I am the King

Chapter 2224

And at the moment when the sword broke out, the magic night master's look was also extremely cold, especially the eye catching eyes, which also broke out a sharp cold as a knife!

At the moment, magic night is still showing the intention to kill!

"Sister Li, take this opportunity, you go first!"

At this moment, in the magic night magic Zun broke out this sword meaning, towards the other side of the moment, magic night magic Zun is also quickly to the side of Li Li said!

"This..." hearing the words of magic night, Li Li still hesitated!

"Come on, now I deliberately and easily restrain him, and the attention of those minions around me is also attracted by me. This is a good opportunity. If you drag on and wait for them to rush on, you will have no chance!" See Li Li's hesitation, magic night demon Zun can't help but anxiously urge!

"Well, be careful. I'll go to other sisters and meet you on your way back."

At the urging of the magic night, Li Li immediately took a deep breath, and the shorthand showed its figure, turned into a streamer, and suddenly roared away towards the endless sea void in the distance!

"Damn, don't let the other run away!"


At this moment, seeing Li Li urging his figure to leave quickly, the Yellow rudder master could not help roaring. However, at the moment when he roared, the sword meaning of magic night demon suddenly collided with his explosive claw seal!

Suddenly, under the violent impact and vibration, the figure of the Yellow helmsman swayed, and then he was shaken back a few steps!



However, at the same time that the Yellow helmsman was retreated, he heard the roar of the Yellow helmsman. The strongmen of several purgatory islands which were closest to Li Li were also quickly urging their figures at the moment. They roared up one by one and chased Li Li in the direction of escape!

"Come down, all of you!"

However, at this moment, the magic night demon had already prepared. At the moment when the strong men on the purgatory Island urged their figures to roar up, the magic night demon also urged the power of the demon, and burst into the sky. The figure was like a meteor, coming first and hanging on the top of the strong men on the purgatory island!


Then, just as the shadow of the magic night God was hanging over the heads of the strong men on the purgatory Island, the long black sword in his hand quickly gathered the power of the devil God, and then burst out several powerful sword ideas. Suddenly, with the explosion of these powerful sword ideas, the void was covered with endless sword ideas, Then I drown the strong men in purgatory island!


"Bang bang!"

Suddenly, under the envelopment and bombardment of the sword atmosphere, we can see that the strong men of purgatory Island, who are enveloped by the sword of magic night demon, are also under the extremely strong bombardment. Under the vibration, they fall down one after another!

And at this time, because of the success of magic night, that Li's figure is still completely disappeared in the sky!

"Ha ha... Ha ha, little beauty, you've been cheated!"

However, at this moment, I saw that my subordinates were successfully blocked by the magic night demon Zun. After falling one by one, they were injured in varying degrees. At this moment, the helmsman Huang, who had stabilized his figure again, didn't have too much anger. Instead, he laughed happily!


Seeing the Yellow rudder master's proud appearance, the magic night devil immediately frowned!

"Haha, I tell you, when you touched that array before, the breath of that array has been left in your figure, and in this breath left by the array, we can easily know your trace through perception. Now, although your partner has left, the residual breath of the array on her body will lead us, We'll find your hiding place soon! Ha ha, you think she escaped successfully. You are wrong. In my eyes, she is leading us! Soon other helmsman's hands will surround your hiding place! Ha ha, how about it? Little beauty, now you know what will happen if you offend us on purgatory island

At the moment see magic night demon Zun stunned appearance, that yellow helmsman immediately incomparably proud continue to say!


Hearing Huang helmsman's words, magic night demon Zun was surprised, but also a little depressed, because when they touched the hidden array earlier, magic night demon Zun and Li Li didn't think so much, and they didn't realize that the array could still leave a breath on them!

At the moment, the magic night master also realized that the Yellow helmsman in front of him only brought more than a dozen subordinates, so confident that he had this move!


But depressed moment, magic night demon or decisive whistling, urged the figure, toward the direction of Li Li left to chase, but also urged the secret sound!

"Sister Li, don't go back to the island, don't go back, we have the breath of that array! The strong of purgatory island will feel it

"Ha ha! Want to go now? Can you go yet? "

At this moment, although the magic night master was very fast, the Yellow helmsman seemed to have guessed that the magic night master would suddenly break out, so at the moment when the magic night master roared up, the Yellow helmsman still urged a magic hand to come out in advance! At the moment when the shadow of magic night Lord rushed to the sky, the magic hand of Buddha also turned into a huge Buddhist handprint, whistling from the side of magic night Lord!

"Sure enough, human beings are the most despicable!"

Feeling the explosion of the magic hand of the Buddha, the magic night master immediately took a deep breath. After a cursing, the figure also turned abruptly. At the moment when it moved to the side, it also urged a magic power. On the black sword in his hand, it condensed a magic sword idea again!



Suddenly, accompanied by a strong vibration of the void, the magic hand of the Yellow helmsman was defeated by the sword intention of the magic night Buddha. But at this moment, after defeating the magic hand of the Buddha, the magic night Buddha lost his trace completely!

Because in this case, Li Li urges the figure to leave, which is the fastest body method speed! And at the moment when magic night master learned that he had been cheated, Li Li was almost on the island where he lived!

Moreover, when hearing the secret sound of magic night, the strong man of purgatory island at the moment also sensed the existence of the mysterious island through the real breath left by Li Li!

"Ha ha, you can't escape! Although you are very strong, but also can't fight with our purgatory Island, or obediently let go of it At the moment, under the successful block of the magic night demon, the Yellow helmsman was very excited. With a sneer, the whole body's Secret breath burst out at the moment!

"Hoo Hoo

At this moment, under the full burst of the Yellow helmsman, there were more than a dozen terrible Buddhist shocks. And those Buddhist shocks, under the convergence, fusion and separation of each other, formed more than a dozen magic hands! All of a sudden, the breath of Buddhist power burst out from the magic hands of more than a dozen Buddhas, just like the top of a dark cloud, whistling towards the magic night!

"The land of gods and demons!"

At the moment, he lost Li Li's message. Magic night master also realized that the island he lived with Li Li's six sisters must have been perceived by the strongman of purgatory island. When he realized this, magic night master was also completely angry. In the moment when the other party's more than a dozen Buddha magic hands roared, he also had a soft drink, and then he burst out the power of God and devil!

All of a sudden, along with the strong breath of dark gold, and the convergence, you can see the magic armor condensed around the magic night statue. At this moment, it suddenly changed. At the moment when the dark gold runes appeared, there was a stronger breath of terror!


At the same time, when the power of the gods and Demons broke out, the powerful tearing power of the gods and Demons also converged. In the blink of an eye, they collided with the more than ten magic hands of the Yellow helmsman!

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