Chapter 459!

Why would Zhou Ye ask Freya if she came to negotiate?

Because when Freya came, Zhou Ye didn’t feel the slightest hostility…

Besides, if there is a fight, do you have to negotiate first, and then start it? That’s too nonsense, right?

That’s why Zhou Ye asked Freya like this…

“That’s right…” Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Freya nodded approvingly…”My little love, you must know that when a person is in a high position for a long time, they will become forward-looking and desperate…”

“The drive and ability before becoming a god have become numb with the long life of the god…”

“And… They also seem to be aware that your army has the means to destroy the world… Therefore, many of them believe that negotiation is the best means… Of course, if someone negotiates artificially, there will be someone who wants to go to war…”

“If you hadn’t killed Hardy, they would have argued over whether to negotiate or go to war!”

Speaking of this, Freya glanced at Lori with a smile and said, “Among the main battle factions, there is the main god you once believed in-Omora…”

“I only believe in my men now… He’s my everything!! In the face of Freya’s ridicule, Lori did not hesitate to go back…

No way, even if you know that Freya is the god of the gods, the oldest god, but it is really difficult for Lori to be respectful to her… Who told Lori to just see her infatuation in her eyes and remember it in her mind?

Now, Lori has unwittingly treated Freya as an ordinary sister, not a supreme being.

“Don’t tease Lori…” Zhou Ye then asked, “Who else is there from the main battle faction?” ”

“There is also Zivmut (god of wide and order), Dancan (god of forging) and Milita (god of fertility and nurturing)”

With Freya’s words, Zhou Ye couldn’t help but frown, “Omora is the main war faction, I can understand this, because he is the god of war…”

“I can also understand the main battle of Zivmut, after all, I disturbed the order of this world!”

“Even Dancan’s main battle I can understand, forging and war have always been inseparable…”

“But, why is that Milita fighting?? She’s just a god of fertility and nurturing…”

“Because her old lovers are all in the main battle…” Speaking of Mirita, Freya looked disdainful…”You know, Omora and Dancan are her old lovers… Since both of them are in the main battle, then there is nothing strange about her main battle…”

“There is actually such a relationship between them??”

Hearing Freya’s words, before Zhou Ye could speak, Lori was the first to be surprised…

You know, she has been a priest of Omora for hundreds of years, and she actually doesn’t know anything about this kind of gossip between gods… What a dereliction of duty.

“Huh… What’s so strange about this!! Freya said disdainfully: “Why did Milita become the god of fertility?” That’s because she has too many children… Much – she herself can’t figure out who the father of the child is… In fact, I think she should be the god of technical women, not the god of fertility…”

“Well… It turned out to be a WRQ ah… Then forget it, her opinion is not so important!! ”

Speaking of this, Zhou Ye sighed…

“I think there are too many gods in this world… A lot of them make people’s heads big…”

“So what??” Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Freya blinked her big eyes, looked at her lover and asked, “My love, what do you want to do?” ”

“Let’s destroy them all…” Saying this, Zhou Ye smiled…”In this world, it is enough to leave only two goddesses… Freya, you are the sun god and rule over everything during the day, including agriculture, work, etc… And Lori, just become the goddess of the night, in charge of some things of the night, including what happens in the shadows, assassinations, revenge and the like…”

“But… It’s very troublesome to come down like this!! Freya blinked her big eyes and complained, “To answer the prayers of the faithful, but also to listen to the voice of all things… These jobs are too troublesome…”

“You can build a divine system!” Zhou Ye said without any concern: “For example, your sun god system, subdivided… It is the sub-god who is in charge of all kinds of major things, and Lori is the same, giving those priesthoods such as assassination to her sub-god… Wouldn’t it be much easier for you? ”

“Good way…” Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Freya’s eyes suddenly lit up…

She is the kind of person who likes to be high, but does not like to be busy…

And Zhou Ye’s words just opened a door for her…

What did you say??

Isn’t this the setting in DND?

Well, it doesn’t matter… Just let Zhou Ye borrow it a little…

Therefore, Freya and Lori began to eagerly discuss what priesthood was needed by the Sun God System and the Night God System…

And Zhou Ye was on the side, laughing and watching the two argue there about which god system the god of music and dance should belong to…

Freya believes that the god of music and dance should belong to the sun god system, because – the bards on the street perform on the street during the day, but Lori believes that the god of music and dance should belong to the night god system, because – music and dance belong to entertainment, and entertainment should generally be in the evening, after everyone is busy with a day’s work, there is…

The more the two women quarreled, the more fierce they became, and in the end they had to find Zhou Ye to be the referee…

“My love, you told Lori that the god of music and dance should belong to our sun god line!”

“Honey, don’t you think entertainment is more interesting at night??”

“Ahem…” Looking at the appearance of the two goddesses staring at him, Zhou Ye spread his hands helplessly…”You guys are thinking too early, right?” The gods have not yet been destroyed by us, why do you start to remember the priesthood of the people? ”

“I’m going to destroy them now,” Freya said, about to get up…

However, she overestimated herself a little…

Although she is a god, but-the body she relies on now is not as perverted as Zhou Ye’s body… So – as soon as she moved, she felt the indescribable sourness of her whole body, which instantly filled her whole body… So that she had to sit in Zhou Ye’s arms again…

“Ahem… I think…… It’s better for us to calculate this matter!! ”

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