I am the King

Chapter 228

I really collapsed at that time! Yao Qin won't recognize me, will she? After all, Qian Bao is Yao Qin's husband! what the fuck! My head is buzzing. It's just a bad start. Before I get into the money studio, I'll see Yao Qin first!

I still have a jar of wine in my hand. This jar of wine is the poisonous wine I prepared in advance. I subconsciously took the jar forward. Although I have had several relationships with Yao Qin, Yao Qin is completely on my back at this time, and I am ready to move.

"Ha ha..." I did not dare to speak, just a faint smile, who knows if Yao Qin will recognize me when I speak! As a result, even if I faint smile, Yao Qin is also suddenly a Leng: "husband, what's the matter with you?"

"It's OK. I don't feel well today." I tried to make my voice as hoarse as I could and said it. Yao Qin frowned: "what's the matter? It's still fine this afternoon. It's only three or four hours. It's like this."

"I've caught a cold..." I whispered, trying not to expose my voice. Yao Qin was still in a daze, but she really didn't get suspicious. She put her arm around me: "husband, I want a LV bag tomorrow, but it looks good. I've seen it for a long time."


"Really, honey! Ha ha, honey, you are so nice Yao Qin was so excited that she suddenly came up and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Mu ma..."

Lying trough. I'm already in a circle. Unexpectedly, I pretended to be Qian Bao, and even had such welfare

I call that a speechless, at this time Yao Qin, wearing a purple skirt, the plump figure, revealed incisively and vividly. That temptation, it is a man, will be moved?

However, at this time, the two money gang members who had been at the door also found Yao Qin and I, and immediately bowed 90 degrees: "big brother, sister-in-law!"

I did not dare to speak, ah, back has been soaked in cold sweat, just a faint nod. But I still have to be very calm on the surface. Mad, if I was torn down, I would die here. You know, there are all money gang members here!

"Daughter in law. You call everyone to my office. It's urgent, everyone. Remember. " I took a deep breath and said it. I tried to make my tone very small. Only Yao Qin and I could hear it. Seriously, when I say this, I'm also worried. Who knows what Qian Bao usually calls Yao Qin? I don't know where Qian Bao's office is! Women's intuition has always been accurate. If Qian Bao calls Yao Qin his wife and I call her daughter-in-law, Yao Qin will be suspicious.

"Well, I see!" Fortunately, Yao Qin listened to me and nodded heavily.

"Daughter in law, take me to the office first." I said to Yao Qin, "my head hurts a little. Hold on to me."

"What's the matter, husband? Why are you so careless?" Yao Qin said quickly, put my arm on her shoulder and took me upstairs. I breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Yao Qin didn't have doubts. What's my headache? I can't find the office!

With Yao Qin's help, I walked to the office door. I also found out the terrain of Qianbao movie city. The first floor is the kind of snack, supermarket or something. The second floor is the video game city, the third floor is KTV, the bar is one, the fourth floor is the movie city. Qian Bao's office is on the top floor.

My palms are full of sweat. When I got to Qian Bao's office, I said to Yao Qin, "daughter-in-law, bring me your mobile phone. I have something to do. Please call someone quickly."

Yao Qin didn't even have the slightest suspicion. She put her mobile phone in my hand and said coquettishly, "husband, people really don't have an affair with others. I love you wholeheartedly this time."

Nima, listen to this, my bones are crisp, at the same time a wave of anger rise. It's obvious that Qian Bao must have peeked at Yao Qin's mobile phone when he found out that Yao Qin had a relationship with Hao long last time. I couldn't help it at that time. I waved to Yao Qin and signaled him to leave.

Yao Qin gave me another kiss on the face and left the office. As soon as Yao Qin left, I immediately turned off her mobile phone. Paralyzed, in case Qian Bao calls her later, I'm not showing up?

After turning off the machine, I locked the door and put the poison liquor on the table. Then he went out and called a staff member to prepare dozens of bowls.

Now I'm wearing a mask, and I think I'm Qian Bao. How dare that staff member not comply? They rush to find bowls. After a while, dozens of bowls have been taken to the office.

At this time, Yao Qin with more than 40 people, but also stormy came, one by one into the office, standing straight. Yao Qin came to me and looked at me with a smile.

I was sweating and paralyzed all over. Could I not be nervous at that time! They are all men with big arms and round waists! I gulp a mouthful of saliva, Leng is to drum up courage, began to open his eyes and say a lie: "brothers, I want to tell you something, I will take you, to destroy a gang, who dare to go, step forward!"

I control the voice, the degree of hoarseness, even I can't hear my own voice. I said this, immediately the group of money to help members, all together to step forward.

I nodded with satisfaction, secretly pleased in my heart, and continued to make up the words: "it's the newly established Xiongfeng gang. Before this gang, it swallowed Daquan gang. We're going to kill him. Come on, those who are willing to go with me will automatically get a bowl of wine and drink it!"

"I'd like to go, brother leopard!"

"Me too!"

"Brother leopard, I will always follow you!" As a result, my voice just fell, this group of people like crazy, one by one picked up the wine bowl, no one did not take! I watched these people drink wine with my own eyes. Ha ha, at that time, I was already laughing and scolding them!

After watching them drink, I sat in my seat and waited with a smile. Sure enough, within half a minute, a person began to shake, then suddenly froth and fell to the ground! This time, like a fuse, and then everyone fell like this!

"Ha ha, ha ha!" Lying in the trough, I felt like I was making a movie. Really, it was so cool. I saw Zhou Bingna yelling out in front of me. I slapped her in the back of the head and knocked her unconscious.

"Hoo..." I look at the people who fall in this room. I feel that something is wrong in my heart. I feel paralyzed. Is this thing going so smoothly? I can't believe it.

I gulp a mouthful of saliva, carry next to Yao Qin to leave!

I took Yao Qin to the downstairs of Qianqian cinema, took a taxi and went back to Xiongfeng KTV. The poison I put in the wine is arsenic. It's a large amount. It's estimated that those people will not survive. Ma De, only Yao Qin didn't drink the poisonous wine, so Yao Qin was just knocked unconscious by me. It's a pity to kill such a beautiful woman.

As soon as I got out of the gate of the studio, I called Qin Xiong. Qin Xiong and his brothers had already entered the money bath. There are more than 200 of us, and the wallet is only 70. I don't have to. Sitting in a taxi, I feel relaxed. But how did it go today? How can it be

It's smooth and even frightening.

It's smooth and even frightening. Until the taxi stopped at the gate of Xiongfeng KTV, I got off with Yao Qin in my arms and locked her in a private room. I just took out my cell phone and called Qin Xiong. But how to fight can't get through.

"Should be ok..." I thought. But the more I think about it, the more flustered I am. I don't know what's going on!

"Can't... can't... can't..." I muttered, still a little uneasy, went out to take a taxi again, ran to the money bath center! But I would never dream that it was because of my decision

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