Chapter 307!

“Oh??” Zhou Ye immediately sat up…

Interesting, is this someone delivering food when it comes up?

However, at this time… The maid then said: “Master, they suddenly changed direction… Now they have turned to the north, as if something is attracting them there…”

“What’s going on??” Zhou Ye thought for a while and ordered, “Transmit the images captured by the drone to my screen!” ”

“Yes, master!!”

As the maid’s voice fell, a somewhat unclear picture was transmitted to Zhou Ye’s command post.

In the footage taken by the drone, an army of about five thousand cavalry is heading to the north…

“They… What are you doing?? Zhou Ye looked at the actions of those cavalrymen and said to himself.

Judging from the banner of the army, they are obviously in the same country as the otherworldly people who invaded Tokyo… Well, they may well be the follow-up troops.

But—right now, it seems that they have more important things to do, so they give up their plans to come to Shimen…

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye ordered: “Enlarge the image of the guy in the lead, and then send a drone to the north for me to see… What the hell is there that attracts them…”

“Understood, master!!”

With the maid’s answer, the picture in front of Zhou Ye that belonged to the cavalry unit was enlarged, and in the picture, the leading general of the cavalry unit appeared… It was a young man who looked extremely confident…”Crouch, isn’t this the great prince of that empire, Sochar?” So…… What the hell is it that attracts him? ”

Although for Zhou Ye, this Fan is already very old… However, with his perverted memory, almost all the pictures in it are remembered clearly.

Soshar – the prince of the Otherworld Empire, a – uh, what to say, to use the word scum to describe the guy who is not exaggerated at all.

At this time, the picture from the drone that had already arrived in the north made Zhou Ye stunned…

In the northern mountain col, there is a camp, and from those who are active in the camp, Zhou Ye can see that it is a nomadic orc tribe, if Zhou Ye remembers correctly, this tribe seems to be called – Headhunter Rabbit Clan.

“Interesting, it’s really interesting…” Zhou Ye looked at the beautiful figure in the split-screen picture, and the horns became bigger and bigger… What about the beast-eared lady, the real beast-eared lady – how can they fall into the hands of that scum prince?

However – it is not buying and selling that is on the pole, and only by appearing at the right time can he get the greatest gain.




At this time, in the tribe of the headhunter rabbit tribe, the patriarch Tiyulei was desperately urging his people to speed up and pack up things.

“Quick, give up everything that is unnecessary, the imperial cavalry is coming… We have to get out of here quickly!! ”

“But the patriarch… We didn’t have time to pack up a lot of things, if we abandoned all those iron tools… The losses of our tribe are too great!! A girl with long red hair and a pair of long white rabbits said a little depressed.

There is no way around it.

As an orc who is not recognized by humans…

In addition to grazing and breeding, the headhunters do not know any craft to refine iron tools, and all the mines are occupied by the human empire… They did not have any access to the ores, the raw materials for the iron tools.

Even if they want to use the means of trade to obtain those tools from human hands, they not only have to risk becoming slaves to enter human society, but also accept the exploitation of profiteers and high taxes…

For them, every piece of iron is so important.

“I know… I know…… But, but…” Tiure’s tears were about to fall…

Of course she knew the importance of those iron tools, but… She knew even more that if she was encountered by the iron horses of those empires… What a tragic fate will befall your own tribe.

At this moment, a male headhunter raised his weapon and shouted angrily: “I’ve escaped enough… We were driven here by these imperial people from the Wahran steppe where they have lived for generations, and it was easy for us to settle down here, and here they came again… I don’t want to run away, I’m going to fight with them!! ”

While speaking, the male rabbit man pulled out his iron sword… Run towards the outside of the tribe…

Almost all the male rabbit people were infected by him at this moment… They took out their weapons one after another, followed the guy, and rushed out…

“Yes, we’re not running!!”

“We’re going to fight those imperial people!!”

“Kill all those imperial people!!”

Seeing the impulsive look of my own people… Tieulei was about to cry…”You guys calm me down… How can we fight with those cavalry…”

However, at this time, no one was willing to follow her orders.

After all, she had just taken over the position of patriarch from the previous patriarch…

Let’s not talk about whether she can convince the public with her young qualifications, just to say – suppressing the anger in the hearts of these guys for so many years is not something she can calm.

Just when Tieule was in a hurry…

The iron horse of the empire – arrived.


The loud sound of horses’ hooves trampling on the ground came like thunder…

Facing the iron horses of the empire – those male rabbit men suddenly found that their courage, as if at this moment, had completely disappeared.

They simply did not know how to deal with the charge of heavily armored knights with full armor.

Hundreds of headhunter rabbit men, at this moment, were shattered into pieces by the iron horses rushing towards them like huge waves.

Tiyulei watched her male clansmen being penetrated by the long mounted spears of those iron horses, and some were even penetrated, and they were not dead, still screaming miserably.

That cry made Tiure’s heart dripping blood.

This is already the last male of the headhunter rabbit clan… Does God want the complete destruction of their tribe?

Looking at the imperial iron horses who are smiling, riding war horses, and driving the women of the tribe together… Tieule prayed with unprecedented devotion.

“Whether it’s the god of death and war, or the god of light and fairness… Listen to the prayers of your poor believers… Please, please save us… I, Tiyulei, the patriarch of the Headhunter Rabbit Clan, am willing to offer you and serve you in the most pious manner… As long as you can save our tribe… Please… Please!! ”

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