Chapter 565!

Looking at the distant figure of the little loli, Zhou Ye couldn’t help but smile and shake his head.

After all, it’s still a child…

Since the little loli went to change clothes, he naturally had his own things to do.

Washing, changing…

After spending five or six minutes to get himself right, Zhou Ye sat on the sofa in the living room, waiting for the little loli to come out.

At this time, the TV in the living room was still on, and the cartoons of the toddler Xiang that Zhou Ye had gotten were playing inside.

This thing is already one of Bibidon’s few childhood pastimes.

It didn’t take long for Little Loli to walk out of her room with Little Dance in her arms.

At this time, Bibi Dong had already taken off her somewhat old training clothes and changed into a black Lolita long dress that Zhou Ye gave her, and even Xiao Wu’s neck had an extra red bow…

I have to say that the beauty of Bibi Dong was already revealed when he was young.

The height of a twelve- or thirteen-year-old child, her long hair hanging behind her like a black waterfall, and her beautiful face with a hint of immaturity were enough to make countless people shout that they would not lose the death penalty for three years.

“Master, let’s go…”

Bibi Dong, who was finished dressing, walked in front of Zhou Ye, holding Xiaowu in one hand and holding Zhou Ye’s arm with the other.

And Xiao Wu obviously didn’t want this, she struggled to jump out of Bibi Dong’s arms, jumped into her father’s arms, and obediently nestled there.

Seeing Xiaowu’s actions, Bibi Dong wrinkled his nose and complained: “See the guy whose father forgets righteousness…”

Xiao Wu heard Bibi Dong’s words, a hint of blush leaked from the cute rabbit’s face, and then she deliberately rubbed in her father’s arms, and then gave Bibi Dong a look, as if to say: “I saw that my father forgot his righteousness, what’s the matter…”

“Okay, you sisters don’t make trouble…” Zhou Ye hurriedly opened his mouth to stop the two little ones fighting…”Make trouble for a while, we will be late.”

Hearing this, the two little sisters gave up arguing.

In fact, after getting along for so long, although Xiaowu and Bibi Dong are not sisters, they have long been sisters.

After all, in terms of age and identity, Bibi Dong only has a playmate like Xiaowu.

Seeing that the two little ones stopped arguing, Zhou Ye raised his hand and opened a golden portal.

“Let’s go…” Saying that, Zhou Ye held Xiao Wu and took Bibi Dong directly across the portal.

As he walked into the two little ones of the portal, he felt a flash of light in front of him, and then fixed his eyes to see that they were already in the core area of the Star Dou Great Forest.

It should have been the tip of the Lake of Life, but now, it has become a huge construction site.

At this time, although it was the time when the morning sun was just rising, the soul masters working in the construction site were already sweating and hot.

There are soul masters with strength, holding tons of boulders and building courtyard walls, and there are also soul masters of auxiliary departments, opening the soul ring and loading the state for a group of soul masters.

There are also soul masters who are biased towards the instrument soul system, using their extremely sharp instrument souls, on the semi-finished building, according to the requirements of the Black Dragon King, carving various patterns and murals on the walls of the building built by huge stones.

Around the construction site, countless strong and incomparable breaths are swimming back and forth.

In the mountains, in the water, in the sky…

From time to time, a dark figure will pass by…

These soul masters working in the construction site knew that it belonged to the figure of the 10,000-year soul beast.

When Zhou Ye’s golden portal opened on the top of the mountain outside the construction site, it did attract the attention of many people.

However, when they saw the figure walking out of the portal, they all lowered their heads in unison.

Although they didn’t know Zhou Ye’s name, they knew that this teenager was definitely not something they could remember.

That was a fact determined with the blood of several soul saints.

That was three months ago…

At that time, the Black Dragon King captured three soul saints from the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest.

These three soul saints were naturally unwilling to be enslaved by soul beasts like this…

It’s not about strength, it’s about dignity.

But unfortunately, the Soul Saint may be a hegemon outside, but in the core area of the Star Dou Great Forest, it is really not enough to see.

The three soul saints who did not cooperate very well, after being bloodily abused by the overseers of the ten thousand year soul beasts, had to start working honestly.

No way, these overseers are too bad, they don’t fight or scold, they just don’t give these three soul saints food and drink.

After starving them for a week, the trio gave in.

Well, in fact, the three are just pretending to give in.

They never really gave in, the three just wanted a chance to escape.

After observing for half a month, they finally chose a target.

Unfortunately, their target was Zhou Ye.

No way, who called Zhou Ye’s appearance so deceptive?

It seems that he is less than twenty years old, and apart from a strange golden teleportation soul skill, he has never revealed any other skills.

In addition, the big boss here obviously has a respectful attitude towards Zhou Ye, making Zhou Ye the best hostage candidate in the minds of these three unlucky ghosts.

When Zhou Ye had just teleported over, the three guys moved.

They took advantage of the fact that the Black Dragon King did not come and arrived, and their bodies were like electricity, rushing towards Zhou Ye, intending to hold him hostage to negotiate conditions with the Black Dragon King.

But alas, it is –

As soon as their soul ring came out, their soul skill had just been activated, and their bodies were still in mid-air, they were volleyed by Zhou Ye’s silent Nian Lisi.

The rain of flesh and blood that fell from the sky at that moment made these soul masters present unforgettable for life.

At that time, these soul masters knew why these soul beasts couldn’t limit their soul power and soul skills when they enslaved them.

Because, they are so weak… Weak, even if they don’t imprison their soul power and soul skills, they can’t escape.

This discovery completely extinguished the last thought of escape in the hearts of these soul masters.

They could only hope that the terrifying Black Dragon King would be able to let them go after the Star Dou University Park was built…

Ahem, a little too far, let’s pull the camera back to the present.

As soon as Zhou Ye appeared outside the construction site with Xiaowu and Bibi Dong, a tall black figure appeared beside them.

“Young Master, Ri’an…”

The black figure came to Zhou Ye’s side, bowed slightly to Zhou Ye, and said respectfully.

“Are you? Teacher Di Tian…”

Looking at the figure in front of him with a big back, gold glasses, and a black tuxedo dress, Bibi Dong Little Loli was stunned.

She had also taken Di Tian’s class before, but Di Tian at that time was definitely not dressed like now.

What the hell is going on here? Why does Teacher Di Tian look like this?

Bibi Dong Little Loli was shocked, and the eyes became O-shaped.

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