Chapter 395!

In fact, what Nayu said was also what Yao Han Tixiu had in mind.

Yao Han Tixiu wants to avenge the death of her fiancé, but more importantly, she is still a warrior in the clan, as a warrior, but unable to protect her own people, this is her shame, but also her eternal pain.

Just when Yao Han Tixiu and Nayou were relatively speechless and only had tears.

The saint who had not spoken all this time spoke…

Perhaps, things are not as pessimistic as we think? Perhaps, with our own sincerity, we can ask His Majesty to help? ”

Hearing the saint’s words, both Yao Han Tixiu and Nayou’s eyes lit up…

Although they knew that the possibility was not great, but in their hearts, a glimmer of hope was ignited.

“Nayu… Otherwise…… You now go and explain it to your fiancé first?? Yao Han Tixiu looked at Nayu and said…

After Nayu hesitated, he shook his head and sighed, “Forget it… Hope is always just hope, and for the sake of our people, we must prepare for the worst… So, forget it!! ”

After the three of them chatted casually for a while… That’s it.

They still have to go back and prepare a little… After all, it was nearly eight or nine hundred kilometers from here to the Hills of Arnus, and they had a lot of essential things to carry.

Just when the three daughters were here ready to hit the road…

At this time, what are they trying to ask for?

Zhou Ye was rushing from the imperial capital towards the Hill of Arnus at this moment…


Because he was going back to Earth… At this moment, there is already a big mess on the earth…

Although Zhou Ye is guarding the door here, almost all communications on both sides must be strictly censored, but no matter how tight the protective net is, it will always be just a net, and one who does not pay attention will miss one or two small fish.

Moreover, neon’s large-scale delivery of various sensitive materials such as CNC machine tools to the other world cannot escape the gaze of people with hearts…

The United States quickly received such news…

After the research and analysis of their think tank, they feel that Neon must have made a major discovery on the other side of the world, and has begun to occupy that world.

The president of the United States, who got this analysis, could not sit still…

A new world, a colony of a world… It’s drooling just thinking about it.

Why is England in the Age of Exploration called the Empire of the Sun Never Sets? What qualifies a small island nation to be called the Empire of the Sun Never Sets?

It is because it has huge overseas colonies and earns huge profits from the colonies to support their terrifying maritime armada.

If it weren’t for the later period, when European countries caught up, the Sun Never Sets Empire would still be arrogant for countless more years…

What does the huge colony stand for??

Represents the dumping ground of commodities, represents countless minerals, represents… There are so many things to represent.

If, let the neon royal family really control that other world, the United States can’t believe it, who else can make this deformed monster succumb…

Fight a nuclear war?

I’m afraid that when the time comes, the neon royal family will really not be afraid of a nuclear war… At that time, people will hide in another world, come on, let’s play bad Earth Jun… At that time, those who will bear the bitter fruits of nuclear winter will probably only have the countries of the earth…

Until then – who will stop the neon empire from dominating the whole world??

The president of the United States realized this for the first time, and he immediately flew to Europe to meet his group of European brothers…

After three days of secret negotiations, in the end – the EU and the United States reached a number of agreements…

Among them, the most obvious one is to force the Neon Empire to make concessions and jointly develop another world.

On this point, these countries are surprisingly unanimous.


Countries began frequent military exercises… Even, even Tsarist Russia, which has tense relations with the United States, was involved…

And the place where they held military exercises is also very interesting, in the sea near the four northern islands of neon.

In response to this situation, the women who remained in Neon did not hesitate to give the order that the second, fifth, and thirty-seventh combined fleets of Neon sailed to the sea area where the military exercises of various countries were held, and watched the whole process nearby.

Come on, aren’t you going to do military exercises? Didn’t you say that this is the high seas, where all countries have the right to sail??

Then I will send the fleet over and will not disturb your military exercises, but I will watch you the whole time… If you dispatch submarines, I will fight anti-submarine, and if you dispatch aircraft carriers, I will deploy phased array air defense radars… Come on, I won’t hit you, but I disgust you…

And so – a unique military exercise began…

Inside, nearly 300 warships of various types from the United States and European countries pretended to be military exercises there, while on the outside were nearly 200 warships of the three combined fleets of the Neon Empire.

Of course, the women are not the kind of people who don’t squeak when beaten…

They immediately mobilized the 16th and 17th fleets far away in the Hawaii military port and sailed to the west coast of the United States…

The target of the First Fleet was Los Angeles, while the Sixth and Seventeenth Fleets bypassed the west coast of the United States and pressed towards the mouth of the Panama Canal.

Moreover, the third, fourth, and seventh fleets stationed in Australia also left their home ports in Australia and entered the Pacific Ocean…

At this moment, the whole world was in turmoil…

There is a great deal of momentum that World War III is about to begin.

In fact, the women are really not afraid to fight a world war…


Because they have a wagtail of shame, ahem… Wrong to say, it’s the Wagtail of Wisdom – Matsu.

What is inseparable from modern warfare??

Of course, all kinds of electronic components and computers…

Missile navigation requires electronic components, satellite reconnaissance requires electronic components, and even the fleet needs satellite navigation when sailing at sea.

You try to make their navigation system malfunction… What happens?

Seriously, at that time, I am afraid that those captains will not necessarily use the sextant that was the first to be used to distinguish directions when sailing.

If Song is powerful, whether it is the United States or Europe… They will find that their ordnance is back in time before World War II, their communication systems are so, their control systems are even more so…

I’m afraid, by that time, those modernized third-generation fighters and fourth-generation fighters will be finished, and who called the ones on the side, all electronic systems?

The reason why the women have not yet made a threat is – they have to wait for their men to return…

The head of the family, how can such a major event not inform him?

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