I am the King

Chapter 18

"Lying trough, Jiang Feng, are you ok?"

"Miss Zhao spared you so much?"

"Lunatic, are you ok?" Hao long also said to me from quite a distance. I listened to the people's comments and just shook my head with a smile.

"Is it really OK?" Until Zhao Xue lowered her head and said to me, "is it difficult for you, Mr. Zhao?"

"No With a smile, I waved to Hao long to show him not to worry.

"No?" When Zhao Xue heard this, she could put an egg in her mouth: "how could it not? Why did she let you go so easily when you quarreled with her in the corridor? "

"I have a good apology." I said it to Zhao Xue with a smile. I can't say, because I control Zhao Xi's secret, she let me go.

"That's right. If you don't have a good apology attitude, with Zhao Xi's character, you won't be easily let go. I think you'll drop out of school. It's good you didn't talk back to her. " Zhao Xue worried said.

I laugh, how can Zhao Xue know? If I don't know Zhao Xi's secret, I'm afraid no matter how I admit my mistake, Zhao Xi will not let me go easily. After that, I don't have to be afraid of Zhao Xi any more!

I'm just happy. As a result, I'm going to die. At this time, Wang Qiang, who is sitting in the front, called out with a clang voice: "Jiang Feng, are you late today? Do you still have the face to be stubborn with Mr. Zhao?"

"Screw you!" At that time, I couldn't manage so much. I stood up and pointed at Wang Qiang and scolded him! I'm careless and special. On Sunday, this evil pen stopped me and got a beating. I can't bear it. The special one still has such a wall in the class. I'm just a bad habit for him! Now Zhao Qian listens to me. Am I afraid of him?

"Hehe, Jiang Feng, are you a little too big?" Wang Qiang looked at me coldly and said word by word: "it's not comfortable to find someone to beat you, is it? Now there's a bag on your head, right? Ha ha ha! And Zhao Xue. Aren't you very good, Zhao Xue? "Yes?" Speaking of this, Wang Qiang burst out laughing, I can feel that the eyes of the whole class, brush a convergence in my body!

"Wang Qiang, I won't forget this, and you don't have to mention it. I'll pay you back sooner or later. " At this moment, Zhao Xue beside me gave a cold hum and said it to Wang Qiang.

"Give it back, what are you? It's just a waste! " Wang Qiang pointed at Zhao Xue like crazy: "yesterday I should have killed you both!"

"Madman, what's the matter!" At that moment, Hao long suddenly stood up from the stool and yelled at me. Before I could speak, he pulled up the bench and held it in his hand. He yelled at Wang Qiang: "I'm Wang Qiang, who is in charge of you. Don't be shameless!"

"Another grandson?" Seeing Hao long like this, Wang Qiang chuckled: "what are you? Compare with me, don't say I'm looking for someone.. "

"Ah But Wang Qiang's voice did not fall, the next moment, Hao long in the hands of the bench, directly swung in the past!

"I love your ancestors!" The bench, directly fell on Wang Qiang's head, but this time, Wang Qiang's face, immediately hit blood! But before he can react, Hao long has rushed up!

"Big dragon!" At that time, I was really anxious. How could Hao long be so impulsive! The reason why I didn't tell Hao long about this is that I was afraid of his impulse! I was beaten. With Hao Long's character, I couldn't sit still! This brother, I know exactly who he is. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Hao long to fight. If someone scolds him in time, he may not be angry. But if I am bullied, Hao long dares to kill!

I can't control so much. I hold Hao long, but Rao is so. Hao long still lashes out two fists. These two fists hit Wang Qiang's face, dripping with blood, and he was directly knocked down to the ground!

"Big dragon! You are crazy I yelled and hugged him as hard as I could. Wang Qiang was beaten, I feel comfortable, but I can't let Hao long continue to fight! Now I have a thousand ways to deal with Wang Qiang! Zhao Qian now has no words to listen to me, I through Zhao Qian, to deal with Wang Qiang, is not very good? But Hao long beat Wang Qiang. Can Wang Qiang give up?

To tell you the truth, if we want to be powerful and have no money, we can't have a confrontation at all. We can only fight him with our brains and intelligence quotient!

But I'm still wrong. Although my figure is quite standard, it's much worse than Hao long. Hao long is 1.8 meters tall and very strong. I can't even pull him! Just for a while, Hao long has kicked Wang Qiang for several times!

"I don't care about you. I'll kill you if I move the madman again!" Hao long kept roaring. To tell the truth, the whole class was silenced by Hao long, and no one dared to speak! It took nearly half a minute for these students to react and pull Hao long aside. I don't know who yelled: "go to the teacher!"

Then, Wang Qiang was carried away by my classmates, and was sent to the infirmary. After Wang Qiang was carried away, the eyes of the whole class stayed on Hao long.

At this time, Hao long was forced to the corner by me, but Rao was so, he was still breathing heavily, obviously he was very talented.

"Big dragon, you are too impulsive." A long sigh of relief, helpless face: "we have to use the brain ah."

"Move your head!" Hao long roared: "if I don't kill him, I'll count him as the one with the greatest fortune!"

"Big dragon, be careful. Wang Qiang can't give up. He is the one who bears the most hatred."

"Yes, Dalong. And when Mr. Zhao comes, he will be angry with you."

Around these students, also one after another said to Hao long. How can Hao long listen to this? He just sits on the stool and doesn't speak any more. I shook my head and patted Hao long on the back. After comforting him for a while, I went back to my seat.

As soon as I sat down, Zhao Xue laughed beside me: "brother, it's good for you to have such a brother. Otherwise, talk to Hao long and you two should be my brothers! Ha ha

"Forget it..." I waved, Zhao Xue in Hao Long's heart, the impression is not very good, and can be said to be quite bad. It's impossible for Hao long to be Zhao Xue's brother.

I lay on the table for a while, about five minutes, Zhao Xi went to the class, sure enough, as my classmates thought, the first thing into the class, Zhao Xi began to get angry, thump the class door, that loud noise, shock people eardrum are some pain!

"Bang!" Just for a moment, the class was surprisingly quiet! Who dares to talk? Not even one dare to look at Zhao Xi!

At this time, Zhao Qian had changed her clothes. A purple dress over the knee. There is a transparent high-heeled shoe under the foot. Look around the class: "Wang Qiang."

"Wang Qiang... Wang Qiang was sent to the infirmary..." a man with glasses sitting in the first row said. This boy is the League Secretary of our class. He went to find Zhao Xi just now.

"All right, now it's very powerful. It's in class, isn't it? Come on, Hao long, come out for me! " Zhao Qian points to Hao long and shouts. Hao long is so scared that she has to stand up and go out.

But at the same time, I stood up. Follow Hao long closely. The reason why I went out was that I was afraid that Zhao Xi would pick up Hao long. With me, Zhao Xi naturally didn't dare to do anything to Hao long. But I didn't expect that Zhao Xue, who was beside me, thought I was going to find Zhao Qian and took the initiative to bear the mistake. After all, this incident was caused by Wang Qiang's scolding me and Zhao Xue first. As a result, Zhao Xue also stood up and went out with Hao long and me.

Hao Long's face is not good, but Zhao Xi's face is worse! She only asked Hao long to come out alone, but she didn't expect Zhao Xue and I to come out, but she didn't dare to say me. I had to turn around and walk to the corridor.

When Hao long got to the corridor, he lowered his head.

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