Chapter 521!

I don’t know how long has passed…

Zhou Ye opened his eyes groggily…

A huge sea crab walked sideways in front of him with great force.

Feeling the emptiness in his body, Zhou Ye skimmed speechlessly…”Little thing, count your life today, otherwise I will take you to dinner today…”

At this moment, Zhou Ye suddenly heard the sound of the waves…

Wait a minute……

The sound of the waves??

I’ll go to your uncle’s…

Lao Tzu was thrown tens of thousands of years later??

The forest has become a sea of vicissitudes?

Resisting the discomfort of his body, Zhou Ye got up from the beach…

Turning his head, he saw that there was a reef-lined bay around, and the position he was in at this moment was on the beach by the bay.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ye was completely dumbfounded…

Isn’t it, the seaside here??

He was thrown tens of thousands of years later??

Wait, why am I so sure I’ve been thrown tens of thousands of years from now? Don’t you know the time of the system lady?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye directly sank his mind into his mind.

[The current time anchor of the host – through the first twenty years…]

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ye breathed a sigh of relief…

Fortunately, it’s just twenty years apart.

This Nima almost didn’t scare her father to death…

Since the time is similar, then I think the direction should be similar…

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye stood up and wanted to cast the [Awakening] skill to replenish his mana…

However, at this moment, there was another ding in his mind…

[Ding – the time point at which the host is detected, and a new task is released…]

[Ding-Green Hat Family Creator Series Combination Achievement Release – Since the host intends to green Tang San and also plan to green Tang Hao, then why not even Tang Hao’s father, Tang Chen, also give green? ] 】

[Ding–Mission release: I’m going to be the man of the sea god…]

[Ding——Mission description: Capture the heart of the peerless Douluo Seagod Poseisi of the future ninety-nine strong attack system…]

[Ding – Mission Reward: After success, you can get two tens of millions of years of God-given soul rings, and get the God-given soul skill – Time and God-given soul skill – cause and effect…]

[Ding——After the task is completed, you can get a series of title tasks – [Green Your Grandpa’s] mission reward – a soul ring for tens of thousands of years, and obtain the god-given soul skill – elemental control. 】

Looking at this series of task descriptions in my head… Zhou Ye almost drooled out.

God-given soul skill – time??

This thing has something to do with time at first glance…

And the god-given soul technique – cause and effect??

This skill is simply terrifying…

Cut off the cause, is there anything else?

The most subordinate and inferior god-given soul skill, elemental control, is also very compatible with his spellcaster profession.

This Nima is simply bullish – broken sound.

What’s more, with three generations of ancestors and grandchildren of the Tang family, this task itself is in line with his heart, so don’t say that such a good reward is given, Nima has to do it without giving a reward.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye had a lewd smile on his face…”This task, Lao Tzu took it…”

At this moment, Zhou Ye is full of energy…

He stood up directly and used the little mana he had just recovered to put a lava shield on himself… Then, immediately use the Awakening skill to restore your mana.

It’s just that the shield is because once the awakening skill is interrupted, it has to wait for a long time…

After all, this is not the Star Dou Great Forest that he has dominated for so many years, but a small island that I don’t know where.

It’s not okay to do a good job of protection…

As the awakening skill unfolded, a pale blue spiritual storm surrounded Zhou Ye in it.

The violent spiritual storm wrapped a certain magic factor in the air and poured into Zhou Ye’s body.

Five minutes later –

The spiritual storm gradually subsided, and Zhou Ye opened his eyes again.

“It feels better than ever…”

Zhou Ye clenched his fist and said to himself, “Then now, it’s time to start looking for Seagod Island…”

“As I remember, Poseidon Island is at sea… But the problem is, the sea is bigger… How do I know where Poseidon Island is? ”

Zhou Ye instantly entered the point of self-doubt… This Nima, the era without satellite navigation can’t hurt ah.

Forget it, find it in the dumbest way…

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye suddenly opened three pairs of ice wings behind his back…

I saw him lightly under his feet, with the gentle waving of those three pairs of cold ice wings… Rose into the sky.

Why not Arcane Wings?

Because if you teleport, it is not easy to find the target…

As for why not use Wings of Fire?

On the ocean, isn’t it silly to use the wings of fire?

Zhou Ye, who opened three pairs of ice wings, directly soared into the sky… He has to set himself a position first.

A moment later, tens of thousands of meters in the air, Zhou Ye stood in mid-air… Look at the sea below.

He couldn’t see any more islands except for the island where he had just stood…

But it’s okay, at Zhou Ye’s speed, it won’t take long to fly around the planet a few times.

Besides, once he opened his mental scan and searched the sea for some inhabited islands, it was still very simple.

After making up his mind, Zhou Ye fanned the ice wings behind him, chose a direction casually, and flew over…

The roar of breaking through the sound barrier was heard far and wide on the surface of the sea…

In fact, a few minutes later, Zhou Ye found a populated island…

Anyway, let’s ask first…

Thinking of this, Zhou Ye swooped down and rushed towards the island with a huge sound barrier roar.

At this time, on the beach of this island, a group of shabby guys also found Zhou Ye falling from the sky…

“This, such a fast speed… This, this is the title Douluo, right? ”

“Hurry, hurry up and report to the captain…”

A few clever pirates ran frantically towards their stronghold…

Ma Dan’s, they are just robbing merchant ships at sea, how did they provoke the title Douluo?

This Nima is going to end the rhythm…

In fact, without him having to report, the pirate captain, who was resting in the stronghold, had been awakened by this roaring sound barrier blasting…

I saw that a man wearing a pirate captain’s uniform walked out of the wooden house of the stronghold, looked up at the ice wings that shone brightly in the sun, and his heart was full of depression.

A titled Douluo came over to destroy me?? What a sin I have done…

Just as he was complaining in his heart, the reflection in the air suddenly disappeared… At the same time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Excuse me, do you know how to get to Poseidon Island??”

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