Chapter 445!

When the first rays of dawn, through the transparent glass window, shone on Emi Okura’s cheeks, she… I opened my eyes…

As soon as she moved her body slightly, she felt an unbearable pain coming from below…

As the pain entered her mind, Emi Okura remembered the crazy scene last night…

If at the beginning, Zhou Ye had a trace of semi-compulsive nature, then later… She was completely on her own initiative…

Remembering my own unbearable scene… Emi Okura wanted to get into the cracks in the ground.

However, she can’t drill the cracks in the ground, but… She can still drill the quilt… Thinking of this, she quietly burrowed into the quilt… However, halfway through, she had to stop…

Because, she felt like her feet touched someone…

“Who is kicking me…” With the sound, a small head came out of the quilt at Emi Okura’s feet… After she rubbed her eyes, her gaze happened to meet Emi Okura…”Senior, senior…”

“Nanami… Ohaa Seeing this familiar face, Emi Okura was a little embarrassed to say hello to Nanami.

“Senior, Oha…” Nanami replied in a daze after saying good morning… Suddenly, as if remembering something, he complained: “Senior was too much last night, he actually helped that scoundrel bully me together…”

“Ha, hahaha… That one…… The weather is really nice today!! “Emi Okura looked at him, no way… Yesterday she did go a little too far…

Not only did he become crazy later, but he also pulled Nanami crazy together…

“It hurts so much…” At this time, Nanami felt the pain coming from her body, she couldn’t help frowning, her little face was about to wrinkle into buns…

“Shh, be quiet…”



“Oh, sister, why are you knocking me on the head…”

“It’s all told you to be quiet…” Kuribayashi Shinai looked at his sister who was rubbing his head with an aggrieved face, and said in a bad way: “Yejun was already very tired yesterday, let him rest for a while… What if you shout like this and wake Yejun up? ”

“But, it really hurts there…” Hearing her sister’s words, although Nanami was still complaining, her voice was unconsciously lowered a lot…

In any case, after that crazy scene last night, her heart was unconsciously filled with a shadow…

“You deserve it…” Hearing his sister’s words, Kuribayashi Shino rolled his eyes unhappily, “Last night, Ye-kun said that he wanted to help you heal it, and it was you who insisted on being a hero and learning Emi-chan!” ”

“But… I really think what the seniors said makes sense! Nanami said aggrievedly: “The first time is a woman’s indelible medal, a woman’s most cherished memory, how can Ye use his non-human method to treat me?” Wouldn’t that be putting the cart before the horse…”

“So… You will give me the consequences of being a hero! ”

Although she agreed with her sister’s words, and the first time, she also rejected her man’s offer to use spells to help her heal, but… If you dare to say such a big word, you must bear the consequences, otherwise, isn’t it completely the consciousness of a half-hanged man?

At this time, the topic of conversation mentioned in the two sisters, Emi Okura, also turned around embarrassedly and looked at Shino Kuribayashi…”That… Good morning, Captain Kuribayashi! ”

“Just call me Shino…” Hearing Megumi’s words, Shino smiled and pointed to Zhou Ye, who was sleeping between the two, “We didn’t distinguish each other last night… Do you still call me Captain Kuribayashi?? ”

“………” Hearing Shino’s words, Emi’s face turned red…

Last night…… The three daughters can really be said to be inseparable from each other… Pulled out of this person’s body and put into another person’s body… The three of them can almost be said to have achieved an alternative intimate contact under Zhou Ye’s link…

“Are Ye and Yejun tired… Why hasn’t he woken up yet? Looking at Zhou Ye’s calm sleeping face, Hui Mei couldn’t be shy, and asked with some concern.

Emi is really worried…

You know, last night Zhou Ye treated them one-on-three… Although there is no emotional history, but – modern technology, it is easy to understand such a thing… As far as the knowledge that Huimei learned from the science and education films on the network is compared with her own man, last night – Zhou Ye performed too much…

No, it can’t be described just by the word too powerful… It can be said that… It’s all to the point of being non-human.

However, now seeing Zhou Ye’s still sleeping appearance, Megumi couldn’t help but worry, after all, as far as she knew, it was actually very laborious for men to do this kind of thing… She was really afraid that Zhou Ye was a little tired…

“Huh??” Hearing Emi’s question… Kuribayashi said with a disdainful look: “Ye will be tired?” No kidding… Even if we are all killed by him, he won’t get tired…”

“Then he… Babbling——! When Emi wanted to ask two more questions, she suddenly couldn’t help but exclaim…

“Senior, you…” And Nanami was just about to ask her senior what happened when she suddenly felt someone under the quilt with her foot… She immediately fell silent…

And Shino Kuribayashi??

She certainly won’t be treated differently… Of course, Zhou Ye would not let her go…

For a while, the three women lowered their little heads one by one… Without saying a word, let someone under the quilt do something there…

And what about Zhou Ye?? He had already woken up when Emi Okura woke up…

Just as Shino Kuribayashi said, just three women, just want him to be tired?? Is this a joke?

You know, when the family gathers… Women are four-figures…

Then he wouldn’t be tired, let alone three of them…

Soon…… In Kuribayashi Shino’s room, a trio sounded again… The plan of the day lies in the morning, and Zhou Ye, who does not practice in the morning, is not a good Zhou Ye.


The three daughters were honored to miss the breakfast time…

They couldn’t leave the room until noon…

It’s not that the morning exercise has been so long, but they don’t want to move at the moment… No way, what are the after-effects, you know.

And what about Zhou Ye??

After he explained that the maids brought food to Shino Kuribayashi’s room, and asked Shino Kuribayashi to take the two girls around recently, he plunged into the laboratory again…

Work and play… But, at the end of the day, work is more important.

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