I am the King

Chapter 22

"Child, have you been close to your head teacher recently?" The old man looked at me with a smile and said it.

what?! I admit that after listening to this sentence, I have been completely blinded!

"Hum!" At that moment, my heart has set off waves! Move your eyes to my father a little bit. How can this old man have so much strength? It's impossible at all. I was so emotional just now that I threw those arms. I'm afraid that all the young and strong guys would be thrown away by me. But this old man... Until the old man finished, his hand slowly released me, but I still looked at the old man motionless.

Am I a little close to the head teacher? Is it a bit... I gulped down a mouthful of saliva. If the old man said this to me three days ago, I must think she was teasing me. But now

Zhao Qian is listening to me now. Isn't it intimate? But this matter, in addition to me and Zhao Xi, no third person knows, right? Even Hao long doesn't know! The old man couldn't follow me, because when I threatened Zhao Xi, I was in the office, and I didn't even have a camera! How could she know!

My eyes moved up and down on the old man and looked at my father. My father also looked at me, silent for half a minute: "son, what's the matter?"

"No... nothing..." my heart fluttered. Even if I was killed, I didn't dare to tell my father that I was really close to the head teacher. I just gave a wry smile: "it's OK, it's ok..."

"OK, you go to your mother. I'll talk to the Taoist priest for a while." My father waved at me. Until this time, how can I go? I have to find out how the old man knows! Is she really so powerful?

No wonder my father was brainwashed. I'm dubious when the old man said this!

"Dad, I'll be with you." I really want to look around and carry the amulet in my pocket. My father did not care about me, but looked at the old man and said with a smile: "Taoist, I want to ask, when will our family get rich?"

"I didn't tell you, it's not. If I could, I would have done it for myself! " The old man said helplessly: "I tell you, you are predestined relationship with me, otherwise, I can't tell you so much. Your son is very good. How about I take your son as an apprentice and you give me 200000 yuan? "

Speaking of this, the old man looked at my father with a smile.

"Ah?" Don't talk about my father. Even I have a big mouth. How much? Two hundred thousand? Paralyzed, I just surge of interest, completely swept away, I took my father away. This time, my father did not struggle, 200000? Is this fun?

"I'm sorry, Taoist. I don't have so many in my family. I'll go first. We'll meet when we have a chance." Speaking of which, my father gave me a fist and left with me.

"200000, how dare you ask for it..." my father muttered, "but she is right. But we don't have so much money in our family. Well

My father sighed helplessly and walked into the community. He turned his head and looked at me again: "no, how did you go home? Didn't you go to school?"

"This is not my mother to call me, I quickly came back..." I wry smile, said to my father.

"Nonsense! Your mother knows nothing every day. Go, go back to school. " My father waved his hand impatiently, opened the door and went straight upstairs. I saw my father go, trot all the way back to the gate of the community.

No, I have to figure out what's going on! I thought in my heart, but when I got to the gate of the community, I looked around for several circles, where was the figure of the old man?

"Alas..." I sighed. Did the old man leave so soon? I am a little upset, a person to the direction of the school, the result has not gone a few steps, heard behind the vicissitudes of life: "child."

With that, I felt someone patting me on the shoulder.

what the fuck! To tell you the truth, it really gave me a fright at that time. My heart was thumping and thumping, which suddenly came. Who is not afraid! I angrily look back, the results of a look, I was stunned. Behind me, there is an old man with a broken bowl in his hand. There is a little change in the bowl. Isn't it the old man before!

"Grandma, it's you." I gave a wry smile, looked around and found that there were not many people, so I asked: "grandma, I want to ask you, how did you know about me and my head teacher just now?"

I was full of curiosity, staring at the old man. As if the old man didn't hear me, he said with a faint smile: "I knew you would come to me. I've been waiting for you here. Yes? Think about it? Do you want to learn from me? " With that, the old lady laughed and said, "are you ready for 200000?"

Shit! I'm going to steal 200000? I don't have 20 yuan in my pocket now! I only get 20 yuan a day for food. I slowly put my hand into my pocket and took out a crumpled 20 yuan: "grandma, is 20 ok..."

"Are you teasing me? Twenty? You bring it first With that, the old lady held out her hand and snatched twenty from me.

fuck! What was my mood then! I only have 20 yuan in my pocket! I took it all? Fortunately, when I was drinking coffee, I took more than 1000 from Hao long and put them in my pocket. Although they didn't spend money, they were more practical.

"Then tell me this time, no, how did you know?" I sighed, no way, who interested me.

"I can tell you, but I'm a little hungry. I haven't eaten all day." The old lady took a look at me and said to me, "I see a dumpling restaurant on the opposite side."

Gee?! My face sank at that time: "I said, grandma, do you eat dumplings? You've taken more than 6000 from my family, and you haven't eaten for a day.. "

"Come on, I won't eat. I'll go." As a result, when I finished speaking, the old man was still in a temper. He turned around and was about to leave. I quickly cried out, "don't go, don't go, eat, can you eat..."

I'm speechless. The old man's mouth is too powerful.

When I said this, the old man laughed and said, "that's right. Don't call me grandma." With that, the old man tore his face hard!

"Stab At that moment, I heard a crisp sound, the sound, as if a piece of paper had been torn. Then, my whole person, completely stunned! Cold sweat, swish from my forehead fell down!

what?! At that moment, I was completely stunned! I looked at the old man in front of me, mouth open boss, Leng is unable to say a word!

I'm shaking. I'm shaking all over! At this moment, the old man in front of me has changed his appearance! It's still wrinkled, but the difference is, he... He

Resolute facial features, thick eyebrows and big eyes! This is obviously a man! Although he is an old man, it can be seen that he was quite handsome when he was young. Look at the old man's hands. At this time there is something like a mask, but this thing is the color of the skin.

"You... You..." I pointed to the old man, the body repeatedly back! This... This also need to say, looking at the old man's hand that thing, I fully understand in my heart. I was an old woman just now, and now I'm an old man. It's obvious that it's transvestite. Or, it's human skin mask?!

"Shua!" At that moment, I felt creepy! All over the body's hair stand up! This kind of thing, usually I only see in TV series, when it really happened in front of my eyes, I admit, I was really shocked.

"Ha ha, have you been deceived?" The old man in front of me laughed and said, "this is transvestite!"

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