Chapter 402!

“………… To sum up, we have reason to suspect that the Neon First Fleet is waiting for those fleets that have left the Australian continent and are here… Over here…… And here, conduct joint landing operations!! ”

In the White House, an Army lieutenant general from the Joint Chiefs of Staff is telling the president about the military’s conjectures…

“I know…” the president of the United States said with a depressed face, “but – it takes time to mobilize the fleet from other places… The warship he is not an airplane, it will only take a couple of hours to arrive… Three days later!! ”

“But when the fleet arrives, we will become very passive!!” The military lieutenant general said helplessly: “This war is really too sudden… We did not have enough time to lay out all sorts of fortifications to block the landing in those places… And those places are bustling urban areas, and it takes time to evacuate the crowds… But what we lack is time!! ”

Speaking of this, the lieutenant general took out a satellite photo from the handbag he carried with him and handed it to the president. “Please take a look at this…”

“This is??” The president took the photo with some curiosity and looked at it…

Above is the background color of a sea, in the ocean, hundreds of small white dots dotted with stars, dotted in it…”What is this?” ”

“This is the picture we took of the Australian fleet…” the vice admiral said, pointing to the map: “When we captured this picture, they had finished resupplying Hawaii five days ago and were coming to our west coast…”

“…”The president was helpless…

Some people say, why does the United States have so many military bases overseas, isn’t it enough to send some casually?

You know, this is not the present world, but the unrecognizable world that has been tampered with by Zhou Ye…

With Zhou Ye here, how easy is it to talk about if the United States wants to arrange hundreds of military bases around the world like in this world? And – you know, now the boss in the international world is neon, not the United States…

At this time, the United States can only be said to be the boss of European countries…

No way, who called them the same species?

Ahem… Pulled away…

Hearing the words of the lieutenant general, the president was dumbfounded for a while… Hawaii left five days ago?? That is to say… In a day at most, this huge fleet will be able to reach the west coast of the United States??

What is the West Coast? It is the economic center of the United States…

Los Angeles – San Francisco – even Seattle, etc., are located on the west coast of the United States… This Nima, what about the pit daddy??

“I…” the president sighed helplessly…”What do you want me now??”

He can understand the anxiety of the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, after all… In the past few hundred years, even if the United States has rarely had wars on their homeland… Out of the past, their suzerainty Empire had sent fleets to bombard their former capital when they were independent, and other times… Their homeland is safe.

However, now, this security brought by the unique geographical environment has been seriously threatened…

A neon fleet is gaining momentum, ready to attack their homeland… If these fleets really open the door to the United States, maybe when the time comes… Even if these neon people could be driven into the sea, the important cities on their west coast would suffer incalculable losses.

“Our military’s advice is… Dispatch of strategic bombers… Or, directly with medium-range ballistic missiles…”

Hearing the words of the lieutenant general, the president hesitated…

Although the lieutenant general said very vaguely, in fact, it was to ask him to sign a presidential decree allowing the use of nuclear weapons…

As a national last resort, the use of nuclear weapons is no joke…

This thing, you have me too… Once Pandora’s box is opened, I am afraid that it will not be so simple to want to close it.

“…… Have you considered the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons? The president asked.

“Considered… But we recommend using clean nuclear warheads, so that we can cover up the past for other reasons…” The vice admiral swore solemnly: “As long as this fleet is destroyed, then the threat to our homeland will be lifted, and then our fleet can block that sea area…”

“Let me think again…” At this time, the president hesitated…

It is simple to say that the use of nuclear bombs is simple, but – one bad trouble, he will become a sinner for the entire human race…

As long as he uses nuclear weapons, there is no reason for the Neon Empire not to use nuclear weapons, you know, the first nuclear bomb was detonated by the Neon Empire…

Neon as a supernuclear power, the number of nuclear weapons stored is definitely far superior to that of other countries…

In the face of the president’s hesitation, the lieutenant general did not rush… Instead, he smiled slightly: “Okay, Mr. President, I will wait here for you to make the final decision… Also, please don’t forget that the winner is not to blame, only the loser will be judged!! ”

After saying this, the lieutenant general sat on the sofa next to him… Slowly and leisurely drank the coffee that had already been cold…

Time passed minute by minute…

The president is still unable to make a decision…

However, at this time… The mobile phone in the lieutenant general’s arms rang.

He took out the phone and put it to his ear…”Hey… I’m Lieutenant General Harlan… What the? What did you say?? The Australian fleet has already converged with the Neon First Fleet?? Okay, I see…”

The lieutenant general hung up the phone while speaking… Then walked over to the president’s table…”Sorry, Mr. President, I’m going back to the Pentagon… The two fleets have already converged, and I’m going to prepare for the upcoming attack…”

Saying this, he took a deep look at the president, “I hope that when we meet again, it will not be the time for you to sign the defeat certificate… You know, when the time comes, you may become the only president in the history of the United States to sign the surrender of defeat in the war… I think it’s probably more memorable than your XXX film…”

Hearing the words of the lieutenant general, the president also made a decision at this moment…

Not to use is to die, to use or to die…

The difference is – if you use it, you may not die… As long as it is properly disguised…

Thinking of this, he slowly asked, “Are you sure you will cover everything up properly?” ”

“That’s right, trust us… We’re very good at this!! The lieutenant general said with a smile, he knew… Their own purpose has been achieved.

“Okay then!! I will sign the order!! The president sighed weakly…

“It’s a wise choice, Mr. President… You will surely be on Capitol Hill to receive the people’s victory cheers!! ”

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