Chapter 405!

“Well, I see… Gentlemen…” Looking at the results of the vote, the president smiled helplessly…

He said with a bitter smile to the entourage beside him: “Help me pick up the neon royal family…”

“That… I’m sorry, Mr. President…” the attaché said cautiously, “Because of the state of war, all official channels of communication with the Neon Empire have been cut off…”

“If there is no official channel, it is to find a private channel, I don’t care what method you use, even if you find a third-party country to transfer, you have to contact the neon emperor for me…”

“Yes… I understand!! The attaché was startled and hurriedly ran out with a cigarette…

A moment later, he relayed to the president that it had been connected…

How did it connect?

Transit through a third party, of course… Isn’t there still a neutral country of Hua Guo??

After connecting, the president of the United States hesitated for a moment and said: “Hello, Your Excellency, I am…”

Before he finished speaking, a cold female voice came from over there: “I know who you are, Your Excellency, please contact us now, is there anything wrong?” Ah…… Are you going to locate me by phone, determine my location, and then drop a nuclear bomb on me? ”

Hearing these prickly words, the president couldn’t help but laugh bitterly… And drop a nuclear bomb… Now most of the country in the United States has turned into a polar region, who to lose? “I’m sorry, Your Excellency, but I think there may be some minor misunderstanding between our two countries…”

“There is no misunderstanding, some are only greed and struggle…”

“I think we should probably sit down and talk, of course… It would be better if you could put your secret weapon away first!! ”

“There is only one winner between us, either me, or you… Maybe you can try using all your remaining nuclear bombs for a Jedi counterattack? ”

Listening to the mockery in the words, the president was helpless…

And the Jedi Strikes Back??

All nuclear facilities on combat duty have lost contact… How does the Jedi fight back??

Now the time required to pull a nuclear warhead from a nuclear warehouse, load it onto a missile, and then fill it with fuel is definitely much more than five hours…

However, in five hours, the United States will become a country of ice… Who will fight back then??

A nuclear facility on combat readiness is the kind of facility that can guarantee that a second counterattack can be carried out when its own local nuclear facilities are hit by a fatal blow and cannot be counterattacked…

However, such a nuclear facility was immediately made out of contact by Neon with unknown means… How??

After taking a deep breath, the president said helplessly: “Sorry, Your Excellency, we surrender unconditionally!!” ”

After saying this… His whole person was like a deflated leather ball, and he almost didn’t collapse to the ground…

The attaché next to him hurriedly came over and helped him…

“Good!!” The voice of the emperor also came from the phone, “In order to ensure that your country will not backtrack, we will still place our secret weapon in the United States… Until all the surrender ceremonies are completed!! ”

“I see!!” After saying this, the president completely fainted…

In a word, he really became the first president in the history of the United States to sign the unconditional defeat document…

Two days later, neon emperor Zhou Chuer, escorted by the neon Royal Air Force, flew to Washington, D.C., and at the White House, signed a defeated treaty with the president of the United States…

The defeat treaty stipulates that, in view of the irrational behavior of the United States, the United States is prohibited from possessing nuclear weapons and that all existing nuclear weapons will be destroyed under neon supervision… At the same time, strict screening of various nuclear facilities…

At the same time, the United States has no right to retain its army, and the security of their homeland is assumed by the Neon Third and Seventh Corps, which will soon be stationed in the United States, and at the same time… All California, Nevada, and Arizona, as well as Utah and New Mexico, which have been frozen to death, are administered by the Neon Empire and have the right to garrison.

As soon as this agreement came out, the world was shocked…

Countries can’t believe their eyes…

The United States lost just like that?? Less than a week after the declaration of war, the United States announced its surrender??

This Nima is too nonsense, right?

In this regard, the president of the United States, who has already stepped down, kept silent…

He would never say, in fact, he had already pressed the nuclear button when he realized that it was about to end, but – nothing happened… Since you have already surrendered, don’t talk about such things anymore, if you say it, it will only fall into the hands of others.

This is also why he so readily proposed unconditional surrender…

However, other countries don’t know…

They only saw that the United States launched a nuclear bomb – self-detonated…

Neon dispatched a secret weapon and froze to death people from several states in the United States…

And then……

The United States surrendered… The United States played the GG…

Suddenly, spies from various countries ran towards Neon and the United States… They desperately want to figure out what neon’s secret weapon really is… And why didn’t the United States use the last nuclear weapons…

However, no matter how much they wanted to break their heads, they couldn’t imagine that the secret weapon of neon was actually Emperor Shenye hundreds of years ago…

In fact, it was just Zhou Ye’s cold aura…

That skill that was originally an aura class, after Zhou Ye obtained the Heart of Magic, it became a country-destroying skill.

To be honest, Zhou Ye was actually driving the halo skill, and the United States flew for a while to look at the scenery… It forced the United States to play GG…

Ahem… Let’s talk about the European countries.

After the United States, European countries also hesitated between surrendering and not surrendering…

Some people clamore to live with the country, others clamore for everyone to want peace and oppose war…

All in all a mess.

In the end, France set an example… He was the first to announce that he was going to fight Neon to the death…

For a time – the entire French cotton jacket was sold out…

No way, the affairs of the United States cannot be concealed… The ice in those states hasn’t melted yet…

It’s just a pity… No matter what they buy… For Zhou Ye’s cold aura, it was useless…

Play the same old trick…… After Zhou Ye drove his aura around France again… France announced its unconditional surrender.

After the two baby looks were erected, several other countries… Also all surrender the surrender, show goodwill… For a time, the entire international community was peaceful…

As for the small countries that used to help??

Hehe…… One by one, they can’t wait to hold neon thighs and cry that they are also bitter…

However, no matter how they cry, it is useless… All sorts of sanctions against them went down… You know, at this time, as a victorious country, Neon has really done a word in the international arena, and no one dares to say a word…

And France and the United States of America still belong to the neon protectorate, of course, they have to follow in the footsteps of the neon boss… The economic situation of those small countries that had just improved suddenly plummeted… Alas, why owe it??

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