took advantage of the Western countries to carry out World War II, Southeast Asian countries went hand in hand to catch up…

At this time, the gap in strength between the East and the West is not as big as in the current world… For neon, the only truly imperial country in the world, Asian countries are still very face-saving…

Therefore, for a time, at the UN General Assembly, a phenomenon of fighting between the East and the West was also formed…

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