Chapter 400!

At this time, the president of the United States, who was already sitting in Marine Corps One and flying towards the shelter, froze all…

He looked stupidly at the assistant beside him and asked, “Is it April Fool’s Day?” ”

“No, Mr. President!!” The assistant asked with a strange look, “Why do you ask that?” ”

“I… Just heard bad news…” The president let out a long breath and put down the phone in his hand… “Our Pacific Fleet… It’s!! ”

“What??” XN

Hearing the president’s words, not only the assistant was stunned, but all the staff who were busy beside him stopped their work and looked at their own president in disbelief.

They know about Neon’s declaration of war on themselves, but… From the neon declaration of war, to now, less than half an hour has passed, and the entire Pacific Fleet is finished?? Are you teasing me??

“That’s right… Gentlemen!! The president took a deep breath and said, “Just now, His Excellency the Minister of Defense informed me of this news… I was surprised by this too, but – this must not scare us, because we are pioneering Americans!! ”

“Now – gentlemen, you should get busy!!”

“Go, contact me with the communications department, I’m going to give a national televised speech…”

“But, Mr. President, it’s early in the morning, and at this time…”

“I don’t listen to any reason, and now, the evil country of Neon has completely angered me… I’m going to make a declaration of war… If the people of the United States are sleeping now, then find a way to call them up to me… No matter what method you use…”

“Yes, Mr. President!!”

With his order, all the teams began to get busy…

Contact the contact TV station, contact the base preparation equipment for equipment.

On the entire Marine Corps No. 1, it can almost be said that there is not a single idler…

Everyone is busy…

At the same time, the president is not idle… Although he didn’t have to write his speech, he also had to contact the leaders of other countries…

You know, this time it was not only the Pacific Fleet of the United States that was destroyed, but also the fleets of several other European countries.

How can these little brethren do it without exerting their residual heat?

Fighting a war is not America’s own business…

And on the other side… In the neon main island, the underground fortification of the Tokyo Imperial Palace.

A young woman with glasses is looking at the computer screen in front of her with a smile on her face… When you look wide, you will find that her computer screen, which is the size of a wall, has dozens of small windows, and the windows show exactly what the leaders of various countries look like… Apparently, they are already being monitored.

“A televised speech??” The glasses lady with long red hair had a narrow smile on her face and said to herself: “Do I want to add some ingredients to you?” ”

“Hehe, I think this idea is good!!” A voice suddenly sounded behind her…

Hearing this voice, the glasses lady was not shocked or happy. “Lord Reed!!”

While speaking, she jumped up from her chair and rushed into Zhou Ye’s arms…”Lord Reiya, Song misses you so much!” ”

“I miss you too, Matsu… Can you let me go first, though? Zhou Ye sighed helplessly.

“What’s the matter, the wagtail is going to do this kind of thing for Lord Reed…” said Matsu as he bent down… Liberate something, and then a look… Swallowed it in…

“…………,” Zhou Ye thought helplessly while enjoying the service of the song… The wagtail of shame is worthy of being a wagtail of shame, and such words can be said… She is really not afraid that after her eldest sister Meiya hears it, she will beat her to death to clean up the portal…

What is a wagtail to do this kind of thing for the reed teeth, what is this doing with the wagtail goddess? Meat X-ware?

Ahem… But in general, Song’s words still won Zhou Ye’s heart… So, so be it.

Zhou Ye thought while sitting in the position that originally belonged to Song… He looked at the pictures that kept flashing on the screen in front of him, and asked with a smile: “Song, what are you going to do?” “

“I… Intend…… Put their… That kind of fragment… Give them… Change it!! “Because he was busy, Song’s voice was a little choppy, and he was a little slurred…

“That kind of fragment??” Zhou Ye was dumbfounded for a while, “You actually have that kind of fragment of theirs?” ”

“Hmm… Of course…… As long as there is electronic equipment… You can’t hide it from me…”

Hearing Song’s words, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while, it turns out that you used your ability like this… Is…… Well done…

The rest of the time, Zhou Ye didn’t ask… Since Songdu has already taken the initiative, he seems to be too pretended to be indifferent… So, in the Matsu-specific workshop, a big war began…

And on the other side…

In the United States – people are also dumbfounded.

Guys who like late-night programs found that the seventeen forbidden programs that were being played suddenly became a waiting picture…

Just when they were about to scold Farke, the picture suddenly turned and turned into an image of a man…

This makes these guys choke on anger enough… Crouch, my tissues are all ready, you give me a man to dry P?? And he wore a suit and leather shoes… Nima, even if you are gay, you can’t move ah…

Of course, after they passed the anger period, they found out – this man is somewhat familiar… Crouch, isn’t this the president??

At this time, the president of the United States also began his own speech…

“Dear American people… Just two hours ago, I got a sad news…”

“Neon has already declared war on us…”

“Moreover, an hour and a half ago, the Pacific Fleet, which we were exercising, also lost contact with the Pentagon… We have reason to believe that this is a long-planned sneak attack by the evil country of Neon…”

“This is an absolutely unforgivable mistake…”

“So, I…”

Just when those American people were sitting in front of the TV, entering the state, planning to take a good look at what the president was going to say, suddenly the picture turned… into the seventeen forbidden pictures of His Excellency the President… Sleeping, I have to say, that female intern grew up really well…

Well, the tissues that have long been prepared are useful again…

At this time, His Excellency the President, who knows nothing about this, is still making his own declaration of war speech…

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