I am the King

Chapter 226

But I followed Qin Xiong and was about to get to the door. I suddenly realized that there were hundreds of people lying in the trough. Would they be bald! At that moment, I trembled all over, hurriedly walked a few steps, ran to the door of KTV, sure enough, just out of KTV, saw a figure directly rushed over, Leng is so kneeling in front of me!

"My Lord!" Wan guangtou's eyes turned red again and yelled at me. But this kneeling, Qin Xiong and others behind me, are scared!

"Ha ha, get up, get up!" I quickly picked up Wan bald head. At that time, I was so excited. Ha ha! Originally we are now Xiongfeng Gang, a total of more than 50 people, but wan bald head to join, then we immediately become a big gang!

"Ha ha, brother Qin, these people join us, join us!" The tone of my voice was all excited, shaking Qin Xiong's shoulder all the time. Qin Xiong was completely stunned: "what are you talking about?"

"Ha ha, come in and speak slowly!" I yelled at Wan guangtou, and immediately Wan guangtou came in with these people. But there were two people standing there for a long time. These two people are Xiao Feng and Xiao Han!

"Come on, come on!" Wan guangtou saw Xiao Feng, Xiao Han did not respond, but also quickly called out. But Xiao Feng and Xiao Han, as if they didn't hear me, have been staring at me.

"You... You..." Xiao Feng pointed at me and said to me. I'm also frowning. I know why Xiao Feng and Xiao Han have such an expression. Because now I don't wear a mask, Xiao Feng and Xiao Han know me!

"What? Remember me I looked at Xiao Feng with a smile. At that time, the more than 100 people with Wan guangtou and our dozens of brothers were all stunned and focused on me. Xiao Feng and I have been looking at each other, the smell of gunpowder is quite strong.

"It's you?" Xiao Feng almost squeezed out from his teeth. His eyes seemed to kill me!

"It's me, so what?" I'm still laughing, a little bit close to Xiao Feng, in the twinkling of an eye, the distance between us is less than one meter!

"Elder sister, it's him who brought big brother to prison, it's him!" Xiao Feng is almost roaring out, the sound, shock of my eardrum are some pain!

"I know." Xiao Han said with a bitter smile. The tone is full of helplessness.

"Your elder brother took the blame for himself. He took my mobile phone and threatened my teacher. I was so excited that I called him like that. If you don't feel satisfied, you can come to me. Now, your elder brother has defected to us. If you join us, we will forget the past. If you don't join us, I won't be hard for you. You can leave now. " I said coldly. Looking at Xiao Feng with a smile.

"Elder sister..." Xiao Feng takes a deep breath, and after half a minute's delay, he still casts an inquiring look at Xiao Han.

"Don't worry so much, brother. The elder brother is really responsible. At that time, we had advised him not to rob the students' money. He insisted on going. Moreover, the elder brother is too lecherous. To be honest, it has nothing to do with us. We have done our utmost. Now I want to live with your brother-in-law. " Xiao Han said, holding Wan guangtou's arm. Wan Guang's eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Then... Then I'll join in..." speaking of this, Xiao Fengchang sighed and said with his head down.

"Ha ha! Good, good! " When I put my arms around Xiao Feng's shoulder, a group of people burst out laughing. Nearly 200 people went to the biggest private room of KTV.

"Come on, madman, tell me what's going on!" In the private room, Qin Xiong can't wait to ask me. I can see his excited eyes. I quickly told Qin Xiong. How did Zhou Bingna and I go to Nanhai city? How did I get up the mountain and fall into their trap. I talked about it for nearly ten minutes. That's the end.

Then I introduced it to the public. They are all men, and they all pay attention to people, so they get to know each other quickly. They get to know each other well after chatting. Qin Xiong put his arm around Wan guangtou's shoulder and said excitedly: "brother, I dare not say anything else, but I'm sure that when you are a bandit, you don't earn as much as we do. I'm sure that!"

As Qin Xiong said this, he dragged Wan bald head out of KTV. Ma De, the 200 odd people, found a restaurant, wrapped up the whole first floor and ate it.

The bandits like Wan guangtou are worried about their daily life. They never ate such a good restaurant. They didn't care about their image at that time. They just ate meat and drank wine.

It's true that men's friendship is built on the wine table, especially for those of us who dare to fight and are close to each other. No one is afraid of anything. A group of people have been drinking for four or five hours. Later, Qin Xiong said that if we drink like this again, we will lose our health.

Last night I drank like that. Today I have another meal. Who can stand it. But to tell you the truth, this meal immediately made the relationship between the two groups extremely close. This hotel is also close to our KTV. After drinking, we returned to KTV in groups. As Qin Xiong said, Xinlong, a boy, always takes Xincai with him wherever he goes. Xinlong is very kind to his daughter-in-law.

But I feel that Xincai is really good. It's much better than other women. At least it's very virtuous. Every time, it takes care of Xinlong and us. These brothers all cry out one by one. Everyone knows that after drinking too much, Xincai can cover our group with quilts.

But this time, Qin Xiong, Wan guangtou, Hao long, Xinlong, Xiao Feng, Xiao Han, and me, we didn't drink so much, at least we were sober. After we returned to KTV, we let these brothers go to bed first. And we went to a private room, because Qin Xiong told me before, don't drink too much, there is something important.

In the private room, Qin Xiong gave us a bottle of apple vinegar: "drink this first, wake up." Qin Xiong said to the crowd. Look around.

"We, as we all know, are the backbone of our Xiongfeng gang." Qin Xiong took a deep breath and said: "before Xiongfeng Gang, there were only dozens of people, but if you join in, there are 200 people."

"For this meal, I can feel that Wan brothers are really interesting. Anyway, I've made up my mind for this brother!" Qin Xiong laughed: "in addition, brother Wan, do you feel that more than 200 of us are crowded in this KTV, a bit crowded?"

"Indeed, ha ha, our Shanzhai is much bigger than this!" Wan guangtou laughs, full of wine gas, obviously also drink a lot.

"So the next step is to expand our territory." Speaking of this, Qin Xiong's eyes suddenly become very cold, and just now is just different!

"We're social. Money is actually coming fast. Among them, there are several methods that are commonly used in society: protection fees. " Qin Xiong said faintly: "the protection fee is the most commonly used social means, which is to protect those businesses, but we can't protect them for nothing, we have to extract profits."

"The second is to do business on your own. For example, this KTV, this KTV, was annexed by us. We can go to other gangs and occupy their territory. "

"The third is the so-called pornography, gambling and drugs." Qin Xiong waved his hand: "these three kinds, no matter which, are all windfall profits."

"These industries are the quickest way to make money. Now, our industry is only KTV, so we need to expand. We must go and wipe out other gangs! " At that moment, Qin Xiong's eyes were full of fierce light!

"Brother Qin, Qian Bao!" However, when Qin Xiong's voice fell, I called out all of a sudden!

"Yes. It's money leopard Qin Xiong nodded to me.

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